What will you do when we outbreed you in your own countries? Will you convert to Islam (I doubt that we will accept you as regular muslims, we will treat you as how we treat rapebabies) or just pack up your shit and move to USA?
Dear Whites in Europe
Also why are Turkey and Azerbaijan included as European countries.... We have nothing to do with inferior Europeans. This is an insult. I'm sorry felllow Turk posters.
Europe won't be worth immigrating to without white people.
You'll do to the continent what the zulu did to southern africa.
Atheism is the future
soon even shitskin will notice how stupid is their religion
turks are not even turkic.
where is the language of your own? oh wait it's greek
>Europe won't be worth immigrating to without white people.
Oh yes it will be. Land is free. It's fertile and nice scenery. Europe can do better without whites
Turkmens (Seljuks) of Turkmenistan: 16% mongoloid
Turks of Western Anatolia: 12% Mongoloid
Istanbul: 7%
Armenians: 0% Mong
Greeks: 0.2%
I doubt that scenario will ever happen where Europeans simply lie still and die. Racism is a great control word, sure, but it doesn't work forever.
>I doubt that scenario will ever happen where Europeans simply lie still and die
oh yes it will happen.
You effeminated whites won't be able to do a shit.
we dominated the planet being a minority. We don't need to be a majority to dominate. We don't fear to be a minority. We always were.
>we dominated the planet being a minority
Are you Jewish? Welcome brother :)
>we are all cuckboys
many of the people are pissed off and many are starting to be
The snowflakes, media and corrupted politicians are what protects you
No, I'm white. You remember, the people you buy helicopters from, because you can't build your own. And then pretend it was your helicopter...
>blocks your path
Whites only dominated Big Black cocks. nothing else
It was the Jews and Asians who made everything
Do you realise that onceover, turkey was not islamic. That it was conquered by foreigners and forced to submit to islam.
Christianity isn't european, it came from the arabic countries. Interesting how you and your people have forgotten your original enemies.
Then again, most europeans think of europe as christian, when it reality it was converted to christianity by outsiders.
Maybe you should look up what were the original religions all over arabia and northern africa, and find out what the small warband cult took away from you.
hurry up poland, bring back the winged ones.
drive trucks over your crowds of people and rape your kids at the local swimming pool, harass you on the streets etc.
Fuck off Varg
haha nope, we saved western asses once and they partitioned us for that
this time we stay and watch fire from afar with our v4 bros, and exterminate germanic caliphate when need arise
What's a Turkey?
bigass chicken
repeat after me
A double toasted meme, very nice.
Want round 2?
Whites took over the world then set it free. You really think messing with us putting us in a position where we have nothing to lose is a good idea?
>win agaisnt an Ottoman army which was commanded by rapebabies
>lose against an Ottoman army which was commanded by a proper Turk
bratanek, not this time
west is not worth it now
leave Polan alone, plox
who cares, we lanced your sorry asses so hard that you left europe for few hundred years and we can do that again
we will genocide every roach with nuclear bombs
rapebaby asses*
winning agaisnt retarded rapebabies from Balkans does not count.
Kys roach europe will bury you under her don’t cry when you shitskins get put to the curb
roaches are resilient against rads, but you can simply squash them
Europeans will reform Islam like they did Christianity. They are the world's reformers.
Trying to blame all your failures on Balkan peoples? You Turks lie like discount Jews.
you are not judge of this, it counts
You must have a very serious inferiority complex. You need help my friend.
Sage in all fields this is a slide thread
Fuck off faggot op
Dear turkcuck, What will you do when kurds outbreed you in your own countries? Will you kys (I doubt that they won't kill you themselves) or just pack up your shit and move to USA?
Europe unironically needs Islam.
The West is filled with cucks that let women fuck around.
well france did their part too, Charles Martel halting the moorish invasion from the south.
Italy has done more than their fair share.
Malta held off the entire Ottoman fleet for 5.5 months of constant siege, 1,250 knights against 30,000, and prevented the most strategically important place in europe from being taken by the enemy.
Richard the lionheart in the crusades, the french, italian and germans all together in those crusades, defending europe.
We've all done our part at some point, but if you let the jew divide and conquer, it will be our downfall.
Do you want to remain the last island of humanity in the world, to be surrounded and eaten up by the death cults?
Wake up turkroach, Europe doesn't give a shit about you since you were single-handed, defeated by the Italians in the Italo-Turkish War
Shame on you, your """"Empire"""" crumbled in pieces after the attack of ONE European country, the whole Europe will annihilate you in a second.
>Europe unironically needs Islam.
Who told you that we would tolerate white converts? Would we let your inferior race pollute our religion?
Keep dreaming roach. It’s not going to happen. Civil war will erupt long before that, and you’ll lose miserably like always.
I'll fall for ez bait,
the fact muslims have less and less childeren per generation because they feel less and less accepted in European/US society invalidates all this Turk says, and the fact that White people in both the US and Europe have rising birth numbers again will make this wishfull thinking.
but lets look at Turkey, Turkey is now in a demographic decline at the worst possible time with 6 countries and a ethnic group theathening its borders, Turkey will fall in the near future.
Beat me too it :(
You’re clearly the cuck here, faggot.
Why did eurocucks get triggered by alpha male turks?
we may fix Italy if they show will to live, but that is all
>Turkey will fall in the near future
we will take back anatolia, just wait
we will take back anatolia, just wait
we will take back anatolia, just wait
we will take back anatolia, just wait
we will take back constantinople, just wait
we will take back constantinople, just wait
we will take back constantinople, just wait
we will take back constantinople, just wait
we will take back constantinople, just wait
we will take back constantinople, just wait
we will take back constantinople, just wait
Turkey will fall in the near future. Just wait
Meanwhile Italians literally lost a war to primitive Ethiopians
Turks are embarrassingly incompetent.
utter cuck
post your israel flag you fucking faggot
We'll probably genocide you.
I don't think it was ever worth it, desu.
Italy has already annihilate several times the turkroaches, nothing new on the horizont.
>Turks are embarrassingly incompetent.
Rapebaby pls. You're almost arab tier.
This, so much this. You're a credit to your country my dear britbong.
Then England will join it's true brother, Israel, and nuke Poland as part of a suicide pact.
All the jews die together, US, England, Israel, and their true homeland, Poland.
We Europeans wont have to do shit, we have your Declining population and our Kurdish proxy to do the dirty work while the rest will swoop in when you are finished.
While you be fighting the Kurds Aremania and Greece will surely take it as a chance to take some pieces of Turkey, and Southern Cyprus the real Cyprus will surely attack aswell and reclaim what is theres.
It only takes 1 War and your country will cease to excist because your dictator Erdogan made too many enemies.
>Let's women sleep around
>Let's women have premarital sex with countless men
>Gives Thieves/Druggies and other criminals minimal time sentences as opposed to just chopping off their arms which would make them remember their lesson better.
>Let's their women cheat whilst married with NO PUNISHMENT
>Let's their women have kids with different men
And yet you call me a cuck.
Won't happen roach. There will be a slaughter of epic proportions, and whoever lives will rule the ashes.
You spoke too soon, brother.
Us jews must suicide the world together!
France should assist too, they've been a crown of jewry for a long time.
If Russia can be convinced to rise up against itself and proclaim jewry its true heart, then we will have a formidable ally.
>Implying roaches care about losing
Napoleon once said that the Turks' best quality is that they're never really defeated, they shrug off losing like it's nothing, reorganize and just send another army on your way the day after the battle.
More accurate to call you a kike.
It was the first wave, on the second one they literally gassed the Ethiopians.
On the modern days they begs to the italians to come back:
Well sigh, I'll just have to fetch the gas.
Yes. You’re objectively a massive cuck. You want achmeds way of life so bad you’re willing to let him fuck your loli daughters/sisters so you can live like an uncivilised cave nigger. KEK
>Europe can do better without whites
g8 b8 m8
>Turkey will fall in the near future. Just wait
Unironically turkey will be kurdistan in 50 years..
The Kurdish community of Turkey, which currently represents at least 15 percent of the population and dominates the southeastern region, has such a high birth rate, that some observers – most prominently Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan -- believe Kurds could become a majority in Turkey within two generations.
According to Turkish government statistics, the average Kurdish woman in Turkey gives birth to about four children, more than double the rate for other Turkish mothers.
Thus, Turkey is facing a demographic time-bomb – Kurds, who tend to be concentrated in the country's impoverished southeast and are generally poorer and less educated, could conceivably outnumber Turks within about 30 years should present patterns persist.
Erdogan seems to be certain this will happen: "If we continue the existing trend, [the year] 2038 will mark disaster for us", Erdogan warned in May 2010.
>He wants women to have had 100s of dicks in them by the time they turn 30.
>He wants women to cheat on him
>He wants to kiss his wives lips that have previously been around Jamal and Tyrones dick
Honestly man, if you're really that into seeing your wife get fucked by other men fine, stick with being a Cuckstian.
Suffered tremendous casualties to the point that they had to renounce their guarantee of Austria to make Germany stop giving Ethiopians supplies.
Remember the 6 million!!!!!
>Ethopia begging Italians for help.
This just made my fucking day.
Your link refers to Somalia I believe. Somalians are hardly related to Ethiopians in any way.
>things I clearly never said
Keep sucking that brown dick faggot. You must enjoy boy-love tuesdays.
No more straw men to derail your cuckery please.
Only 6? I'm aiming for 18 million.
I would like to remember you that in the same years Italy helped you to defeat the turkroach occupiers, and they fought and won a war against Austria as well.
Do you ever think about how many dicks your girlfriend has had in her mouth before you? Remember, every time you kiss your gf's mouth is like kissing a used public fleshlight.
Make it 30 to be sure. Estimates vary.
Also, just feed them into a live volcano, it is free and a practically endless form of energy.
put you on a spike you filthy subhuman roach
israel, post your flag.
you aren't convincing anyone
you are falling deeper and deeper into a big shit.
this shit has no mercy.
Your nose is showing. Or is that chads dick after fucking your girlfriend? Beta faggot.
now post a photo of your hands with time stamp.
also a profile of your nose.
This was the Italian Empire long before the WWII, Eritrea and Somalia were part of the Empire until 1947. Lybia remained an Italian protectorate until 1974.
I forgot the picture sorry.
You do realise that the white european is responsible and has majoritarily taken part in the two bloodiest wars in history. We may be dormant but the we can change very quickly. So if you think your monkey fuck genes will do anyhting other than sully the european demographics then you are sorely unedcutated.
Why would I go out of my way to prove I am white to a bunch of cucks that like to see their girlfriends getting plowed by other men?
We will just remove u like we did in the old days.
because you can't even use english properly, suggesting you aren't english at all.
post the hook
>We will just remove u like we did in the old days.
>Serb flag
>It's fertile and nice scenery
Man, will you be in for a surprise.
I never said otherwise, though you referred to Ethiopians in particular. Libyans and Somalians were greatly benefited, and Libyans are nostalgic of the occupation to this day, but Ethiopians abhor them.