What countries have you found to be safest in the upcoming world war?
I think New Zealand would be a good pick because of the geographic location. It's also a pretty neat country considering the ultra low crime rate and landscape. My only concern is the ANZUS alliance that ties the US, Australia and NZ, but they appear to be suspended right now. If the USA were to go to war with China, they'd probably just go through Australia anyway.
After war kicks in between 16 feb-16 mar and nukes in april you wont be safe even in NZ ^^
Isaiah Williams
no countries are safe
see you in antarctica, maybe
Brody Davis
>the upcoming world war? Please stop shoving this stupid and irrational meme down everyone's throat. NK is a meme. Nukes are a meme. War is never happening.
Jack Butler
>16 feb-16march >sauce for that claim?
Cameron Butler
kek, find it yourself, i will help you. goat wu blue triad lunar yin have fun
Nathaniel Robinson
>find it yourself Code phrase for "I'm talking out of my ass".
Jack Rodriguez
ofc, fake it till you make it.
Gabriel Gonzalez
It's not NK that's the threat. It's the mounting aggresions in the middle east. NK is just another territory full of untapped resources that the US wants to invade and so they antagonize them in the media to justify a war. The fat fag that rules the country knows that only nuclear deterrents could stop a full scale 'liberation' and 'democracy'.
Israel wants to expand and is going to use USA, the dog that it is in order to invade Iran. There's Syria, Iran, Russia and maybe China on the other side.
James Butler
look at where the elites are buying houses for the last 5 years. go there and you are safe
Your point? Do you want to give your life for your country? If you do, you're nothing more than a dog.
Gabriel Hill
That makes... more sense? But I'm going to Disney World so you're going to have to hold off whatever you're plotting until next year.
Isaiah Hill
Bump to probe for any other opinion
Brandon Sullivan
Switzerland. Bankers never nuke theirselves.
Asher Clark
fuck off they're full
Evan Morgan
>tfw probably live at ground zero for any potential world conflict
Jack Fisher
WWIII isn't really that imminent, is it?
Colton Ortiz
Uruguay hands down
Logan Moore
Pretty sure the Elites are settling in New Zealand and Hawaii
Liam Robinson
US can't take the North Korean territory. It would probably go to South Korea and I'm sure China doesn't like that.
Brandon Jenkins
of course not billy-bob, now go back to your monster trucks
Matthew Taylor
Nah. Remember: nothing ever happens.
Alexander Campbell
New Zealand is in the Trident chain of command, they will get the nukk.
Luke Clark
Anywhere in Cono Sur. Personally I will move to Ushuaia or Punta Arenas.
Aiden Cooper
Carson Watson
Ryder Campbell
nah ofc no, no wars never forever always peace and love.... Just wait till april
Juan Carter
>New Zealand >posts 60% face Good thinking being trapped on an island full of Maori niggers and coconut savages.
Eli Hill
Iceland, Greenland, some tiny island in the middle of nowhere Virgin Islands or something. The far south of south America. Innawoods
Ian Bennett
Micronesia, Kiribati, Polynesia.
Gabriel Stewart
Why don't you even consider fighting? It's simple: the enemy is there, allies are here, in the middle is going to be a fight. Winner then exploits the loser. Oldest shit in the books and you are already preparing to be exploited. Cheez.
Landon Nelson
>checking your own posts jesus dude, you're cursed now
Asher Martinez
Brussels, NYC, Rome.
Henry Gutierrez
he may be cursed but you're a gay.
Jack Diaz
Those places arnt safe the local populations are savages. Indians should head to fiji because there are slready a bunch of indians there.
Carter Stewart
Please stop shoving this stupid irrational meme down everyones throat. Germany is a meme. Blitzkreig is a meme. War is never happening, we learned our lesson after The Great War.
Jeremiah Garcia
ICBMs and MAD won't last forever Soon to be obsolete thanks to aerial interception tech Game on. Four of clubs.
Carter Brooks
entire balkans will be safe, the moment the big war starts we'll just shut up and run for the hills
Colton Lee
America. Fair amount of space. Surviving fallout is not that hard you just need to survive the blast.
Anthony Nelson
Kiribati and Micronesia aren’t even sewered Every time there’s a cyclone (a couple of times a year) they can’t even get drinking water.
You go there and you’re gonna have a bad time
Connor Cooper
no, no matter where the WW3 starts, we must defend our backs from bulgaria
Nathaniel Ward
Nobody ever said that in the 20s you fucking faggot
Julian Watson
Fuck off you reddit flag fuck, we're full
Ian Hill
There's the spirit. It never matters how or where the war starts. Only thing that matters is WHO is going to end it and WHO is going to dictate the rules from there.
Thomas Gutierrez
>entire balkans will be safe, you cunts will start ethnically cleansing each other as soon as ZOG's eyes are off you. I'm going to get a Sami wife and learn to herd reindeer and you all can die for the jews.
Gavin Hill
Republic of Zimbabwe Uganda Gabon Niger
Michael James
If ZOG makes us fight Russia, there should be some kind of secret Sup Forums signal so...nevermind, we'll either be nuking each other or at artillery range. I promise no torture and a quick/clean death if Russians will promise me the same if ZOG drafts me.
Isaac Gomez
The USA has “continuance of government” plans, DUMBs deep underground Military Bases. Many many other nations have these also. We only know of a few, NORAD in the Rockies, and the tunnels in the Georgia limestone mines. The most expensive house in the world is located on those tunnels in Georgia, the kicker is it’s not a very large or elaborate Home, which means it must go underground extensively.
Dominic Lee
NZ is no good, try australia. It's underpopulated anyway.
Ryder Brown
>China goes for US
user, China isn't barely a blue-water naval power. Most of their navy is brown & green water (gunboats, boats, small ships)
This isn't a repeat of WWII.
Isaiah Stewart
Any country is safe, if you submit, dummy. But don't submit.