Why do blacks do stuff and say stuff like this? Do they seriously expect people to take them seriously? Do they not know that every other race is laughing at them?
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someone needs to shop that pic so is says WE WAZ KANGS AND SHIIEEEET
Clan. Noun.
1) a close-knit group of interrelated families, eg: "the clan Macleod"
2) a large family, eg: "the Watts clan is one of racing's oldest families"
3) a group of people with a strong common interest, eg: "The Klan"
They are so much like white people, and yet so different that they cannot see it.
Massive inferiority complex.
no idea - is the nigga based saying "its just a hoodie" in a sarcastic way or does he really mean "pay respect yo (also i'm a nigger)"
can't imagine its the latter but i don't care much either way
i actually would have no problem with this, just respect your own first
the picture is """racist"""" in the first place because they feel closer to monkeys than everyone else does
Isn't it great how all mankind is united in a hatred of niggers? It's the one thing that brings us all together. It's touching really. No one likes them. Literally no one. They truly are God's cursed and despised of the earth. I think Satan made them.
it's the same motive that turks and muslims from the balkan have in my country. they work a shitty job, live in an even more shitty apartment with 3 kids but drive a big bmw or audi, because they think they earn "respect" by owning an expensive car (which is totally dead and obsolete usually).
they think they are something special just because they buy things they can't even afford or in your case just because of their skin color. pretty racist of them if you ask me
Inferiority complex in combination with widespread mental retardation.
We laugh at the whole "we wuz kangs" thing, but the fact of the matter is that those "people" actually live among us.
>the picture is """racist"""" in the first place because they feel closer to monkeys than everyone else does
actually it's racist because they think they are better than anyone else just because they're black
>Why do blacks do stuff and say stuff like this?
Because blacks literally were kings and (((historians))) have covered it up.
After the house of Stuart was the house of Obdjwengo
King D'vonte
King Tyrone
King Jamal
3 supreme kangz before Jamal was overthrown by the house of Hanover and scrubbed from the history books. You may have never heard of these kangz but they brought literally every major scientifical and literical invention to england an shit. stay woke.
Because blacks are kings and gods, they will resurrect, live forever, judge the angels, and reign over heaven and earth.
That's not diddy though. Probably a Sup Forumstard like always.
this doesnt seem right
You have to give them some credit.
At least they don't fling their shit any more.
ah freedom fighters. the name you call terrorists who serve your cause
that irony when the post is by a monkey named diddy
No, blacks literally do not know that every other race is laughing at them. Blacks lack reflection and self-awareness.
Why is that nigglet wearing white's clothes?
figure out what's going on here, if this was actually them maybe get the cia involved
even the posts in this thread seem overly racist for Sup Forums,
no one is talking about what is going on
Sup Forums racists confuse me.
I've never seen a bunch of talentless, neckbearded degenerates and virgin losers try so hard to be better than everyone. Like, at least elitist racists like Trump have some kind of platform to base their superiority off of. He at least has some kind of skill, money and usefulness in the world he can use to compare himself to other people. You guys are just a bunch of pimple faced Sup Forumssters with partime jobs washing dishes and crippling autism. How, exactly, race aside, are you guys better than anyone? Isn't this where the world's most useless people gather?
Is it the niggers you hate? Or is it yourself you hate when you sit at home on your computer alone in your mom's spare bedroom and you look inside yourself only to realize you're no better than them?
Something to ponder, hmm?
They're slow and probably don't know we debunked that shit and are using it against them now. Poor Kangz.
So is this where nigs get their inflated sense of entitlement and worth from?
shoosh Ahmed humans are talking.
He iz kangs
Sure thing Mr. Adam Smith
All I see is a polished turd.
I like this
I thought it was impossible. Modern science helps, I guess.
i thought ya'll niggas wanted to be judged by the content of your character.
Where the hell did the Kangz thinking originate? Why do niggers believe "dey wuz Edgyptian kangz n sheit" come from? I'm sure the Jews are somehow behind this. Also, what do they think being a Kangz means? Do they get extra welfare or something? 80% of all French people are descended from one French King, do you see the French going around saying "Nous étions des rois"? I didn't fucking think so.
ayo hol up muhfugga
>mfw even Abos and Pygmies hate nignogs.
I think its a legit nigger "invention".
They are the only people without history or anything meaningful to get credit from.
So they see that egyptians were tanned on hieroglyphs and decided that it mean they were pharaohz and shit. This is all they needed.
We are here talking about a subspecie with a lower IQ than some trained animal, and very high confidence. The lack of scientific proof is not a problem for them, since most do not even understand what is science in the first place.
It comes from afrocentrists claiming that ancient egypt was a completely black civilization. they believe this means they are a king because there may or may not have been a black pharaoh. Even if they weren't related to him, even if they themselves do not come from egypt etc.
It was some Jew subversion that failed miserably I think. They wouldn't have come up with that on their own.
You're wrong there, pol actually started this, not even joking, pol made the infographics.
This is the only place where facts can be openly stated without fear of retribution. Its frustrating to watch black people be astonishingly stupid on a regular basis and not be able to point this out publicly. This website is the pressure release valve for objective observers of negroid behavior
>When everyone is shit posting banter but there's actually 1 user who brings a logical thinking point
Seriously, what the fuck, everyone had sort of kings, whites, asian, I guess only abos did not. I don't walk around saying "We was Tzars, bow down, smerds!"
hello my fellow kang
We have a term for that. It's called being nigger rich.
Well, if you compare accomplishments and glory for various European ancestry to most of Africa it's hard for them to feel remotely proud, so they dream that they were kings of say, Egypt, instead.
Of course, to be obsessively proud of your ancestry is kind of pathetic on the part of any race. Most of us are the descendants of laborers and peasants who lived lives but didn't really bring much new or amazing to the table.
Only a traitor would question his kangz. kys.
When I got my first job at 16 and saved up my first 1000 dollars I was so excited and told my asap. He was proud but said to me with a smile "Congratulations son. But don't let it get to your head. You're only nigger rich now." Good times.
What actual kings do blacks have? I can literally trace my lineage to tons of late middle ages European kings and even St. Vladimir. Most Europeans could do the same if they had the records.
But what kings are the blacks descended from?
They almost certainly aren't descended from any kings. Blacks in the U.S. most likely came from the slave trade. Who sold these slaves? Black african kings. They are descended from slaves not kings. Actual black kings sold them to whitey for weapons and goods.
>you're prince soon to be a king dont let anyone tell you different.
that is like telling a mongoloid girl "you're beautiful and smart - don't let anyone tell you different"
Piglet on Niglet
I don't understand they are mad at whitey who freed them. No way black kangz would have freed them. Only under pressure from the muscles of Brussels did the slave trade end.
I mean...you're here, I assume forever. How Many of those niggerflags could there be. I sincerely doubt you're in much place to criticize any other Sup Forums user. Especially just for being white and useless while the rest criticize useless blacks. Worry bout yourself homes.
>banned on shitchan now i'm here
fuck off if that's really you, glad you were banned though
Negro Communists love the monarchy of racial politics over the revolution, remember this lefty/pol/
This, reminder:
The Colosseum is based on a larger African structure that was destroyed by the white hordes
Gladiators are based off African warriors called Gladiorgos that were slaughtered by whiteman death squads
Pizza is based off an African flatbread topped with locust-cheese called "peeka" from modern day Ethiopia
Catholicism is based off of ancient African spiritual practices which is sometimes referred to as voodoo by the white man
Soccer is based off an ancient African pass time in which the calcified innards of enemy tribes, wrapped in the leathered skin of fallen warriors, was kicked around between two baobab trees
Greyhounds are actually from Tunis and should be referred to as Tunisian African blackhounds
Ice is actually stolen from tribes that lived on the southernmost tip of South Africa who would harvest ice from glaciers that floated by, and yes, of course, they were slaughtered by whiteman death squads
Ravioli is actually a cheap imitation of an African pastry made from the chaff of rice husks and filled with a mash of gnats and elephant dung
Fascism is actually a bastardized version of the tribal rule by which the vast majority of Africa is ruled by to this very day
I could go on for days (the concept of day and night is itself an African ideology posited well before the sun ever rose on the blood-soaked hellscape that is called Europe)
Low self esteem, victim complex and eternal self-loathing.
>t. Nigger expert
dicksucking faggot
double-chan bans without reason regularly
it doesn't happen as much here because the mods don't give a shit and there are more users.
on that place, the userbase is so small that the mods can exert their power hunger and go through post by post, reading them and checking the rest of the thread for your other posts.
it's pretty faggoted.
Do African Americans really think they are descended from black king and queens?
They're saying "Black is Beautiful"
But as far as I can figure
Anyone who says that
Looks mighty like a nigger
>Why do blacks do stuff and say stuff like this? Do they seriously expect people to take them seriously? Do they not know that every other race is laughing at them?
Because everytime they do this, they gain a bit more cultural dominance / power /control.
White liberals will get offended on their part for no pay or thought, they just do it.
They don't really care about other races, as long as whites keep on caring about them being offended, nigs will keep on whining.
They lack self-awareness, they don't even know those are Western clothes.
What nobody ever seems to mention with the "we wuz kangz" meme is the delusion of the way a society is constructed. We all joke about the fact that blacks are wanting to steal somebody elses culture to make themselves feel better, but we don't seem to look past that. Think about what a king is, it's usually one person who rules over everybody else. So saying "we were royalty, we were kings" makes no sense. You were all kings? So who were the followers? It's like a bunch of blacks in the future saying "We wuz Presidents", when in reality the majority of them were just ghetto apes. Maybe I'm just stating the obvious here, but I don't see this point ever brought up.
Who cares about descending from kings? They only exploit the commoners anyway
Met Gala
reddit spacing
Apart from that, factually correct.
Spaghetti was also stolen, funny how consistent those italian thieves are.
It was robbed from an african dish of tapeworms which were lightly fried and eaten in a blood sauce. Italian's copied the look, but had no idea of the cultural significance or even the ingredients behind it. That's why italian food has no nutrition or flavour.
The structure of a medieval cathedral was even stolen from african Katralas, which were even more ornate, despite having been thousands of years old when the white man discovered them. These were destroyed and duplicated, although poorly, throughout Europe.
That's certainly one way to introduce yourself
It is funny because there was nothing racist about the shirt and only these black people made it about racism by projecting their own view of the world onto an innocent picture.
"White man, I am M'Kulu M'Nembe, king of the Halushi tribe, conqueror of the Evashi, ruler of Tahanga. I was blessed by the sun and the moon. And who are you?"
"I'm the guy who bought your ass for 10 dollars after you got off the boat. Now start pickin' cotton."
(((Diddy))) is rumored to fuck kids.
This is like manletts bragging about their basketball skills.
fug, fucked up typing "sleep"
they are kings and you will treat them as such, bigot!
it's not the first time i was banned there. i deserved it for general shit posting. but when i'm genuinely seeking answers and truth --- that's another issue altogether. i had considered dblchn to be a bit more up on things than here and felt that the appeal to the initial was well reasoned. the fact is --- noone wants to discuss the shit that's going on in palestine vs zion. too fucking real. the threads that go up here get shut down fast but at least i'm not shut down for a week.
Their reacting to this story.
damn K A N G, cant risk it
Wrong. They made the infographics to make fun of scientists and black supremacists that have been saying they were the original Egyptians and ISRAELITES since the 70s
duck sucking faggot