>Go outside
>See first black person in 5 years
Go outside
I don't remember the last time I saw a black person. Maybe 2010?
Little baby I have to look at so many of them it turned my skin American
>1 post by this ID
American is not a colour.
American is a smell.
> seeing a black person every time I visit trading centre
>look out of window
>see black person walking around very very slowly with a vacuum cleaner tube
>be confused
>day ruined
>close blinds
Fuck that.
Haha yeah I think I have to do a rain check on that one man haha yeah!
>go outside
>90% shitskins
>go outside
>see first white male tourist sucking a tranny cock in 2 seconds
do you even own a gun?
question unrelated to your post
Stop drinking Pekka this is probably delirium tremens.
Jos menet Helsinkiin tulet olemaan niin pettynyt että tapat itsesi.
Fucking amazing numbers checked holy shit wow
Why are whites so amazing
is the tranny cock your own, and why are you outside working?
better indoors on stage
>Go to the train station
>Train filled with gooks
>go outside
>saw a bunch of immigrants construction worker
>read the news
>Immigrants robbed an old man and killed him
>went to mosque
>it's full of wahhabists preacher
>went to hangout with friends
>saw a lot of muslim girls that acts like literal thots and dresses like whores
I don't believe you. It can't possibly be that good.
>Wake up
>Day ruined
>wake up
>still a manlet
44% trouser sewage
56% deodorant
What part of Finland do you live? I see plenty of niggers every day. Nowadays, even packs of nigger teens with few white kids.
>Go outside
What an Aussie post holy fuck
Somewhere in North
theres a few niggers at my work place.
How things are up there? How redpilled people are, etc?
Niggers > fins
Racist in private live, mostly. I mean my city votes PS pretty much every election. In public they mostly don't spout racist things because you know, laws and such.
Pretty comfy, at least it's still Finnish and not Somalia
Good to here that there’s somewhat sane people. I live in multicultural nightmare that is Helsinki.
how many mg of vitamin d you on per day?
>go outside
>see first white in weeks
''B-brother! We need to stick together to survive this! ''
''UH ESCUSE ME did you just assume my gender!? Get away from me with that Nazi haircut ugh*hits vape*''
One multivitamin tablet + good eating habits are just fine + sun is staying up longer every day already, summer is coming
You're literally two posts in and already calling him a shill
lurk moar newfag
That's impressive - not being able to use a mirror for 5 days
Aussie bantz are 2 stronk
i've never seen a black, but i do see gypsies which are probably worse.