I love you Sup Forums, you’re my best friend, I feel like I can tell you anything and everything. My seething hatred of Blacks, my wish to kill them all, my anger against the Jew. I feel like we all have a lot in common. I mean, you’re probably cooler and more successful to me, but that means I value you’re company that much more. Just wanted to say this.
I love you Sup Forums, you’re my best friend, I feel like I can tell you anything and everything...
Shut up nazi
t. Jew
Shut up nazi
fuck you kike
t. Jew
My great grandfather killed a nazi (or 2 idk)
>t. 43% white
y...you too.
u r not alone
Looks like love didn't die in the swinging 60's baby, YEAH!
sorry bud but I have nothing in common with angsty am*rican teenager who larps as ww2 nazi
>pol is a person
fag kys
Op is a confirmed faggot
>Implying pol isn't an AI psyop
shut up mohammed
We took out the nazis once out of Europe surely taking them out of the world for good won't be an issue
Oh God wannabe anonymoose newfag took satire seriously holy shit
>communism doesnt exist in the west
>be me
>middle school
>history class
>commie teacher tells us about the evil german who wanted to kill everyone who was not blonde with blue eyes
>no one in class is blond nor blue eyes
>everyone still casually scribbles swasticas on their desks
>no one likes or cares about stalin nor communism
>everyones doing roman salute after class
face it. you cant kill an idea.
t.jew not your brother achmed
Why do you hate blacks so much. Rockwell said in his interview with a leaf tv station that it's not their fault they act like coons it's just evolution.
What a pathetic existence that a retarded message board is your nanny and best friend.
the helicopters will deal with you
Just don't spaz out and go out trying to kill a bunch of nig nogs.
Sup Forums is board of frendshp