Let's take the vault. Meet Vault Goy

How about making edgy Vault Boy memes. If we can get the MSM and feminists angry about Vault boy, we can get them mad at Fallout. Therefore making Fallout another Redpilled game, even it is irrelevant. But it isn't, if you look around in the game, the enemy is the Chinese communists that caused the nuclear war. Case in point, Communists. Essentially the game is set in a 1950's style future, and it was all good before those kike-guided chinks blew us all up. But hey, it certainly has potential for memes, and I issue the challenge to all you Sup Forumslacks out there. The left already hates video games, why not get them to hate games more.
Let's take the vault. Fuck it, lets take the whole game!

Other urls found in this thread:

web.archive.org/web/20180107105648/https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:liBDRRjj-g4J:https://twitter.com/thehouseofmann?lang=en-gb &cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk


die. video games are not redpilled. you are not old enough to be here.

It's just like with Trump getting elected. He's not full 1488, but he is a step in the Right direction.
Gaming brings a lot of young people to the right, whatever section of it. You should be grateful, oldfag.

video games do nothing, mindless entertainment why should I be grateful that people play them? Also, the "redpilled" video game, came out already, its called "ethnic cleansing". youtube.com/watch?v=gbBHNeK3Wus

video games is not mindless entertainment its interactive entertainment. Mindless entertainment are things like TV where you passively just sit and recieve like the americuck you are.

its mindless, you mash buttons when programmed to do so. I dont watch any tv, movies ,porn, and no video games. have fun pressing buttons child.

>the left hates video games
Top kek

That's like saying hunting is mindless because you pull the trigger when you're programmed to.

>you mash buttons when programmed to do so

kind of like how you're typing now? checkmate.


>> H..h..hey guys, I know what will make the public take our politics seriously: edgy gamer memes!

Someone needs to make a pic of Todd Howard ass raping the vault boy character because that’s what really happened.

Fallout 1 & 2 are red pilled as fuck but bethesda shat over everything after that.

>if you look around in the game, the enemy is the Chinese communists
Did you actually play any Fallout series game?

This is the kind of shit that happens when you say transwomen are real women. You can't call him straight because he likes men, but you can't call him gay either because it makes you a bigot. SJWism, not even once.

there is nothing that has programmed you to shoot an animal. Your half asleep or half retarded.
No, this is communication, genius. Sitting in front of a screen and pressing UP when it tells you to is programming. Do you have any actual reason why people should be playing video games?

If you were taught to shoot guns and hunt, you were programmed to shoot an animal according to your own logic.

right now you're sitting in front of a screen and pressing the characters it tells you to

>saying this like its an insult

Fuck off.

>we can get them mad at Fallout
That will guarantee FO5 will be full SJW to over compensate

I don't think that means what you think it means.


(((Drag kids))) story is being picked up by alt media.

An 8 year old is being sexualised and abused publicly:
This is the original tweet. The account is now made private because of public outrage:

The kid was probably molested since he was a baby. Has degenerates as parents and is modelling for an erotic costume company.
This is a huge red pill for normies. Spread the info.

This is the pedo that runs the company:

He account is still public and he is in full damage control right now.
Be sure to let him know what you think.

Archived Twitter of Account:
web.archive.org/web/20180107105648/https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:liBDRRjj-g4J:https://twitter.com/thehouseofmann?lang=en-gb &cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk

Another (((Drag Kid))):

Hollywood applauds child rapist:

Massive Pizzagate Dump

>implying they aren't already planning to make it full sjw

Remember how games 'journalists' were saying Cuphead was racist because the art style came from a time of discrimination?

Fallout regularly uses 1950's-esq cut-scenes which..

Just happen to be from a time of white male dominance. Extrapolate on this idea.

Obsidian should have the rights to Fallout.
New Vegas is a red pilled game.

No, my logic is that video games program you to blindly follow commands, example: mashing buttons when told to. The only way your scenario would work, is if someone was hunting with me, and they told me what animal to shoot, and when to shoot it, and I followed there commands.

A few hours ago there was an AMA from someone claiming to be under investigation by Mueller which was abruptly deleted without explanation. Among other things, the user claimed there would be disclosure on a number of issues ranging from 9/11 to the Monica Lewinsky scandal.

Unfortunately I wasn't able to archive the thread in time but I was able to take screenshots.

>A few hours ago there was an AMA from someone claiming to be under investigation by Mueller which was abruptly deleted without explanation. Among other things, the user claimed there would be disclosure on a number of issues ranging from 9/11 to the Monica Lewinsky scandal.
>Unfortunately I wasn't able to archive the thread in time but I was able to take screenshots.

fuck off shill

No, im pressing the characters I choose. My computer isn't telling me what letters to type. Is that how your computer works? Genius.

>is if someone was hunting with me, and they told me what animal to shoot, and when to shoot it, and I followed there commands.
This is how you learn to shoot and hunt. The video game programming you're referring to is the tutorial mode which teaches you how to play the game.

Wtf are you talking about?
The Brotherhood of Steel in fallout 4 were by far the most redpilled of any game and clearly the lore ending. Gunning down the railroad SJWs and sending Liberty Prime to destroy the Jew scientist stronghold under MIT who are using 3D printers to print good goys and take control of the world?
Plus raiders all look like Antifa basically.

God, I hate undertale

>Game isn't redpilled because the real enemies are the commies
Fuck outta here, leftypol.

>Press X to open
>Quick Time Events
>that's not every game
try again. learning how to shoot and hunt, is not being programmed to shoot and hunt. How do you not see this? Training =/= programming.

>nu/pol/ defending fallout 4 writing
Now tell me you are not from reddit too lmao

Try playing any non linear game.

>thinks he old /pol because he hates all new things and calls people new

woaza it's almost like you're deciding what input to give based on what you're seeing, like a game, numbnuts

I'm afraid the only game you've ever played is a typing course for children, user.. Not a lot of other games tell you which buttons to push, unless it's F.

I tough all the "hardcore" Falloutfags were psychotic Americans nerds. Anyway
>Fallout 1 & 2 are red pilled

The original Fallout series, like many CRPGs had liberal and even lgbt writers. There's nothing particularly conservative or nationalist about them, and when this things appear they're mostly satire anyway. This isn't even necessarily a bad thing, just their style.


Why is the new left so absorbed with pigeonholing people into tiny little personality boxes? It's like everybody has to be an assigned combination of traits from the Periodic Table... is this in itself a result of over-infatuation with gaming? Character creation for humans? I give up trying to understand it.

>he hates all new things
No dipshit l hate complete 180º from the brothehood of the past 5 games because the game needed an "EBIN XD" faction. If you dont pick either the Institute or the Minuteman l'm willing to bet that you own a Switch and you take pictures of yourself with your mouth open.

no its based off of the words I create in my mind, you idiot fuck. Do you decide what your going to write by looking at a keyboard first? dont have children, please.

try doing something good with your life, instead of wasting away on a couch playing video games

What the fuck?

Stop playing QTE games you homo

Sup Forumslution particulates can't meme for shit, onan -- they just usurp others' work and pass it off for parroting inside their echo chambers

that's why autistic grade frog scribbles are as "artistic" as they get... vault boy is a bridge way too far

World Health Organisation added Gaming addiction as a mental health condition. he draft document describes it as a pattern of persistent or recurrent gaming behaviour so severe that it takes "precedence over other life interests".

Your dopamine transporders are fused, bud, start taking GABA6 and HTP-5, taking long walks and visiting a therapist, cause you're a fucking addict that can't shut the fuck up about your MKULTRA toys.

>the brotherhood of semites


wait a minute!

>(((World Health Organization)))

>World Health Organisation added Gaming addiction as a mental health condition
anything that elicits dopamine can become addictive -- by very definition

>WHO say amerimutt junk food purveyors say multiply that by 2.5 or the $500M funding gets pulled
>100 grams / day (males) becomes the thin healthy line


This whole thread is just an excuse to autistically screech at eachother about things that literally don’t matter

Both sides of the arguments are making extremely far reaching assumptions that are only further damaging their own argument

It’s almost like this is what happens in every other discussion

>tells someone to stop wasting away on a couch
>shitposts on Sup Forums


>m-muh toys are good for me

you're an addict with brain chemistry problems bud

Eating is killing you slowly so just stop eating dude

>anti-ghoul sentiment never justified by visible in game evidence
>synth escapees treated sympathetically
>frequent talk of ghoul bigotry
>overall support for railroad minus diamond city, which is treated as bigoted anyway
BOS are the designated villains of FO4. The only major faction painted worse than the BOS is the institute.

Do you drink alcohol?

Are you trying to be funny? Your defending videos games on a natsoc board


>triggered Electronic Stimulation addicts in denial respond with whataboutism and strawmen

hahaha, classic

Most of the board plays video games. The right wing movement was arguably caused by gamergate.

What strawman? Both video games and alcohol give pleasure. Only one of them is physically addictive and directly damages your organs.
>Everything in moderation

you have not power here


brainlet russian who probably plays dota but sucks at it

>The right wing movement was arguably caused by gamergate.

it's already red-pilled

>Only one of them is physically addictive and directly damages your organs.

How do you think videogames produce dopamine and why WHO qualified it as an addiction, retard? Holy fucking shit, videogame manchildren are the new stoners at this point.

you'll develop anhedonia soon, retard, if not already

Great idea. Fallout Vault boy has an enormous memetic potential. It's good propaganda.

I had another idea for propaganda the other day. It's a composition of awe-inspiring sci-fi cities with the motto "Imagine a World without Blacks". It's intended to make people FEEL the drag they are on our societies and humanity as a whole instead of making them understand in a logical manner, which is something they refuse to do. With this idea people can SEE what they are giving up in exchange of their naive and coward egalitarian ideals.

Obviously it should be done better with the help or a few tips from some drawfriends. This is just the concept.

What do you think of it?

>video games are not redpilled

WOW, thanks for telling us, that you have no idea what you are talking about. Sup Forums was created for natsoc, Sup Forums has always been and will always be natsoc. get the fuck out kike slave.

>implying someone that liked video games would ruin them like this to suit their batshit agenda

Like anything they can be used to express a certain set of ideas but playing them is a massive timesink and bluepilled af.

>What do you think
Ancaps are retarded

I love how we hate on video games for being time sinks, yet sit around and circlejerk on Sup Forums all day accomplishing nothing....


this. the real redpill is spending all your free time studying, lifting, shooting, shitposting and pursuing social relationships
literally anything else is a waste of time

>Jews made that game
>People gave Jews money to sit in front of a screen for 40 hours and get redpilled
Stop wasting away user

How long have you actually been on Sup Forums?

we're redpilling ourselves you stupid fuck
knowledge is power

Anons.. Why don't you buy Fallout 4 instead of doing this?

The current new wave right wing, not the old natsoc on this board nor conservatism.

No. Because then the Fallout creators will get all PC in an effort to defend their image and the next game will BLACKED and JEWED like Wolfenstein II.

of course you wouldn't know redpills from a somalian cock but at least pretend to be a man

You've wasted 2 hours in this thread already.

06/07 firing muh lazer beam and 300 days

I don't play vidya anymore apart from mount and blade occasionally, but it was a very good game, absolutely spot on
>Jews made that game
I'm not sure they did but the devs definitely very painstaking left out the JQ that's for sure
>muh Templars
>muh catholics 'every rockerfeller and rothschild used to pray here in this church'

If you think Fallout is irrelevant to redpill normies you dont even play Fallout 1 and 2 ( Theory of Race, saving your people, Eugenism, Sandniggers (who are green))

Not really, im doing other things at the same time, but you keep justifying video games to yourself man

fallout doesn't really tell you what to do, it just gives you a gun and a world full of things that react to you. you can kill and eat every character you encounter if you want.

It played a role in riling people up. It revealed the paper trail to the narrative that was being spun. If anything it just played one part of the whole polarization process.

How was Sup Forums created for natsoc?

t. triggered nigger

Of course we are. For the first few weeks, and then its just circle jerking the same info over and over. With exception for a few mega-larps like Q every now and then.

started as a containment board for natsoc from /news/