Ask an iraqi anything

I did many Q&A but this is about my country of iraq and I'm a shia Muslim so you can also ask me about shia islam and please focus on my replys I write a name to know me and ignore the embarrassing idiots replys

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greetings and welcome. welcome thrice & thricely welcome.

Why have you started this thread? Do you feel you have something important to tell us?

are you the sniper of baghdad ?

What do Shia think of Saudi?

Is the country united now that ISIS is gone?

Who do you see as your allies?

hi what is your opinion of Israel are they good or bad

I don't really care about Shia islam but that's cool

I’m sorry for the awful things we did to your country

You're just a Jew behind a VPN.

Are politics in Iraq confusing as (((they))) say it is?

Also, how is your country doing now than compared to a few years ago. Is it safer?

Thank you
Maybe you will find something interesting here
No but he is still a live
Most negative view of ksa
No we still disunited now but will reunite soon
They are trying to destroy us so bad I will say
It is okey now the past is past and you shouldn't apologize for what you didn't do
و لماذا افعل ذلك ما النقطة من هذا الفعل

American puppet state political parties are traitorous gangs only steal they are a self destructive government they are destroying iraq
We are better now and it is a lot safer now

Overall, do you miss Saddam?

Did you have any friends who joined isis?

What is the opinion about Catholics and/or the Pope? I know there was some unfortunate controversy 10 years ago with the last Pope, but haven't followed the issue since.
P.S. apart from that, I like Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria and prefer Shia Muslims to Sunni...

Do you consider yourself right muslim? Do you believe that the whole world should become muslim? That everything non-islamic is worthless and deserves to be destroyed?

No pic
No but what about you many Algerians joined daesh
I never met a Christian personally in my life desu
But they are nice in general from my experience on the internet the best and nicest person in know is a polish Catholic guy I found on my channel the Christians here are nice and well behaved but sadly most of them live in the north isis controled area Catholic people are the best Christians in my opinion for the pope I don't know much about him but he don't care about Catholicism at all

""apart from that, I like Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria and prefer Shia Muslims to Sunni..."" thank you :)

shias are the better muslims. BUT BECOME CATHOLIG HEATHEN!

Did you enjoy the pork chop MREs we gave you? What about the bottles filled with coolaid and piss

>you shouldn't apologize for what you didn't do

I believe that shia islam is the only truth
But our teachings say leave those how don't want to follow your faith alone no point to add people with fake faith abd we don't hate infidels neither have an issue with them unless they have one with us and of course we don't believe the rest of the world non Muslims and non shia Muslims are worthless but we believe they are misguided ones so don't fear we don't want you to perish

Why you and the Kurds can't get along?

You could btfo the zionist backed salafist swine together

Israel Destroyed the Iraqi Nuclear program during 1981. Israel saved the world by stopping the Iraqi nuclear program, what are your feelings about it?

considering ISIS taken major parts of Iraq and could have stolen nukes, or maybe Saddam Hussein would use them on Kuwait or Iran.

Who do you support in Syria?

Are many refugees coming from Iraq to Western countries actually refugees?

Why do you hate the sahabas?

Shlomo don't U have a baby boy penis to munch on?

thank you, that's nice to hear
i wish you my best!

No you need to convince me first
All of those have gone I don't know where but they ARE gone but we still have wild porks in woods
You only take responsibility for your own sins I don't think you would like other to blame you for nazis crimes

Now that the Saudi royals are eating each other, are the Shia in Saudi Arabia and Shia outside of Saudi Arabia going to move quickly to press their for their rights in the Shia dominated parts of the kingdom?

How do the Shia see the Chinese Silk Road initiative?

كسها لامك ابن المتعة اطفر منا

Do you miss Saddam?

From the outside Iraq looks crap.
How is it from the inside?

Why do you worship a pedophile?

It was brought up in a deleted thread a few hours ago that Hussein may have been involved in 9/11 which I think is stupid because Hussein was Shia, not Sunni.

Unfortunately I wasn't able to archive the thread in time but I was able to take screenshots.

hello brother , i want to ask you about the shirazi scholars , why are they a bit extreme? are they good scholars ?
and why iraq's shia are not organized like iran an hezbullah ?

How is America to blame for sectarian violence and your shitty cultural practices?
When Yugoslavia fell apart the same shit happened wasnt Muricas fault Either. Merely took their beloved leader to die.
same for Iraq your Country was doomed to fail as soon as Saddam Croaked.
better to Let the Croaking happen controlled.

trust me your Country would have been off a lot worse if not for The USA.
The only Reason ISIS was able to take over an Iraqi base is due to the lack of discipline you morons had.
Good thing you recovered a bit and made those faggots eat shit.
but only weaklings blame others for their own short comings

They are pro israel only fought isis for American weapons and support they dislike this country don't want to be part of it and are taking non kurdish parts of iraq which enraged the state but we would be better if they leave and become independent state but our state don't like that and iraqi kurds are mostly pro israel only israel support thier independence currently
The iraqi point was self-defense they didn't want to conquer the world
No nukes in iraq and isis is mostly dead now
Many are actual refugees other aren't but why many are shit well they come from isis controled region with isis education
Who are these people ???
Thank you and you are welcome

ISIS is literally a NATO/Israel proxy army. I'd bet you're an Americuck, stupid.

Saddam was a Sunni, Tikrit where he was born is a Sunni dominant area. Saddam also filled the government's most powerful positions with Sunnis, despite them being a significantly smaller minority.

Heck, I'm a Texas rancher and knew that...

buddy no.

Saddam wanted to have a Nuke so he could invade his rich Neighbors.

Saddam was a scumbag

i'm iraqi too, i love saddam hussein, both my parents are ba3this.

My questions:

1. which town are you from?

2. do you support saddam or are you against him?

3. what do you think of iran/khomeini?

4. which iraqi politicians or political parties do you support? what do you think of maliki or sadr? thankyou.

>this is what amerilards actually believe

i love how you spread retarded conspiracy nonsense as if it is fact.

good job retard


No thats what people who arent fucking retarded actually know.

its sad when paranoid people actually think they know the truth and only they know it.


Lol hey look a meme

thanks for proving you are a halfwit

You are not a true muslim, kufar inta wa abuk , true muslim doesnt use internet

>t. Gullible amerimutt

Yes in the future we want freedom from Saudi family they are going to destroy themselves

Good I will say
هل انت من حثالات الانبار او من حثالات العرب
No is wasn't good times wished he never come to rule and ruined iraq
Not really crap but kinda is but we still have clean streets beautiful places and peace it is not a total shithole
I don't
He was a secular person with sunni leanings

i guess every person who ever killed a person with a Colt is working for the Colt family.

i guess everybody who uses a an AK is a Russian stooge lol

you morons really dont understand logic

if it makes life easier for you to cope with.

Are you really that fucking stupid?
Everyone knows Hillary knocked over Libya so we could raid the Libyan arsenals to arm ISIS.. Benghazi was the Russians working with some patriotic American spooks to shut down Hillarys gun running.

You fucking twit.

kinda true

muslims arent supposed to divert attention from the Quranic teachings

not really a meme rather than the actual truth you fat amerimutt


everybody with a paranoid personality disorder knows that

In your own words, give me a quick summary of the difference between shia and sunni Muslims.


ffs lol you morons dont even understand military tactics ahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

What is your opinion on Sadam Husein?

What are the doctrinal difference between Shia and Sunnis?

I Israeli
S secret
I intelligence
S service

go die for a jew brainwashed fat fuck

Why sunni hates so mush shia?

>hurr durr oBvIoUs aCrOnYm hurr durrr

Oh look, apparently this thread merits the direct presence of the CI fucking A...

You guys were more fun when you were the OSS, and not working for the Kikes..

show your flag faggot

i'm iraqi too i'll be answering

I love saddam. I'm not muslim but my understanding is that sunnis follow the friends of muhammad whereas shi'ites follow his family, they pretty much still disagree over who shold have succeeded him 1400 years ago, omar or ali.

see what i wrote

saddam was great and his only mistake is he didn't wipe out the k*rds and iranians. also, I unironically hate america and you all deserve to die.

Are you Tunisian shia
Extreme problems sadly this time ishard for us
No United leadership
Americans barely have anything to do with hatred in iraq but israeli saudi propaganda that brainwashed people into being violent apes lead to this
I still respect American but people don't want American bases here and militants and soldiers threaten to attacked them
True but he failed to have them because of israeli attacks
I'm from basra
I don't care about saddam because he is dead now
Friendly neighbour so far the only ones how truely support us
None currently but both were failed the people
Not funny enough more humor please

>Hurr Durr

you fucktards know so little about tactics its embarrassing

The same soldiers that fought with the Nazis in Italy Joined the Americans do you realize that?

>hurr durr Nazis and Allies work together durrrrr

What do Iraqis think of Trump?

>CIA ahahahahha

yes i'm shia not by birth

Are you good at throwing shoes? Last time you missed george bush
You think with trump the iraqis could do better?

if Saddam could wipe out the Kurds he'd have a whole part of the border that he now needs to defend.

it was him being a weak fat fuck that kept him from killing them.

if he couldve he wouldve


Shias to sunnis are what Catholics to protestants it is about different teachings now not who should succeed the prophet

We pray three times
They pray five
We have many celebrations
They barely have
We believe in prophet house
They don't

I smell proxyfag ITT

How does pic related make you feel? Can you admire the beauty of Old masters paintings? Or would you say, that since it is non-islamic and moreover depicts human being, and that kind of depiction (as far as I know) is forbidden in "proper" islam, it should be destroyed?

Syria was more than anything about stopping OBOR. Buying a shot at the Yinon Plan was just icing on the cake for Tel Aviv.

You stupid faggots obviously don't know shit. That's why everything y'all get into goes tits up quick.

Lebanon 2006.
Syria 2017.
Now Pakistan, the House of Saud is near collapse.
The Chinese launch the Petroyuan in 9 days.

You. Are. Fucking. Done.

>being this gullible
the Jews literally used Americans to depose Saddam on no evidence

what is the iraqi arab view on turks?

Do you like nasheeds? I really like them but they are all terrorist nasheed, can you recommend some good stuff?

No opinion but it would be better if he didn't get power
They believe we are false anti Muslims cult made by Christians and jews to destroy islam
Mixed feelings but the media I like the international ones just continuous demonizing of him but not really bad
Happy to hear that why did you join
XDDDDD good one
I blame the retards of course but I said how used them against us ksa and israel

This user gets it

Why is Islam the religion of peace?

We have our own arts many islamic schools dose imam ali pic
And it look beautiful quiet and weirdly sad

Mostly good but erdogan made many angry with "north iraq belong to us" statment but in general we love turkey and I love shia turks do you have shia in turkey your country used to be anti shia in the past
Yes have some

you got any family members in the Popular Mobilization Forces

Original islam was so peaceful that they will just forgive you for abusing them but cailphs reforms and wahabism ruined it sadly and made it backward and destructive

No but many go and many die sadly :'((

>Original islam was so peaceful
But Muhammad's ascendancy was based on wars, murders and killings.

Also, some of the relatives of Muhammad were killed by other moslems so how the fuck can you say that nonsense about Islam being peaceful?

yeh pretty sad how poor shia men from Basra have to die because of sunni chimp outs

how big is the iranian influence in your country?

because the persians use PMU for their gains. maybe iraq should be friends with ksa (arabs) not with iran(not arab)

We created most of the terrorists, didn't we?

Checked, and Salaam Alaykum.

Given your country is essentially a creation of colonial dick measuring, and ethnic and racial groups existing in Iraq represent a wide and diverse people's, would you like to see a 3 state solution with strong nationalistic leaders, or would you prefer to have one strong Saddam like leader back, possibly in union with Syria to keep out future foreign invasions?

He only order the execution of three mans how bloodthirsty is that and have war when he was forced because of heathens attacks

Because of political struggle his family was threat to other families rule so they killed them for power maintenance Yes
Yes they believe we are infidels
Very big

>being this naive

How pissed off are you about the fact Hillary and Obama funded ISIS for an Israeli pipeline through Syria and had no problem giving Iraq another civil war in the process? Then how pissed off are you about Trump doubling down on major stupid by trying to occupy Syria to prevent what the US and Israel-Saudi caused in the first place?


Ksa want our destruction because we are a threat to israel that why they have an issue with iran
Saudi israeli alliance did you just helped them
Walikum alslama three states won help but kurds should leave iraq and become independent and yes powerful leader is a necessary part for our future but I doubt unity with syria