Some user posted on here yesterday that he didn't believe STEM could be politically "corrected", because of it's scientifically absolute nature. I'm a first year CompSci student at a major state-funded university, now entering the 2nd term of my first year, and i have yet to learn a single line of code or computer science related skill yet. Science faculties at european universities are so heavily infected with humanitarian bullshit, that actual science is completely absent.
This photo is from the introductionary lecture from the M A N D A T O RY class "technology design". 3rd line reads: "Gender theory: What effect does technology have on mens and womens life and identity?". 5th and last line reads: "Marxist: How does it establish technological classes".
Did i mention this class is mandatory for all tech students?
Mason Murphy
The U.S isnt any better. The first 2 years are just filler humanitarian courses and babbys highschool science courses revisited.
Jordan Sanchez
Students are allowed to start student groups for whatever subject they like, which they can then ask for funding for from the university council. Here is the universities biggest student group, "Marxist Students" which has a whopping 1400 members out of a total of 10.000 students at the school.
The left poster reads: "Marxism and beer", "What is marxism?", "Danish West India: Danish capitalisms bloody beginning". Right poster reads: "61% of french youth are ready to enter revolution against their government: are you?"
Dominic Morgan
Jason Johnson
this class happened last friday night. In sweden. SWEDEN! Oh my gawd. Sweden!
Ethan Gonzalez
So fucking call them out on it, like people are starting to. Yell "When are we going to learn actual engineering?"
I dodged the PC programming bullshit at my college because they made it a mandatory 'humanities' credit. So I told the councilor I have no interest in those classes and took an art history course instead.
Aiden Reyes
Speak for yourself. I never got any kind of political indoctrination at my university.
t. industrial/mechanical engineering student
David Walker
Each student is assigned a personal guidance teacher who is supposed to help students "feel at home" and "deal with the pressure of being a student". Each of these teachers are responsible for 100 students (imagine the cost of employing 100 people just for this, taxfunded public universities; free education in denmark!). This is a photo i took during a meeting with my assigned guidance teacher. It's a bit blurry but the back of her laptop is littered with stickers such as "refugees welcome", "kein mench ist illegal" and others. Did i mention she is a +35 year old woman with short hair, shaved sides and a nose piercing.
Xavier Brown
>Right poster reads: "61% of french youth are ready to enter revolution against their government: are you?" How can Euros even justify Marxism-worship when it is a wholly debunked and destroyed economic/cultural philosophy invented by a Jew whose acolytes just spent the past several decades threatening to nuke your cities and drive over your parents' skulls with tank treads? It's like watching a battered wife go back for more, holy shit.
Adam Diaz
>not using these degenerate classes to mercilessly drop red pills >not being known as the university Fascist I know they suck ass and are a waste of time, but use this bullshit situation to convert anyone that's even mildly opposed to these classes
Austin Powell
That's too bad. I go to the the top engineering institute in the nation (there are actually architecture and design schools as well but we don't take those nearly as seriously). Exams are usually tough and there are no electives in the first year in any department, and certainly no "non-classes" in the second and third. Attendance isn't mandatory and there's laughably little political activity on campus, besides the stupid commies handing out flyers all the time. Then again, there's a fine line between science and engineering. Do consider transferring to a different uni, but actually read up on the curriculum next time.
Andrew Gutierrez
The marxist student union recently held a "alternate rock and jazz" concert. They applied for funding and rumor is they were given almost 10 thousand dollars, though i can't confirm this as they haven't disclosed the budget for the concert. I didn't attend the concert but videos show that various african drum artists and a all female jazz band performed.
Poster for the concert reads: "We don't tolerate: Racism, Sexism, Homophobia, Violence, Hard drugs"
Jayden Long
I am applying for a engineering school as i type this
Adrian Perez
Do you mean that in the sense that there's no need for indoctrination because how could a good little cog think in an unapproved way?
Jaxon Roberts
We had absolutely 0 political indoctrination in my university.
We did have a single course for political awareness in first or second year, but it was neither pro-deivrsity nor pro-putin.
I remember when I started talking about rampart corruption during exam, the professor made a loud "it's not me saying this; it's him; you hearing this? hello?" statement to an apparent hidden camera/recorder.
Liam Nelson
The lecture that stands out to me the most, was when a professor was "teaching" us about how technology increases inequality in Denmark, since poor people can't afford ipads and iphones.
Pic unrelated, old pic from highschool when my societal studies class visited a mosque. Here the girls in my glass are seen trying on hijabs
James Martinez
What's the name of your current uni?
Christopher Lee
Oh dear, this is sad, I thought that only the bullshit Anglophone "universities" had to deal with this crap, disheartening that it's spread to the continent as well.
Here in the UK Oxford, Cambridge and Imperial College are still relatively OK but everywhere else is probably brimming with shite like that.
Jace Evans
I am also a CS student, and I have not had any of this. Then again, I don't have to take any non-CS classes. Good luck user, redpilling a few of your classmates is the best thing you can do here.
Luis Hall
Bonus pic, praying for mass gains at my gym
Nathaniel Nguyen
Juan Stewart
It's "Roskilde University", on the outskirts of Copenhagen. It had a major student revolution in the late 60's - early 70's which turned it from a respectable learning institution to a kindergarten. Pic related, students "taking control" during revolution.
Connor Carter
2 of these people are now professors at the university
Anthony Brown
Should've gone to NTNU
Mason Ramirez
No, I mean that I got a no non-sense education and that my political views are my personal business. There was no political indoctrination in my classes. I don't see how that can be interpreted as a bad thing.
Jack Reed
What did this meme revolution try to accomplish?
Sebastian Walker
I second this. OP must be studying in some bullshit joke university
Carson Cox
It's confirmed, Norway is now the least cucked out of Sweden and Denmark.
Jason Ward
>61% of french youth are ready to enter revolution against their government: are you
This is literaly 100% fake news, basically leftist propaganda
antifas chimp out because they just want an excuse to not go to high school/uni and smoke weed instead, but they will never leave their comfort zone and face anything else than passive anti-riot brigades
Eli Nelson
Ahhh and here i am thinking of going to denmark for exchange (dtu or something? The best tech u in denmark, probably in copenhagen) should i?
Bentley Hernandez
Fuck copenhagen
Zachary Peterson
They wanted to give the students power over their education. Now students can basically choose what they want to study themselves, instead of following a set curriculum. This is what drew me to the school.
Isaac Taylor
And i thought university was at its lowest point in France... to be honest i think we're doing great compared to that insanity.
Joseph Perry
I've applied to DTU already, i'm hoping its better
Carson Campbell
>Roskilde University Who would have seen that coming? I guess our universities really are just as disgusting as American ones.
Dylan Taylor
Yeah I thought too that french unis were shit, but I was studying basic programming, theoretical maths and shit during my first semester in computer science, no feminist bullshit in sight
Northern Europe is lost to the left
Ryan Diaz
Kek never seen these courses in the UK except in (((sociology))) and perhaps some economics/law electives for brainlets
William Rivera
I'm studying a very tech heavy degree which consisted of about 99% C++ coding in the first year.... every woman/girl dropped off the course within the first month...
Benjamin Fisher
I don't know if affirmative action a thing at this school but i have a friend who's maybe pakistani or something, i don't know, he's short, dark and hairy. This guy never showed up for a single lecture and never read a single page. But somehow he managed to pass every class and is all set for the next term of the year. Same with this other guy i talked to, who proudly exclaimed that he never even showed up during the first few months yet he somehow still passed.
Joshua James
Yeah. Marxism is so fucking hip and cool. How about you ask your pussy ass university to take all those 1400 communists, brand them as enemies of the enemies of the state which they are and throw them out?
God damn.
Jason Allen
i didn't know denmark was sweden tier like this. maybe finland is better? i want to learn a language before i go anyways. i'm thinking of doing exchange/ masters in either denmark japan spain finland
Dylan Cook
Don't even bother, Finland is pretty much the same
Dominic Bailey
Go for Austria or Norway.
Josiah Diaz
>no hard drugs This is one of the (only) 'laws' in Christiania. Is there some connection between these two groups?
Lucas Morales
Japan and get some waifu tail
William Morgan
well fuck. i saw iceland was fucked as well. where the fuck in scandi is safe? greenland? svalbard?
David Parker
Eesti :DDDddd
Charles Sanders
I can't find the story anywhere online, the school is oddly silent about this (i wonder why) but these 4 girls, 3rd year biology students made a project about growing food from bacteria taken from the vaginas.
Pic related, some of the stuff they made, i honestly don't really know what it is. Weird thing is that when they mentioned it to us as an example of what earlier students had made for their projects, noone else seemed to bat an eye. Meanwhile i exclaimed "UUUURGH" and people look at me weirdly as though i was the odd one.
Nolan Anderson
>I'm a first year CompSci student at a major state-funded university, now entering the 2nd term of my first year, You must be in the worst university in Denmark.
Ethan Fisher
So basically he was right.
Sebastian Roberts
That's a bunch of nonsense sempai. Curricula are always these for a reason and offer the most time-efficient way to grad. Btw from what you showed there's still mandatory classes, but now they are under their command
Isaiah Murphy
I have a PhD in mechanical engineering and never had a minute of political agenda in school.
Aaron Taylor
He is a hero, and probably saved more lives that he took by now.
Leo Hall
Jayden Ward
>that was ever a doubt
Jonathan Walker
OP is full of shit. Theres no "gender theory" whatsoever being lectured. Its that OP is from a vikingfag country and vikingfags just love niggers and powerful women. In normal nations, STEM students go through hell and women are absent from departments.
Matthew Edwards
Make it national news nigger and if this fails juste remove the marxists yourself
Ayden Jones
The university has 10.000 students which is big for Denmark. Many of the professors and leading staff are reknowned people with backgrounds in international science, politics and major danish companies such as LEGO and Maersk. It seems good on the surface, and nothing indicates to students when they aplly what the actual culture on campus is like.
Daniel Ortiz
You underestimate the rate of rot spreading throughout western education. Places that were passable or even good when I went to college are now completely pozzed shit.
Aiden Morris
>Poortugal Man, over here you go to Poortugal via Erasmus to finish exams you can’t finish here. Your STEM exams are a joke.
Luke Rivera
t. 49 year-old
Carson Sanchez
>norway holy shit thats probably the worse option fuck yeah that might be a good idea. or even poland (i heard polish was awfull to learn)
Evan Thompson
I'm surprised that in my art & design uni there is none of that shit. It's all completely optional and nobody cares
We even get Nazi banners being hung up in the hallway kek
Tyler Baker
that looks like some RUC shit to me famalam. Why do you go to such a shitty red uni?
Joseph Jones
Joseph Hill
How long until this starts to directly lead to death and maiming? Imagine being operated on by a surgeon who spent half his college career being taught about fucking intersectional feminism instead of what organs are where and do what. Or living or working in a building designed by an architect and built by workers who were taught about the glories of communism instead of structural integrity and tensile and compression force. Would you want to fly in a plane operated by someone whose training and education consisted heavily of black studies and trans inclusion?
Parker Sanchez
>t.mechanical engineer >"hard"
Eli Lopez
It's absoletely normal to not do any programming in your first year. That's not was is problematic. You usually have a lot of math and physics courses at the start to know the absolute basics.
Gender bullshit though....
Brody Myers
For lavt gennemsnit til Kobenhavns Universitet. Jeg har allerede sendt min ansogning til DTU i lyngby
Charles Fisher
math student in a prominent Parisian university here. Always had 100 % math class, never heard of any SJW bullshit during class time. On the walls in the yards the only political posters are far left though. But it has always been like that since the end of WW2.
Carter Russell
Feel sorry m8, but this bullshit didn't come into my university and it's pretty weird (i'm at 1st year compsci) : >The university is in one of the more liberal cities in the whole country, in one of the most liberal region >Streets are full of niggers trying to sell junk at you >Almost every day commie students try to stop me and giving some leaflet of their events >The lessons have no gender studies bullshit or some PC so far
Julian Wood
They are trying to destroy education by turning literally ALL classes into "White people are evil" classes.
Jaxon Wright
Its bait thats what it is. OP is a faggot.
Isaiah Harris
Harder than your ”””””””””colleges””””””””””
Aaron Collins
That sounds like a great way to get kicked out of college and possibly fined or jailed in these Euroland countries.
Nathan Diaz
I am doing my master in comp sci right now. I've never had to take any class that wasn't related to design, maths, coding or electronic engeneering.
Isaac Cook
> This guy never showed up for a single lecture and never read a single page. But somehow he managed to pass every class and is all set for the next term of the year. Same with this other guy i talked to, who proudly exclaimed that he never even showed up during the first few months yet he somehow still passed.
Somebody paying attention to me at university would have observed the same thing. Here's a redpill on lectures: they tend to be pretty useless when all is said and done. That's why you see all these smartphone zombies checking normiebook in there nowadays (in the olden times it would have been newspapers, books or simply sleeping people). If you put in the work by looking up things yourself and solving the all the exercises on your own you will usually have no trouble passing the exam at the end of the year. With flying colours, to boot. But then...
> I don't know if affirmative action a thing at this school but i have a friend who's maybe pakistani or something, i don't know, he's short, dark and hairy.
...the other possibility is that he simply cheated, given his Migrationsvordergrund. There were a bunch of Turks at my university I knew from ending up in forced team work chain gang (team work is such a great invention; one productive person pulls five idiots through and the grading work is reduced to a sixth of the previous amount) with them. They were dumb as bricks. Nonetheless I learned at the graduation ceremony that one of them hat miraculously achieved a 2.0 grade average (a solid B in American terms).
Ryan Ross
It can vary quite a lot between universities, not sure if other universities in Denmark are free from marxist ideology.
If you want to learn the language of the country of the university, i don't think you should go to japan or finland.
You could consider TU Delft. Forget Amsterdam (UvA), Nijmegen and Groningen. Probably Utrecht as well, pic related.
Jose Thomas
DTU is a bit outside Copenshit. Decent little thing and not like the shit OP is posting about. >should i? In short no. Why not take your degree in Aus? Why come to a place where English is not the native language and your education will suffer because of this. Danes might be somewhat proficient in English but not to the level that is required to convey hard to grasp knowledge.
Parker Martin
I third. C""S"" is a meme anyway.
Matthew Stewart
Forgot image
You cucks wish your uni was this cool
William Sanchez
You know, it's not even about race, i bet they would love to make it about race, but Denmark is so fucking homogenous, there's barely any niggers here, even at this very leftist university
Jaxson Moore
>tries to "le redpill" radical communists >gets ambushed and stabbed/mutilated by some degenerate >staff and other students cover for commie/nigger who did it. >shitty universal healthcare save your life but didn't have/want to spend more resources to fix you up completely >now permanently disfigured and/or colostomy bag tier cripple
A-at least I'm re-redpilled!!
stupid idea
Kevin Gonzalez
Lol it looks like she has headphones on
Xavier Richardson
Nah, probably depends on uni. I study in fucking Sweden and things are mostly fine in my university
Henry Hernandez
top kek I'm a compsci student too (last year) and the only SJW bullshit I get is from comments by some teachers, but it's not part of any subject except maybe Business & Economy which is a shit course that's only there to tell you socialism is good
Hudson Jones
If the statistic is 'accurate' it's almost certainly a result of all the 3rd world descendant welfare leeches.
Brayden Lee
>Tattoos everywhere >Tinder It fits.
Aaron Baker
I'm sorry OP but it's obviously how RUC is. Surely you could have looked at their curriculum before applying. I don't mean to shit on you but don't write this like all computer science programmes in Denmark are infested with sociology bullshit. AFAIK RUC doesn't have pure computer science unlike KU, SDU or AAU. Good on you for applying to DTU, it's a good time to dropout only having done the first semester. Have only heard good things about DTU and I hope you get in.
Henry Robinson
Should've said it was sexual harassment, exposing people to bodily discharge from genitalia without receiving specifically stated consent.
Nathan Cox
Jeg kan fortælle dig at DTU er meget upolitisk, medmindre du hænger ud med damerne fra anden kvadrant
Josiah Baker
>and i have yet to learn a single line of code or computer science related skill yet
Guess what you absolute fucking nigger, you're the one who has to put in effort into learning.
Uni is there only you a piece of paper at the end of the course. Even if you were ''taught'' lines of code, it wouldn't mean that you'd have learned them (considering your line of thinking).
Go to classes Ignore leftist garbage If needed, put up with it for presentation/group work only to not fuck up your recommendations before joining the work force Study by yourself
That's the advice I can give to you. If you're not capable of doing it by yourself, maybe you shouldn't be in STEM in the first place.
Blake Bailey
OP is attending the most left wing degenerate "university" in Denmark. Nothing can be done but burn it down and salt the earth.
Liam Brooks
måske Jylland or ude på landet men Kobenhavn er fyldt med de kræ Bare fordi man er hvid er det ikke ens betydning med at man er bedre
Carson Phillips
CSfag taking a two-year here, I haven't seen that in the slightest. A lot if the first classes you take are gen. ed., but I haven't seen anything at all like in the OP. Kill yourself for being presumptuous.
Nolan Carter
Chase Watson
this is something you learn with time in STEM, I only go to 30% of my classes, studying on your own is more productive and more sufferable
Alexander Hernandez
We have some humanitarian stuff in TU, too. Although I loved it, philosophy lecturers were very conservative, anti - EU, but were open to discussions and discussed in civil manner with liberal students.
Nolan Howard
How do you know? t. NEET who is going to apply to Uni in Spring
This thread is blackpilling as fuck. I have really low tolerance for bullshit that I do not like. I can listen to propaganda, but I will not be able to do assigments that require ''Marxist thinking'' or whatever they want.
Robert Brooks
>Lasse Koefoed is associate professor of urban studies at the Department of People and Technology. >Technology He looks constipated, what's wrong with his face? Pic related