What the fuck is his deal? Did Weed fuck his wife behind his back?
What the fuck is his deal? Did Weed fuck his wife behind his back?
Hes a little man with petty little battles to lose before he dies along with the ideals his little brain holds
This is a distraction goys. Remember the human trafficking eo? January is human trafficking awareness month. The storm is fucking coming lime a freight train.
Trump says he'll legalize weed if they let him build the wall and end sanctuary cities.
If he's willing to enforce federal law on states for cannabis why not enforce the second ammendment? I couldn't care less about weed.
Colorado cocaine fatal overdoses have doubled in the last year because the cartels switched from weed. Sessions will save lives. Deal with it.
Banning weed is the dumbest shit ever. Most harmless drug. Just find some way to test for it so you prevent people from driving high.
wahhhh wahhhh mommy took away my nigger leaf
Liberty hating Statist scum fuck off
I did. Sorry
Haven’t smoked the herbal Jew in a week and feeling great :)
look at him
now imagine every adult over 30 is exactly like him
that's how it was about 20 years ago and beyond.
He's what's left
People drive more cautiously when high and it's not like alcohol where it lags your reaction time. Worse I've ever done in ~50,000 miles of high driving including 3 coast to coast road trips was sit at a few stop signs for more than a minute thinking I need to wait for them to turn green, with no other drivers around to inconvenience and haven't done that in years
>What the fuck is his deal? Did Weed fuck his wife behind his back?
genuine chuckle...
Weed was researched by MK-ULTRA, and it was determined that it was detrimental to mind control and propaganda efforts.
Lmao and since when should you care about retards killing themselves? Drugs are now a thing for uperclass white people with the invention of the dark net markets, don't ban things because people retarded
I guess that's true when you're mildly high. When you're stoned as fuck, I don't think you can drive that well.
Fuck you too. Saving even just one life is more important than you having everything exactly the way you want it. Sessions knows this and he's gonna do something about it. Helluva lot more than I can say for you.
>saving lives
Friend, if your life is ruined by weed, or you die because of weed, it's quite impossible to save you, because you're utter retard.
Lives are ruined by actually making it illegal, which causes all sorts of nasty side-effects.
It is the sworn duty of the justice dept to save American lives. Period.
lmao Degenerate Untermensch needs his nigger leaves
Learn to fucking read.
good please fucking no knock all of these fucking dealers and bulldoze the million shops that popped up in like 6 months after legalization
sick and fucking tired of the entirety of downtown smelling dank as fuck every morning I drive past it on the freeway
Haven't smoked the Herbal Jew in my entire life. Get on my level.
>CNN says that Sessions is going to crack down on weed so I must believe it
Sessions simply authorised US attorneys in each state to act in accordance to the necessities of their state. It's unlikely in Colorado or California that they will outlaw it, but rather crack down on smuggling across state lines.
He tried weed once and it freaked him the fuck out so he is resentful/fearful-of anyone that can derive enjoyment from it.
People that have never been around drugs throughout their lives are extremely scared of even marijuana. "It stinks."
It's a twofer. First, he's comprised by the deep state, which in turn is behind the opium production pipeline. MMJ competes with opioids for pain relief. Second, his position hurts Trump. Trump is a populist and doesn't really care about medical MJ, but 70 million patients do. Many of these users can be issue issuer voters and will turn on Trump.
Great theory.
>its the sworn duty of the Justice department to lock you up in a private prison for money because you have a joint in yoht pocket.
it's a federal crime, change the law via the senate or get back to your shitty drug habit snoop fag
If only there were some kind of national law-making body with the power to change the law that the executive branch is charged with enforcing. We could call it, I dunno, an assembly, or a conclave, or even, a congress. But I guess since we don't have anything like that Sessions can do whatever the hell he wants.
>it's a federal crime
Federal government doesn't have jurisdiction on in state affairs.
And technically, the war on drugs is a violation of the 9th and 10th amendment.
The Wickard vs Filburn desicion on the commerce clause was unconstitutional, and should be immediately revoked, as it gives the federal government powers beyond it's scope.
Drug legalization is a state issue, not a federal issue.
the slavic lvl? man that low.
Do they now?
An individual, except the President, elected or appointed to an office of honor or profit in the civil service or uniformed services, shall take the following oath: “I, AB, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.” This section does not affect other oaths required by law.
(Pub. L. 89–554, Sept. 6, 1966, 80 Stat. 424.)
Legalize weed. Just outlaw paraphernalia for shits and giggles.
All the shit that needs to be done, let's go after weed takes top priority.
>... except f-for the m-m-marijuanas
We should take away everyone's guns aswell! Saving just one life is more important than people's freedom. it's what your founding father's wanted right?
the squatting level.
>freaking out over nothing
really wish the reddit stoners would go away
Tell that to ICE you wall jumping faggot
I tend to agree to this unless you've had an edible or something. The one time I ate weed (this was years ago in college...haven't touched the stuff in 5 years cause I grew up) I couldn't exceed 45MPH despite being on the freeway and couldn't turn off my windshield wipers because taking my hand off the wheel seemed fucking impossible. I was WAY to baked to drive.
It's a great waste of valuable political capital right now. Especially before the midterms
>Tell that to ICE you wall jumping faggot
illiegal aliens violate the federal border, and thus illiegal immigration is a federal matter.
Calm yo tits.