>doesn't want to conserve the environment
>just frack my shit up
What's the deal with that?
Charge the customer for the price of the oil
capitalism my friend,
good'ol capitalism
Fascists are environmentalists
Because society russia were great stewards of the environment?
fishy like oil, look i think it just smiled.
look it decided to do backstrokes it so happy.
>why did conservatives ruin the water in my controlled iberal state
should frack yourself
That's neocons for you - neoconservatism is a capitalistic and jewish ideology.
Leftists who claim to care about the environment do it only to virtue signal. They don't care if their personal contribution is mathematically irrelevant or if they are hypocrites (i.e travel a lot with plane but recycle religiously). Any real solution such as radically decreasing the world population is unthinkable because muh feels. And there's only one race that currently cares about environment - whites. You can't have a good environment by having billions of people living first world standards, and it's not enough if the West lives green.
Pentti is fucking based.
Michigan went for Trump in the last election dumbass you're pretty much wanting to punish whites for niggers poor decision making
yup Neo Cohens are crypto trotskyites
Could you source the quote from your picture. The closest thing I found was from 2014 saying they spilled 39 barrels.
Well stop driving a fuel car then
Only weakling cucks drink water.
Nice. Never heard that one before. Will be using it.
>Muh enviroment
Over 25% of the United States landmass is considered a "protected area". We totally hate conservation.
>>doesn't want to conserve the environment
teddy roosevelt, a conservative republican, established the first national parks
They want to know how it is when you pay for cancer treatment yourself without insurance. Just another day of capitalistic competition. Goys fighting for survival is very good for business, lots of services can be paid. The real reason why they don't want to abort retard babies (by law) is because retard babies aren't covered by healhcare, they are covered by lifelong parent's account with private doctor who's all too happy to have work forever with minimal effort. This is also where Berniefags pour salt into Republican asses since they want to cover retard babies under healthcare. Cancer patients are almost like retard babies by financial aspect.
>if you don't happily embrace one extreme you must be wholeheartedly embracing the other
>needing to reach back nearly a century for actual conservative president
>ignoring that modern conservative presidents have worked to undo conservation efforts by past conservative presidents, such as the dismantling of Nixon's EPA or selling rights to national parks for resource exploitation
did you even listen to what he actually said you fucking retard
Do oil and water mix?
The real question is if oil and chlorine mix.
Grant established Yellowstone in 1872.