Desu Desu Motherfucker
Desu Desu Motherfucker
Cute thread, OP
Sup Forums is only fun like once a week and its almost always retro threads
I miss 2hus on Sup Forums.
Fuck that, sage bombing a recommendation thread was the greatest pleasure known to man!
Especially when the OP got mad about it.
you can't even email sage anymore
why can't we still do that?
doesn't putting Sage in the options field do the same thing? I only ever used the email field for noko'ing
does it work
its working
desu time? desu
Meta threads are sadly the most fun time on Sup Forums these days.
10 desus/10 desus
Because sage is invisible now and announcing your sage is against the rules, so that's a bit risky.
Sage does still work.
>recommendation thread
>everyone bumps the thread to tell OP to fuck off without saging
bring visible sage back
Your attempts have failed. I don't know what Saging or bumbing are
a lot of anons just put Sage in the name field because of the "Sage goes in all fields" meme
I guess you never really know though
Sage goes in all fields is already an ancient and deprecated meme 90% of the user base has never heard about.
Ironically moot made sage invisible to avoid the Reddit downvote system brought here a couple of years ago but now we have (you)s and is 10 times worse.
You could do it like the old days and put "heaven" in the name field.
Also, desu~
fuck that guy
I wonder whatever happened to him...
Sagebombing (and people getting banned for it) started way before reddit had an effect on anything. I don't think it even existed yet.
I ate him, desu~ Urp, desu~
This is now a Gaston thread.
GOD DAMN ya'll are oldfags
Even talking about the past is deadly boring now.
Remember when Sup Forums was good?
Sup Forums was never good
I appreciate you, user.
>tfw was too stupid to take screencaps back then so I can never really prove it
I think the actual earliest cap I have on my current hard drive is from 2014 humor threads on /sci/
I've lost two hard drives since 2009, and none of what I have proves that I was actually on Sup Forums.
Not that a screencap really proves anything anyway.
I lost my hard drive with all of my old shit. I lost most of the beginning of Sup Forums, but not all of it.
You can just post dead memes, that's usually how we sort this thing out.
Seriously though, why do other dolls compete?
How could I forget this classic meme. Haven't seen one of these in a long time.
Shinku is the best doll. Prove me wrong.
>tfw used to put noko in the field by habit after noko became obsolete
I dont know. I still enjoy being here even after all these years
Go make me some tea, useless heterochrom.
What am I, Jun?
Is this a Rozen Maiden thread or a desu thread
Что ж ты делаешь содомит
>tfw still see occasional noko every now and then
nonoko still works
so do frames
Quck reply is so convenient I never reply to threads using the old Post a Reply on the top of the page anymore.
Im sorry
>still thinking this is funny
I'm desupointed in you all.
Moshi moshi?
I want to impregnate this doll.
Dolls cannot get pregnant
She's so tiny, imagine how tight that would be.
Mercury Lampe best doll.
Remove junk.
Is this some shitty ripoff chick of our nug?
This is correct
If junku is best doll then why was she never finished? Checkmate!