>To Your Eternity 021 (2017) (Digital) (danke-Empire)
To Your Eternity 021 (2017) (Digital) (danke-Empire)
>p018 (end)
Thanks, OP.
Painfully slow.
So its really becoming a battle manga?
Who knew a shapeshifting alien would be more boring than a deaf girl
Time for Gugu to become part of mr.immortal.
What're the odds he picks up the qt girl instead? I want to see more of her.
Then he learns the ways of the sloot. No morals or STD worries or anything to hold him back from a life of pleasure.
Waiting for the Hooker with a Heart of Gold arc.
Did he died?
I'm really not liking the official translation.
I don't know, the Sense versions have been bothering me more lately.
>previous page uses "died" and "die"
>somehow he asks for the meaning of "death"
Yea that was a little janky. Overall though, I feel that the sense version flows better, particularly with the narrations.
What really bothers me is the translation of Fushi's name as "Immo".
That's thinking with your perpetually injured body.
Thanks for the dump OP
>changing lead characters' names
I hate the entity more and more