Shingeki no Kyojin

endgame right here, shitposters

Endgame right here, brothers.

Best Shingeki.

Mikasa=Annie>Hisu>>Sasha>>>>literal shit>>> /our mong/>>>BR>> Ymir

YH a cute and canon.

Holy shit, that taste is an abomination.

Ymir > Reiner > Jean > Mikasa > Hange = Hisu = Annie > Manlet >>>POWER GAP>>> everyone else >POWER GAP > Sasha

AM is coming.

Nice of them to put aside their differences

BRYH are best shingekis.

Armin a cute.

i really want eren to get with both of them, which one should eren get with, annie or mikasa


Well, he can't fuck a rock that is going to die soon so I guess he is stuck with Mikasa until he dies

Eren will get with the Grim Reaper.

This one here

Ymir is alive and happy!

100% this. Say what you will about their characters not getting enough screentime, but it's not a coincidence that clash was the best arc thanks to these 4. It's a shame that all we get is LAME now.

No shit. Armin belongs to himself.

The one that is cuter.




Mikasa's face. She's so fucking mad.

>You're amazing
>Y-you too
Reminder Hissu only blushes with Eren

I find the S2 ending theme sequence the best of the series. Something about it is perfect.

>first 23 posts all about shipping

>"I like Sasha"
Reminder that Hisu only said she likes them to a girl.

She's literally blushed with everyone.

That's not S3 ending.

That bitch is Christa.

Guys what if Pixis has been a spy for Marley all this time and it turns out he is the big bad of the series

Pixis is literally Jesus and I hope he BTFO Zackely soon.

Apparently Mikasa gets jealous of Sasha too in the PS4 game

Your taste is literally terrible.

Annie = Hanjo > Hisu >Janbo > Erwin's corpse > Mika > Sasha > Connie > Shit > Manlet >>>>>> Armong, Ymir, Reiner, Bort, and Eren

I bet that chick is Pieck.


Why would anyone like Bert? His most memorable moments are sweating in the background and being baited by Armin into chimping out.

Understandable, but I agree with what this user said here

Ugliest loli.

I agree. That loli doesn't look good at all.

I'm talking about Bert in particular. SC and Erwin were better in Utgard/Clash than Bert was.

that's what real people look like

>Bert is god of snk
>He can't die
>I want Bert to get out of this alive

Shame that we had to keep Armin and Arminfags in return

Anything is better than insufferable bertfags desu. I'm glad the BA posting has also become almost nonexistent. These are good times.

>real people are ugly

I think they all killed themselves.

Imagine dedicating a portion of your life to a character that ended up being a borderline red shirt and to a pairing with no canon interactions.

That's kind of sad actually.

They were at it for three years.
Three fucking years.
I can't imagine how hurtful it must've been for them. I'm glad I'm not a Bertfag.

Objectively wrong.

You are blind.

Show me an ugliest shingeko loli.



Manlet desu

I'm honestly glad I got to see Bort die. Most insufferable fags here got BTFO and beyond.

I want all remaining Erwinfags to leave

Eh, I liked him and his interactions with RY.

Would rather see Arminfags leave now then threads will be good.

At least the fujos are gone. LHfags and EMfags are next.

I just want EHfags to leave.

I'm rewatching season 1 and it's so fucking good

Why did these idiots wait 4 years

Why did bert turn into a dick before he died

So who from the SL will become the next Monkey Trouble titan?

Pixis is bestcharacter.


They intend to adapt the full manga and needed more material, S2 cour 2 or S3 will come out much faster.

It's too late sales are 1/20th of what they were it won't get any more episodes after this rip deader than DotA 2

Calm down, Hisu.

Erenfags in general should leave.

emfags are here to stay im not leaving

Nah, they're nowhere near as retarded as EHfags wanting Shitren to forcibly fuck Hisu to make babies.

>forcibly fuck Hisu
Why would he forcibly fuck her when she wants it?

They said it's also okay if she is dead, because than she can't resist.


One deluded faggot doesn't speak for the rest.

Fucking kek these delusions. Thanks for the laugh my man.


It's literally all you see EHfags talk about in these threads

You are all deluded.

>shipfaggots talk about their ships
Wow, nobody could have seen that coming

Of course you won't leave newfag. I will need to tolerate you and have patience. God help me.


Retard, I'm talking about EHfags wanting Eren to make Historia into his personal baby machine.

What are sales like for S2

Well, the girl getting pregnant is an eventual part of a relationship.

Same happen with emfags. They are both the same.

Underwhelming so far.

Yes and with deluded I don't just mean the forced baby talk, but the shipping talk in general

I honesty think that every character in AoT sucks.
The world building is fantastic tho.

LM soon.


Cop out answer for people who are forced to admit writing is good but are too assblasted to take a stance. Fence sitter.

Has anyone here played the ps4 game? It's pretty fun the YH scenes are cute

Yes, estimated sales are around 2300 discs right now, but sales should spike once the Clash of the Titans arc really gets rolling.

I never said the writing is bad.
The only good character is Jean, everyone else feels like a plot device.


But LHfag told me that LH is endgame

>praising a character that hasn't done anything since the FT arc

It looks rather easy and repetitive. I would be only interested in playing as Historia anyway. I agree their scenes are very cute though, since I have already seen them.

how should i support isayame, i have some money so what should i buy

Potato-chan is best girl
then Mikasa.

I agrees, Jean's the bestest and handsomest

Yeah it's pretty repetitive, but fun. Hisu is the only character I play as since unfortunately none of BRAY are playable. I'm excited for the visual novel 3ds game thats coming out in a couple of weeks, I really wanna see YH and BR's routes.