Is it possible for a media outlet to be more biased than this? Holy shit, what a fucking joke. Don't even bother to hide your agenda.
Is it possible for a media outlet to be more biased than this? Holy shit, what a fucking joke...
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I know Salon is low hanging fruit to pick apart, but they are completely oblivious to how dumb articles like this makes them look to an average reader.
a faggot if OP
Say what you want about his giant schnoz, but I really like this guy. Seems like he has integrity.
aren't like coders in the United States 90%+ white men? how the fuck is google only 61% white and 70% male? they're really going all in with this diversity shit.
>"le white" meme
White is a jewish comcept to help their integration.
It should be 100% male in the engineering team.
It is funny how these companies get around discrimination:
>we believe that teams perform better when individuals have access to perspectives different from their own
So lets say you have 10 people you need to hire, and 10 are white male super geniuses that pass all the tests without any effort and have multiple successful projects under their belt, you then don't hire all 10 of those white guys even though they are the most qualified because (((((((((((DIVERSITY))))))))), which is literally discrimination against white people because "you have too many white people".
Pajeet H1Bs
So then, you have Steve Jobs and Wozniak, you have the bitcoin person or whatever. Are altassian saying their corporate bloated shit issue manager is a better piece of software than... linux, bitcoin, the mac empire, etc????
Sure doesn't seem like it is even 1/100th as good as any of these non-diversified products.
He got fired for circulating a memo criticizing Google's bullshit politicized hiring policies that favoured unskilled women and minorities over skilled white men, how is that not outright discrimination?
The irony is that Google and the women employed by them did exactly what he predicted they would do in response to an innocuous, sourced opinion piece.
You have no idea how many bullshit positions they had to invent and fill to make up those statistics, do you?
Much of this whole memo episode started because this guy (and probably many others) couldn't stand working with these incompetent cunts shoehorned in for diversity anymore. I read one say that this issue divided Google squarely in half, which should give some indication as to which percentage is there to actually carry their weight.
A final redpill on this topic is how this illustrates perfectly how virulent leftism spreads and kills it's hosts everywhere. First there is outside pressure from already infected organisms. Then come the 'pioneers' who fight for acceptance of 'alternative views' within the new host. Then it takes over reproductive and immune systems such as HR in organizations. With no defenses, reproduction is ramped up to max and the organism is flooded and consumed by the virus. Productive organs resist as long as they can, but when one shuts down from overload the rest fail soon after. Meanwhile there is nowhere to go for the virus but the next organism to consume.
We are the antibodies, and it took our organism 70 years of infection to develop the antigens. This, here and now, is how we share them.
For one thing, they made their security people fulltime (prev. they'd been contractors), /exactly to raise the proportion of non-whites/ in their legal employ.
>salon ironically discriminating against white men filing discrimination cases
Break out soyboys from those demographics and it will be easily understood.
Considering percent of college grads in STEM, 61% is actually low. Why don't the jews ever point out niggers are only 11%?
We had a wonderful white woman as a concierge at our office tower. Then they fired her, and put in two black security guards.
We then had to put keypads on all the restrooms in the building because of the homeless people GETTING PAST SECURITY using the restrooms.
To top it off, it's not uncommon to go into a restroom and see a guard sitting on the couch playing on their phone. Once one of them came into our office to see if we found their walkie-talkie in the restroom.
Only the best!!
You're Google? ('Office tower'?) I won't tell.
'Perspectives' is a common buzzword for anyone trying to justify forced diversity in businesses, an unmeasurable factor that'll somehow help program better phones.
Nah, this is in the Midwest.
.. I didn't think there /were/ any black people in or around Mountain View. Or homeless people for that matter. A different campus, huh?
Not even Google, just a large office tower in a Midwestern city housing various law firms, etc. Point is it happens everywhere, not just in lib Cali tech companies.
Daily reminder: Salon is mostly operated by Jews and ran an article defending pedophilia. They are not a real news outlet.
I hope you're not using Chrome right now, lol
Gotcha. That's really something. I bet having enough fellow blacks around gives them cover to act more black. Just a guess.
If this were true, Google should have started declining.
They somehow seem to be doing better than ever.
Oy Vey goyim, people can't be racist towards Whites.
It's not hard to keep going when the actual work is already done. Google's money comes mostly from ad revenue.
There is only one profitable department in all of Google, which is it's advertising branch. Since the rest is a money drain anyway, as long as the ads keep churning a steady profit and the meme keeps the stock afloat, the decline you look for is hard to quantify or measure.
In its current wealthy and bloated form, Google much like the west for half a century, can sustain being consumed from the inside out. We sneeze and cough, as memos come out and memes fly to spread alarm. Then one day the fever comes and it's over in days.
kek, attacking diversity because it's against whites. And your guys told me that all jews are bad.
If google goes under, imagine the diversity hires being interviewed for a new job...
>i worked at google
he has a fuckton of screencaps about how google discriminates against whites. this gonna be fun
>that nose
Italian arent white
It was even better as the pic took a few seconds to load and it slowly morphed.
That's the worst, as the silent antigens used to at least flag them. Give them positions that identify them as a diversity hire to somehow contain them if they try to spread. But the virus mutated.