Lynn De Rothschild is losing it
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She is like the Jewish Paris Hilton.
she's fuckin loony toons
why do kebabs run over retards at fairs? why don't they allahu ackbar the rothschilds?
If the Rothschilds are upset then Trump is doing something right.
How dare you tarnish Paris Hiltons good name like that
good luck, theyre behind 7 billion goyim
>a literal Rothschild complaining about cronyism
Lol you guys are nuts
She's not actually Jewish.
jew fucking cunt
Fire up the ovens boys
hey lynn, death's around the corner.
Do all this extra work even though you could just ignore me for a week cos I've already done something dumb enough to be banned.
If you don't, you must be a Zionist!
>has Rothschild in her name
>talks about corruption
Pol and Alex Jones have been hyping up the Rothschilds as the final boss, but look at how impotent they are against President Trump
Trump took away their sword.
>salt-mining the Rothschilds
banned for violating a nonexistant rule
That reptilian bitch is always sperging out at Trump over twitter. She knows she's fucked.
Then say that rather than calling the mod a Zionist lol.
Do you know how to convince people to do shit? It's not by saying they're wrong or part of some evil cult.
i did. the screenshot is missing the first part of my reply
There’s nothing wrong with being a Rothschild.
its afraid.jpg
>(((Rothschild))) calling out (((Kushner)))
What did trump do now? Did they find out he has two rolls of tp in the bathroom?
look dude no one cares you got banned. you know the rules never admit to visiting a rival site. Besides you have to be a real dumbass to not see they expect a certain caliber of shit post over there.
>unironically going to 8gag
you deserve to get banned from here as well
So much for "Muh family's superior and you're inferior and shit"
They're little bitches once you threaten to freeze their money
The noose is tightening.
Constant referral to "our nation/our country" really activates the almonds.
she is certainly seeing how many are waking up and knows the day of the rope is coming
A Rothschild pulling the morality card and calling out corruption... Don't know where to begin
This. Digits confirm.
>what is the Balfour Declaration
"If you want to know what God thinks of money, just look at the people he gave it to" - Best Quote by a Whamen Ever
Dude, I went there too to see if was better than this fucking Sup Forums tier raid.
It wasn't any better it's just as retarded.
I wonder if pol ever thought that when it helped contribute massively to trump being president, that he would then actually start draining the swamp on a global scale, so much so that literally LDR is losing her mind.
Is this stupid whore even a US citizen? Christ I hate these people. I want to put her in a woodchipper
Assassins guild nao, whose in?
(((they))) really control the democrats completely huh?
Why did they make their most inept and spergy member their public relations officer?
shes upset the new leader of the illuminati is making his power plays.
when you are as rich as these fucks, you are considered a citizen of the world
>Paris Hilton
I'm actually surprised that she's been so quiet the last 10 years.
Kim Kardashian has been in the spotlight way longer than Paris Hilton was.
After seeing all the nigger-worship from them I almost miss the days when it was Paris being shoved down our throat
uh, yeah, lynn...the interests of a billionaire socialite and Sup Forums should be identical.
>what's wrong with the world?
>are the little people not able to afford pedicures for their poodles?
>is that why they're upset over immigration?
>i sometimes see immigrants when boarding my private jet or over on the far side of my country estate when they're tending the horses
>they look like lovely people
>since i'm rich, i must be right
>and if i'm right they must be wrong
>muh corruptions -- i just pumped millions into the campaign of the most corrupt politician in all of time
>why don't the little people think like we tell them to anymore?
lynn rothschild, never worked a day in her life.
jake tappers wife loves comet ping pong -- it was/is her favorite restaurant.
pizzagate is real, lynn.
prepare yourselves
it's going to be a gloomy summer on nantucket, lynn.
that much user can promise you.
sooooo did she gave the boy any money?
>two rolls
It takes 2 rolls to wipe 2 scoops
>why don't they allahu ackbar the rothschilds?
Allah bows to the Rotschilds
owns 99% of every bank on the world
owns whole nations(1st world type)
owns more wealth than there's currently on earth
psychic powers
in contact with aliens
would post a Bogschild meme but I'm too lazy to photoshop
delet plz
That CUNT gets all worked up about, this ,elephant hunting, green peace,tree hugging has ALL the money in the world,
Drops a single dime ( sheckle ) to help her worthy cause.
Oh wah . Poor 6 yrs old handi kid. Hmm wonder how much money she sent to USE this kid for her rant. ZERO
Oh no the horror Evil Trump is allowing everyone to kill and eat ALL of the elephants. Has enough money to buy the entire continent of African and fence the poachers out
Spends ZERO sheckles to save the stupid fucking elephants.
I can't Waite for the day of thousands of flaming torches and pitchforks to storm her castle, strip her naked, drag her carcass thru the streets then strung her up Mussolini style.
Matthew 15:19
For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, and slander.
God is against thinking with your heart.
looks like you forgot rule #9 of the internet
somebody is getting nervous. I wonder why?
absolutely deserved it, you faggot
hopefully after reading your faggy appeal, they give you a perma ban
The main Sup Forums mod over there is a leftypol plant. The guy who owns the site is a former deep state agent.
You got b& for shitposting cuckchan tier bullshit . 8/pol/ is best Sup Forums
Ask her when will her family pay restitutions for defrauding the British citizenry during the Napoleonic wars?
This kike talking about cronyism KEK
jews are controlling the muds
>How dare the mods do their job
You're the same cancer that plagues here.
>Banned from Banking
>Banned from Jewish Activities
Sounds like Scott Pruitt's banker is /our/guy
>never done anything of value
>insanely rich
How do we fix this problem with society?
Haha, fucking reptilian bitch is spooked
What was the link?
The comments in her tweets are all about how she worships Satan and is evil lmao... people are so woke!
The Rothschilds are a Jewish family. There's a street in the [old?] capital named Rothschild.
Fake account dumbass.
@LdeRothschild is her real account you dumb nigger
8ch is a kike honeypot, this is conclusive faggot they banned me for life for posting this
strong central bank owned by Jews (namely the Rothchilds)
Jews hold most white collar positions of privilege
everyone is equal (as slaves under Jewish hegemony)
Antisemitism is outlawed
authoritarian rule (with lots of purges)
Take private property (aka the means of production, or factories)
from the individuals that own them and give them to "the state"
(a small number of people in positions of privilege filled through nepotism)
turning the entire country into private property owned by them with the people still
working in factories they don't own and now will never have an opportunity
to own making less than they did before with a lower standard of living. Or
to make it simple basically a return to feudal serfdom only the lords will
now all be Jews instead of natives that basically consider the gentiles subhuman livestock
gas yourself nigger
>Trump is a jewish pupp-
calledme a nigger faggot in the comments
These Rothschild monkeys never learn!
>black cubes
!!! All that Saturn shit is real!
Lot of layers to Judaism. Most Jews don't even know. There are layers to us too that shills don't know
of course the Saturn shit is real nigger watch this playlist
My favorite /x/-tier probably fake redpill is that both Jews and Goyim are caught in a 70,000 year old blood war that really no one is really aware of.
That would make for a cool videogame setting or movie. Speaking of videogames I've been pondering on this cool idea of a strategy game where you play as the Jew, subverting and manipulating and collecting shekels
There is some truth to this, but it is very complex to go into an requires a lot of knowledge first for you to even have a conversation about it. Try this playlist
This go back way farther than neanderthals my dude
sorry meant to post this with it as well
She's the only one not in hiding or arrested.
off by 10
>white as fuck
>multiple dna tests showing now jew stain on my dna
>have more neanderthal dna than 92% of the world
>solidly german/russain
Whatever shylock. Your sadistic cult is going to hang from their entrails when our clan activates our berserker mode and cleaves their way through your nigger hordes..