Why do white women think it's safe to walk alone at night? I see it all the time in Hackney. Poor girl should never have come to this nigger infested shithole.
Why do white women think it's safe to walk alone at night? I see it all the time in Hackney...
well, it is safe here
>walk alone
They are strong independent womyn thus they don't have anyone to protect them at night.
>night is less safe than day
u r racist.
unless you order a kafa, I made that mistake once
Women want to believe that they live in the world where their security is taken for granted. Most of them never seriously think that anything bad could happen to them.
That's also why so many women are so reluctant to think about their self-defense, they are scared of the idea of having to defend themselves. Deep inside even modern women want to live in the world where they are protected by the strong men (or the system) at all times, and just cannot fathom the idea of taking any responsibility for their own safety. It's just not a natural female thing.
kek, I bet nobody done a thing to you
I like how my country is poorer yet our women can walk around safely
>Women want to believe that they live in the world where their security is taken for granted. Most of them never seriously think that anything bad could happen to them.
I keep having that argument with girls, there are so many girls now who think that the army is pointless and that we should just love people and they'll love us back. Makes me want to just stop talking to women altogether because one of them will get me killed one day.
they were actually pretty nice nazis, just pointed to the door and gave me 10 seconds, smoked a cig outside and got back on the bus
> Estonian army
in your case its pointless indeed.
In my town, it's 80% white, 15% hispanic 3% black. Teenage girls will longboard down the sidewalk at midnight with no hassle.
it's big enough to make an invasion costly and we're trained to just go innawoods
with guerillas you don't need a million man army or even a competent army, as demonstrated in Afghanistan
>Is British
>Has never listened to Milo explain how white western women are, so far, the most coddled/priv'd group of the 21st century.
Get educated before making a thread.
Be it husbands, brothers or fathers, there is no security or peace unless enforced by your kin and your tribe. London is a shithole that lost its tight-knit neighbourhoods and became an identity-less nightmare.
If a woman walks alone at night she should not get attacked or raped - but I have no way of making sure that does not happen short of not letting her walk alone at night, since I can't mind-control any of the apes around her - do you see the paradox here?
> we're going to get invaded by ebil Russians, waaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!11
It would be more sane to disband your army and hire therapists for entire population instead.
I'm sure that lady wont vote left anymore.
>we're trained to just go innawoods
>with no hope of resupply
What's a kafa?
coffee in serbian and bosnian. In croatian it's kava
She wasn't British. She was Russian/Greek and probably not eligable to vote.
>listening to milo
Very amusing, user
Milo wouldnt be safe alone at night in the north east of London.
what are berries, mushrooms and wild animals
The only potential problem is munitions, but that's why we have caches set up and we could potentially use enemy equipment
>using Russian munitions
Kek both sides would be fighting with bayonets
It depends on the woman. My roommate doesn't go out at night unless her boyfriend or dad picks her up. She carries pepper spray or small can of spray paint (works the same and marks the target for identification) and walks opposite to the traffic or her brother walks on the street side.
I've worked in bars, strip clubs, night clubs for years
Most of those chicks are pretty zealous about being independent and fine at 3am with no streetlights, fuckin asking for it
Always wanting to act like they're that warrior princess whatever the hell her name is
And some of these girls as god damn fiiiine. Like bitch these guys in here want to rape you right now I don't think you get how thin the line of safety here is
Probably cause they figure most guys who offer to take em are just as likley to rape them or expect something than someone in the bushes
Some guys wait outside places like that at close despite not ever going in just to offer the girls rides home
It's pretty fucking predatory and honesty kinda creeps me the fuck out
I wouldn't trust shit from anyone either unless I knew the person was legit if I had fucking vultures waiting for me every night
Some of these girls actually get in with these dudes like it's whatever, fucking insane
After you years you really kinda lose fiath in both sides, the men and women desu. The men are mostly sick pervs and the woman just incredibly stupid and constantly seeking self harm in some way.
Because God is with me and will protect me
She said before being stabbed, raped and bashed over the head until death.
>doesn't go out at night unless her boyfriend or dad picks her up
>carries pepper spray or small can of spray paint
>walks opposite to the traffic
This is the west now
You are making literal shitholes likes us look like paradise in comparison. WTF happened?!
>London is a shithole that lost its tight-knit neighbourhoods and became an identity-less nightmare.
I used to live there, it was alright until the whites fled & were replaced by everyone from anywhere.
It makes me laugh/cry to see some 2nd generation immigrant declare themself a Londoner.
Forest brothers scenario all over again, huh?
Too much liberal women (and men) in positions of power happened. Their answer to unsafe streets is more feminist training for boys and more understanding and patience towards those poor migrants. They think that everybody would just be nice to each other there would be no rape or anything bad. Finland is mostly safe and random bush rapes are rare, but in the bigger cities the migrants waiting for lone drunk girls to pick up at weekends are a far too real thing.
This reminds me of Sweden and the "feminist snow plowing" (among other things). They have literally lost their minds there - and this idiocy is still spreading. Eventually this will start to happen here too, and the "welcomists" will be at it soon after. I find it exremely difficult to have any hope for anything anymore.
> I find it exremely difficult to have any hope for anything anymore.
Same here. It's only going to get worse, and white people are so compromised and demoralised that there'll never be any push back no matter how bad things get.
Because her constant virtue signaling has deluded her into thinking that non-whites care about her as much she does them. She's nothing but a white whore to them
cause i want to get killed
>pub The World’s End
What kind of dumb article is that anyway? Doesn't tells anything about motive or rape.
>men like women, therefore they're sick pervs
>stab your enemy
>the bayonet breaks instead of penetrating the skin
>he stabs you
>but his bayonet also breaks against your chest
>they are scared of the idea of having to defend themselves
It's not natural. Male human has only three functions: To fuck, hunt and fight. Human tribes are built so that women should not have to give a single thought for physical threats.
She was a thot and probably a race mixer too. Good riddance I say.
I live in hackney, it's a dump. Finsbury park is one of the worst places in London. That a young girl would walk through there alone is retarded.
Women in the west have become so empowered and privileged that they don't understand what that rests on.
These girls don't get robbed, so I don't see how poverty has anything to do with it.
Speaking of coons:
Following Hollywood's lead in remaking things that should never have been made in the first place, the CDC will be creating a whole new series of Duck and Cover videos (starring some shitstain rapper, no doubt).
Oh no he di-int!
her ears are fucked