We have a game here where we ask white man a question that has no answer, and white man is so arrogant and stupid that he tries to make up answer and insist he is correct and we are all wrong. Then white man talk about white woman being beautiful, but talk about woman like she is a trash. We are starting to believe that white man is incestuous so he like woman who look like mom and sister, while saying anyone else is ugly.
We like to play game where we send girl to say hello, and he becomes scared and speaking loudly non-stop while we laugh and girl feel ashamed.
We do not like to allow white man near us too often because he always comment on everything and criticize. White man nosy very much.
Our women have come back to us because she does not like white an who never shuts up.
How did white man survive without being make joke for so long?
Did they racist because they know they are inferior to others in culture and individuality? Is that why white man always talking about religion?
We like white man for making fun, please send more because we need comedian.
Arigato Gozaimasu!
Chase Parker
well, keeping in account all japanese looks the same, your wife will have the same face as your mom. Ho is incestuous here?
Dylan James
I didn't read any of your shit but from the length of it I'm going to assume you're only a moderately powerful Pokemon.
Brandon King
Japan woman very diverse, white man celebrity all look the same.
All look like sister.
I am Mewthree, please respect me or die
Owen Thomas
go back to the resistance you idiot. I love how you think you are subtle and smart while inreality you are obvious and stupid. Pretending you are a jap shitting on whity in hopes that they will attack the only other ones that get why immigration is nonsense. Go back to the resistance you globalist dick sucker.
Nolan Kelly
It's fucking hilarious that globalists have caused left wing commies,antifa and students to be their foot soldiers to their cause. Hey i tough you fight the 1% and not suck their dicks and be the foot soldiers of the bourgeois.. Oh well.
John Carter
Jaxon Collins
Japan is the home of soyboy fags.
Daniel Brown