Groko coalition talks started on the 7th and will end on the 12th Majority of Germans prefers now a re-election over a Groko coalition or minority government. Parliament uniting against AfD, the only party whose members are actually present
Also, what’s up with rhyming all the time on AfD posters. Can’t they just say the shit they want without stupid Schuettelreime?
Lincoln Hill
that's a hot dude
Aaron White
She is a lesbian...
Cooper Brooks
ain't nothing a good dicking can't fix
Carter Diaz
>German "women"
Jaxon Phillips
>Bachelor in Sozialwissenschaften mit Schwerpunkt Interkulturelle Beziehungen What the actual motherfuck? >tfw currently live in Fulda
Ayden Martin
>Also, what’s up with rhyming all the time on AfD posters
Supreme marketing techniques my friend
Logan Scott
>What is happening in Wien?
We have a new and working government. I am silently laughing because Kurz, based as he is, is cutting gibs for the people who voted him and Strache into office. Instead of vutting gibs to the fatsos who work for the government offices ( beamte) who ludicrous amounts of money for doing fuvking nothing. He is basically trying to murder the austrian middle class by making is own Hartz IV and 1 Euro piss jobs so the statistics look nice. Kurz controls the media anyway, so people will continue to vote him.
Alexander Murphy
>stupid Schuettelreime Nimm das zurück, du dummes Stück.
Ayden Wright
reposting for the anons that haven´t been here
Jason Garcia
Hello, I'm learning German. What is the correct way of pronouncing the "ch" sound? Thanks.
Austin Diaz
i am uncapable of explaining you it on an non vocal forum. you should just search for it on youtube.
Angela Merkel REDPILLED milions of germans by opening the borders for scum shitskins. NOW ALL GERMAN SEE WHAT IS COMING AfD cucks would go with SLOW ISLAMIZATION far more dangerous! 2000 mosques were build way before 2015!!
Jordan Flores
>NOW ALL GERMAN SEE WHAT IS COMING A small minority does.
>AfD cucks would go with SLOW ISLAMIZATION far more dangerous! Depending on what part of the party gets power, that may or may not be true.
Elijah Jackson
>Mutti Merkel
Jose Martinez
rather convoluted attempt, Marek
Camden Williams
>AfD cucks would go with SLOW ISLAMIZATION far more dangerous! The only risk about them is turning into neocon good goys. The party has a legitimate potential of becoming ethno nationalist because it partially is already. The other part unfortunately is full of bankers and traitors.
She already saved germany! Now the germans are victims! All the fucking migrants scum are fighting each other ha ha h ah ha h ha Turk clans are desperate! They must fight arabs,albanians,afghans,niggers h ah ah ha ha ah aha
Tyler Young
Merkel is a marxist and is trying to destroy Germany from within
Easton Evans
Safet Babic? A fucking allah beliver and a party ful of former SPD members....bruh AfD is CANCER! TAKE THE MERKEL PILL!!! IT AWESOME! SHE DID IT!! GERMANY IS GONA BE GERMAN!!
Julian Anderson
They more than often got flack for their phrasing, if i remember correctly it was Poggenburg or Höcke who said "Deutschland den deutschen" (Germany for the Germans)
Media obviously fucking flipped shit about how its not inclusive enough.
Asher Phillips
>a true baitfag anyway...I'll bite Dude, Merkel is not so much in the 1488D chess game. Her plan is the Kalergi plan and the UN Replacement Migration paper.
Kevin Bennett
Is this the same bitch who said that ethnic germans becoming a minority in their own vountry is a good thing?
Gabriel Martinez
Of course, she is the true mastermind behind a humanitarian act that can destroy a nation, she makes amends for the victims all the time, foots the corpse identification bills to the remainder of the family and helps censor the internet if hateful speech is on it... truly a redpilled person
Can you shut the fuck up, you're actually letting her cuck you.
Charles Evans
>Deutschland den deutschen That was based Poggi, and he doubled down during election by actually having it as a campaign poster
Eli Flores
>imports millions of turks and browns >cant ever deport them since they have citizenship >germany becoming browner every day >german cities are burning no-go zones >Merkel fucks off to south america >"haha trolled! xD"
Christopher Nelson
Henry Fisher
No, of course not.
Benjamin Johnson
No, she is the lesbian that is at the head of the AFD.
Wyatt Rogers
Oh. Ok.
Michael Cox
Who of you was this?
>Die Autonomen-Szene aus dem Umfeld der Rigaer Straße 94 in Friedrichshain ist in Aufruhr. Denn in einem anonym verfassten Schreiben, das kurz vor Weihnachten an diverse Treffpunkte linker und linksmilitanter Aktivisten verschickt wurde, werden die Namen von 42 Bewohnern veröffentlicht. Es wird ihnen massiv gedroht. "Ihr denkt, Ihr seid anonym und keiner kennt euch?", heißt es in dem Brief, dessen Inhalt der Berliner Morgenpost bekannt ist. Außerdem drohen die Verfasser damit, die steckbriefartigen Informationen an die neonazistische und als gewalttätig geltende Gruppe "Autonome Nationalisten" oder die rechtsextreme "Identitäre Bewegung" weiterzugeben.
Henry Rogers
so...she is destroying germany by increasing german nacionalism by 1001%!!!! face it...people! She is already in history books FROM 2015 GERMAN HAS AWAKEN FROM SLEEP AND STARTED FIGHTING! ...schools,hospitals,criminal gangs..all that has been long before 2015. BUT NOW GERMANS ARE THE VICTIMS!
Andrew Scott
She isn’t the head of the party. She was just the top candidate for the 2017 election
German foreign minister creating facts by getting ready to open the flood gates of family reunification, despite there not being a working German government.
Does the German public understand the significance of this?
Joshua Peterson
tldr it’s awkward that austria already got a government and we don’t
Jack Wood
You're trying too hard, Marek
Ethan Gomez
Familiennachzug has already been set when fag marriage was memed.
Dylan King
Yeah,but now you got migrants ALL over world. No ethnicity is in charge! FUCKING BRILIANT! I would even bring more afghans, Turks fucking hate them!!ohh and Mooroco, albanians they are kiling each other...
Chase Hughes
Jeremiah Johnson
Now it makes sense. Jesus, there is a green party in every western country. One in australia. One in the uk. One in Sweden One in Austria And one in Germany And they make HIV/ AIDS infection sound pleasant.
Jose Cruz
Point taken. But at least they could not claim 4 kids and 7 other close relatives willing to accompany them.
Dominic Parker
>giving a flying fuck about degenerate dogshit moloch full of cig buds like Vienna
fuck Vienna
James Gray
the one in Austria is just a meme though
Joseph Miller
my siiides saved
Parker Phillips
>>giving a flying fuck about degenerate dogshit moloch full of cig buds like Vienna >fuck Vienna
imports milions allah belivers from all over the world,FUCKING BRILIANT! now they can knife each other! germany becoming nacionalistiv every day german cities are graveyards FOR migrants! ha ha YOU MUST LOVE MERKEL! GIVE THAT WOMAN A Pour le Mérite!!!
Luke Walker
All that commotion b/c the guy had a bust of Hitler? IDGI.
Luis Walker
Its Germany you wouldnt understand the giant stigma on anything natsoc etc.
Aaron Barnes
>The giant stigma on anything German. ftfy
Luke Davis
No, I get that, it wouldn't be ok to have a bust of Hitler in Brazil; I don't understand why everyone in that thread was apparently just hysterical, something happened to the guy when people saw the thing?
Sebastian Stewart
fair enough He lived with a chick roommate, some passive agressive sjw type and has a fucking hitler bust in his room. that alone is hysterical.
Jaxson Parker
its like saying hitler did nothing wrong in public in germany
Josiah Allen
Nathan Cruz
She is a lesbian with a kid adopted in Switzerland I think (or maybe it was ART).
Jackson Butler
If you ever hear her talk or the way she walks etc. no dicking will get the dyke out of her. she would more likely make you cut off your dick.
Justin Garcia
Fukken, the children love story
Blake Price
>regiert sondiert you idiots need to take a couple lessons from how Trump ran his campaign or how our right wing party does things. no wonder the AfD is practically irrelevant
Volker Beck und die Kurdische Gemeinde in Deutschland haben (unabhängig voneinander) Strafanzeige gegen den ehemaligen iranischen Scharfrichter gestellt, der sich zur Zeit in Deutschland behandeln lässt. Könnte das der Anfang von nem Happening sein? Zumindest Gabriel muss doch ins Schwitzen kommen, wenn seine Moslemherren angegriffen werden.
Connor Carter
Blake Stewart
War dabei. Hab jetzt erst gerafft, dass da Büste steht. Vorhin noch die ganze Zeit überlegt, was ne Hitlerbürste sein soll. Raff aber auch nicht, was das Problem daran sein soll. Sagt man halt die steht dort ironisch. Lappen ey.
Matthew Gonzalez
>Kopftuchnegerin und anderen komische tussies mit einem Plakat das alle Moslems verbannen will.
Die san scho a bissel deppat, oder?
Kayden Cox
Genug Propaganda für diese obszöne jüdische Clique. AfD sind weder völkisch noch nationalistisch; der Einzige, der es wert ist, ist Höcke. Die hässliche Lesbe und von Storch sind beide schändliche Bankiers und Zionisten, die denken, deutsche Männer sollten für Israel sterben.
Jonathan Myers
>Hitlerbürste That should totally be a thing, including the insinuating "Hope" soap
Matthew Cox
Ja und? Ich will nicht zwischen sie und ihren gf kommen ... oder vielleicht tue ich es ....
Adam Roberts
>ihren gf
Hudson Morales
>be stormfag >rant at every shooting chance to save Germany >purity spiral >having tattoo sleves and 2" tunnels in earlobes >looks like a cartoon Nahtsee >calls RuStaG autists """Kameraden""" >even rails against FSN for trying to build a bridge
Troll dir
Nathaniel Taylor
i seen a lot of this i follow the "polizei ticker berlin xhain" basically lists all crime in friedrichshain and kreuzburg in the last 3 years the crimes have changed from "accident between cycle and car" to "kiosk robbed by masked men"
thank you merkel (spit)
Thomas Peterson
>The other part unfortunately is full of bankers and traitors.
literally everyone except Bernd Hoegge and maybe Gauland
Aiden Miller
Fucking idiot. Tillschneider is perhaps the most based dude from the Flügel. You obviously have no idea what you're talking about, LARPfag
Isaiah Walker
Quick rundown of this bullshit? My German is very rusty and couldn't understand most of the article.
Julian Mitchell
There were going lists around with hundreds of antifa names on Sup Forums last year.
Good to see someone acted on it.
Nathaniel Torres
how many AfD members have to hide their powerlevel how many got redpilled due to taking interest in the AfD and going down the rabbit hole we cans ay what we want, but some parts of the AfD are very much alligned with us
Charles Phillips
Nobody knows who he is. And he isn't better than Hoecke anyway. Hoecke is the only good one.
William White
Bernd Hocke allegedly used to shitpost on NPD forums under an alias "landolf lustig" and was at a npd march in dresden in 2010.
Pretty sure he's been hiding his true power level.