/aus/fags, what is your excuse for not joining the Police and protecting the country that you love
/aus/fags, what is your excuse for not joining the Police and protecting the country that you love
Can't enforce laws I don't believe in
I am too old and fat
Well that's alright, because as a fat american you would not pass the tests
I had good grades in school/college.
They're just dealing with the wild animals let in by politicians. Might as well be a zookeeper.
Not an order following dog
I just started work in the security industry, im sure ill be dealing with just as many dumb cunts and nogs in no time, and fuck doing paper work when not on patrol.
What's a gram of coke worth now da silva?
Policing in Australia is increasingly becoming a choice for highly intelligent people. The work involves a high level of motivation and aptitude. Police officers (((((IN AUSTRALIA))))) are highly intelligent and functioning people.
oh fuck lol forgot about my flag. I'm visiting the states right now my bad
Sure, buddy
>all Americans are fat
Maybe, but that doesn't address the OP. Protecting the public from bad people is an admirable trait.
>"The age-adjusted prevalence of obesity in 2013-2014 was 35 percent among men and 40.4 percent among women,"
aw c'mon, you think I'd lie about being from that shithole?
What laws do you disagree with?
because i like fire fighters better
Are you a firefighter? If not, question still stands champ
The gun laws and lack of self defence rights
Honestly just stay in American mate. I say this while also agreeing with USA gun laws. They are too far gone, there are too many guns in their country to ever think that a ban on guns is feasible.
On the other hand, Australia has a stranglehold on firearms, we are doing it right.
I got into argument with a bunch of police officers about freedom of speech. Long story short, they were telling some Christian dude to stop his preaching because he said "that female who wear provocative clothing deserve to get raped. They couldnt refuit my logic so they started to swear at me and treating me to lock me up. So I started to making fun of them. They got angry and grabbed me by my shirt and I just laughed and told them to go ahead arrest me for no reason. The just got embarrassed in front of a bunch of people and left. Most police officers are manlets who are really sensitive to being made fun off. By the way, this was in Melbourne Australia.
>On the other hand, Australia has a stranglehold on firearms, we are doing it right.
It's very sad that even people like yourself are totally cucked, despite you browsing Sup Forums. What hope do we have for the average bloke?
I saw a video a few months ago on the ABC, in the late 70s/early 80s they sent a man walking through Melbourne with a long rifle and asked people if they were concerned. Overwhelmingly nobody gave a fuck from office workers, to grandmas, nobody was alarmed. Before they dismantled the White Australia policy we had no problem with gun crime. The occasional shooting sure, but now we have incidents every day in Melbourne and Sydney. Give us guns and remove the imported criminals.
>what is your excuse for not joining the Police and protecting the country that you love
kinda useless if you can't just mag dump on sandcoons and niggers though. That's why I when to afan, plenty of mudslime to shoot, no legal problems
The guy in vid related got 6 years in jail for shooting a filthy mud, I probably personally wasted at least 10+ with no fucks given, by white people anyway. Call me psycho but I had fun, but it was fucking hot sometimes
Job is very 'grey' I like stuff that's more black and white
Got rejected for being a white male.
It is a disgrace that we have no right to defend ourselves against tyranny and invasive forces, we're treated like prisoners, criminals and children.
>NSW police force
>protecting the country
Some of my mates are already in it.
I make more money in engineering, but best of luck to those that take this path.
why would lower myself to that?
Because im going to become a nurse
Aussie cops are actually pretty based
>All hostage situations over the last few years de-escalated with a single casualty
>Watertight border control
>DGAF about minor drug users
>Haven't been cucked like Britcops yet
>Blue Heelers
>If one discharges a weapon it's a pretty big deal
I feel like if the main thing cops should do is make one feel safe they've been doing a pretty good job of it. I feel fine walking down the street which is a lot better than most countries.
Haven't got the balls
Govt job, wouldn't let me in as I was medically discharged from the RAN
My bros a cop though, in water police and loving it
>In 2014–15, almost two-thirds (63%) of Australians aged 18 and over were overweight or obese. Put another way, approximately 11.2 million adults were overweight or obese (ABS 2015). About 1 in 3 (36%) adults were overweight but not obese, while about 1 in 4 (28%) were obese.
throwing stones in a glass how are we?
you're fucking kidding
>All hostage situations over the last few years de-escalated with a single casualty
Lindt cafe. Great job guys
>Watertight border control
Ice from Guangdong imported daily
>DGAF about minor drug users
fine kids for not wearing bike helmets, let known drug dealers go about their business
>Haven't been cucked like Britcops yet
High level police bribed by high level bikies. The fucking state commissioners bro was the head of the Hells Angels
>Blue Heelers
>If one discharges a weapon it's a pretty big deal
Which happens a lot. Turning policing into a uni degree was a mistake. middle to upper class cunts with no idea how to talk to lower class and 'bad' elements in society, go for the tazer/gun straight away out of fear
you're fucking naive cunt
>that song
jesus, how fucking emasculated can you get?