Whats your social theory on why white men commit suicide at such high rates?
Blacks have the lowest rate btw.
Why is forestry one of the top job fields white men commit suicide in
(Forestry, not lumber)
In fact a lot of outside hands on work has high suicide rates, you'd think that'd make you somewhat happier
Does for me
Connect the dots
Whats your social theory on why white men commit suicide at such high rates?
White people need meaning and purpose. Low IQ shitskins do not.
lower IQ = lower rates of suicide
higher IQ = higher rates of suicide
Blacks are passive when it comes to suffering. That's why they made such great slaves.
Blacks tend to get killed in a gang related attack too young to even contemplate suicide.
White men are dealing with pressure to succeed. It is expected from white men to become successful and the prerequisite to get what they wish from life: a fulfilling job, a wife, children, maybe a house. You only have a limited number of years to achieve that success, otherwise you are seen as a failure. When men are in middle age that's also where the midlife crisis has set in. They think about missed opportunities and maybe that they aren't anywhere near where they had seen themselves 20 years ago. Stuck in a shitty job, single, maybe financially raped by divorce with little hope that life can still change for the better. Many minorities don't experience that pressure, because they were never expected to succeed and never had the ambition to succeed or pursue bigger goals than living day by day.
Black men have delusionally high self-esteem and high time-preference. Why would they ever kill themselves?
Society says black ppl can blame failing/lacking success/unhappiness on everything but themselves white people only have themselves to blame.
Native Americans are pretty close to whites on suicide rates
But for some reason that innatley makes sense to me
Taking away freedom, 20 hour "work" week, fucking and hunting all day and replacing it with poverty, alchohlism, a sham government, cosumerism yet lack of work, demasculinization and overtime or die
Well shit, no one's suprised when chinease slaves jump off iPhone factories so it makes sense
This is an american statistic? There are more whites in america than other races.
Actual international ratios would probably put central asians at the top I believe.
And It's by percent not total numbers
Adjusted per 100,000 or something
This is all true but it leaves out one factor for failure. Men want to invest their money in the businesses that build up their country. It's sort of the patriotic thing to do.. Free enterprise, supporting industrial development.
I can't believe how many great guys there are that I know that lost it all on the stock market.
Stock brokers should be turned over to the niggers in Soweto for a necklacing.
Too heavy expectations to shoulder, society expects nothing from niggers so they get to breeze through life.
high iq people are prone to depression from looking at their surroundings and being disgusted with the world. it's the result of having to live among subhuman beasts and watching as every human value is destroyed. community, friendship, love and care for fellow man, it's all destroyed when humans have to pretend that subhumans are equals and when they have to care for them like dangerous pets in order to keep the beasts from becoming violent. high iq people want nothing more than to eliminate the disease from their society but are unable to do so because of the backlash of attempting to flourish again on their own lands. high iq people that have the means end up fleeing from the problem only to have the problem follow and the cycle to begin again. high iq people without the means just end up killing themselves.
i plan on buying hundreds of acres of land and allowing only high iq people to build housing on the land. people i'd actually want to live among. land is ridiculously cheap, there's no reason why other high iq people shouldn't be doing the same. i can easily afford buy 1000 acres right now, but i'm waiting until my children are slightly older and can occupy themselves while i maintain the land.
have you ever known a depressed wigger? a depressed nigger?
women claim to be depressed but it's just more dramatic bullshit to gain attention. it's their never ending greed to have everything and even when they get it they aren't happy because they just want more.
high iq men (white) aren't looking for attention, which is why they actually succeed when they kill themselves. they don't whine to their peers. they don't look for someone to "help" them because nobody trained in the fake science of mental diagnoses can solve the issue. the issue is of a degrading society. it's of the loss of human values. it's of having no peers with which to flourish.
anyone who doesn't feel as though he is lost in this society in which he is surrounded by beasts is not high iq.
I thought asians committed suicide more than any other race.
High IQ -> Introversion -> Social isolation -> Suicide
East Asians also have high suicide rates.
Hey, your wal-mart shift starts in 10!!
Because Blacks have been taking shit from psychopaths for decades. They have thick skin. Whereas the white guy who hasn't faced any adversity will start to breakdown at any slight or adversity.
Relates to
With another angle; manual labor and blue collar jobs are low status. Extremely low.
It doesn't matter if you are a tradesman earning $200k a year, or run and work in a blue collar company you own, you are lower status than the itinerant "intellectual" college grad who can't hold a minimum wage job
Higher intelligence is correlated with higher levels of depression.