How do I prevent my daughter from becoming a slut Sup Forums?
How do I prevent my daughter from becoming a slut Sup Forums?
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lock her in the basement and feed her fish heads
Remove her clit with a rusty kitchen knife..
killing her
Groom her to be your perfect wife.
Become a good man before you have kids. Be such a good man that you eventually bag a conservative redpilled wife (easiest if you live a good life and be a good man ).that's the best you can do in terms of how you want your children to turn out
Give her unlimited access to the internet and NO ACCESS to public social services like education or healthcare.
I'm serious.
Send her to me
I will marry her and be her proper husbando
Take her virginity first so she loses her value
A snipp on the clit
I'd do it, especially if the pic is of OP real daughter
Death bongbro.
You are the parent and have full responsibility
Make her get a sex change operation
The drs can’t stop you even if she doesn’t want to
It’s your child
Give her attention, teach her proper manners, but be fair.
Be a good father, be there for her and teach her self respect. Seriously user if she isn't attention starved or super repressed she will be a good girl.
You already know the answer
Damn you New Zealanders know how to party
Read some psychology
idk, move somewhere that's not bongistan?
Put up this sign and change a few words
"Dear parents don't leave your kids alone with the robot"
>How do I prevent my daughter from becoming a slut Sup Forums?
Just send her to me.
Hard discipline from the little age and she should know that you will disinherit and cut her off the moment she does something you don't approve.
we sure do
Send her to me. I will take care of her
This is the same way you started this thread the other day you weird pedo fuck.
Go back to posting about how you want to suck dog penises you fucking CREEP!
shes a slut no matter what you do.
but if you want her to be a selective slut, then homeschool her, you retard. oh and no t.v or internet for her either. she doesnt need that shit.
Buy a backhoe.
send her to these guys
By actually being a good father
Tits or GTFO...
I can smell the FDS on your pussy through my screen.
You can be the best father or mother in the world, but if your child is retarded he/she will do retarded shit.
Simple: actually RAISE HER.and not hand her over to liberal institutions while you go and do your serfdom to the banksters.
Sell her to me.
Did you even sleep last night? Have you literally stayed up all night posting your weird little fetishes?
What were they again? Oh yes, little girls in chokers, DOGS, women being mutilated, what else?
By making sure there is an eligible guy, and by starving her until she finds him.
Don't live in big capitalistic city, raise your daughter, don't impregnate dumb pub whores. That's the starter kit.
You have to make it clear you know men better than her. Then choose who you want to be your son. Or set up an arranged marriage.
bury alive and have a son instead
Send her to me, I'd breed her and raise her good.
But can we please talk about dowry, dear father-in-law?
Give her a trip to south africa. For 6 months working with our wonderful people in soweto to humble her and her shitty attitude
Why are you saving lewd pics of kids, you fucking nonce
Pic related from the other time you fantasized about sick shit like this
Wow, suddenly there's a lot of people on Sup Forums who want to rape and torture young girls. What an anomaly... it's totally not the same sick fuck on a proxy making the same post over and over while he jacks off
Don't let her use the internet and don't send her to government education. I'm serious.
attn: anyone who isn't freedom fighter itt, want me to blow your motherfuckin' mind? Here's a copypasta I made YESTERDAY about his female circumcision fetish:
He made a thread a couple days ago about why we should beat and rape women. You'll notice a lot of the same posts there, "WE NEED TO RAPE THEM," along with the replies to these posts saying, "Hmm, Muslims are just like conservatives!" (desire to conflate Islam with traditional Christianity) But the funniest red flag was probably pic related. You can see he got his proxies mixed up again. Also, you can see his favourite insult "kill yourself"
Conclusively, we can say he's in this thread because of an idiosyncrasy he has when replying to posts where he leaves a space between the post number and his reply. See the posts ITT that do that
Freedomfag has a female circumcision fetish too. Search the archive.
He's probably other people in this thread too. The "lolita" fetish, obviously, clues us into this thread being a freedomfag thread because he's a well known pedophile from Doublechin (see the collage I posted earlier)
t.someone who exposes proxyfags on the regular. I'm responsible for bringing down Kagari and the Samus-ass poster. My proxyfag hunting skills are bar-none the greatest of all time.
>pic related
don't brush your teeth for a week, then rape her.
And keep repeating heavily towards her with heavy breath "im only doing this cause your body is so delicious"
She will be so digusted with herself and her body. She will dress moderately and hate sex, and any man who has even a smackling of bad breath will trigger her episodes of you and her. And she will be foreever alone until she meets mr perfect hygiene man
and lets face it, a guy with perfect hygiene is not a bad guy.
The comment starting "collars are common in bdsm" is me. I'm not the OP of that post or this one. I don't condone any of the pedophilic shit posted. Not sure if you made that pic or someone else, but just letting you know. My description/analysis is separate from any of the pedo comments.
Read to them when they're young, have their mother show them how to knit, cook, garden, and dance. Always allow them to associate with friends of their same age group. Don't allow outside influences into your household (no cameras on computers/phones, no social media apps unless they know not to post their photos, and personal info). Let them have pets, teach them how to change tire or oil, instruct them to never be intoxicated around strangers. If she has brother's, tell your boys to bring her along everywhere.
Fuck her. It's what Trump did and Ivanka is now married to an established Jewish businessman.
The fact that in your sick twisted autist brain you think this somehow blends in with other posts on Sup Forums is probably the funniest part to me.
Won't that just make her an E-whore...
2nding what this user said.
You don't have a daughter fuck off larper.