Any people who worked in Refugee Camps on Sup Forums?

Share you experiences and stories pls.

i worked in camp
gave water and food to starving families
felt good
then i got raped and murdered by some thug
posting from the afterlife

I really wish we could have meme'd Emma Watson to visit the rapefugees in Calais.

White, cis-male oppression made him do it. Trump's fault.

yes, my boss wanted for us to "volonteer" in one. She is female... Not nice expirience, like working in zoo

i haven't, but my neighbour is a police officer and got called after some refugess chimped out in a camp here. What they did is close the camp, removed all media and beat the shit out of them. A lot of of them got deported

Lol, why the fuck didn't you say no unless you actually got paid for it? What do you do for a living?


too soon