Why didn't Ryuko just light the life fibers on fire?

Why didn't Ryuko just light the life fibers on fire?

If they had tried that in the show it just wouldn't have burned. Is what I was about to say but then I remembered that Senketsu burned up in the show so yeah, what the fuck.

Kill la Kill was basically a higher budget Inferno Cop, I don't see any point in picking holes in the story.

Life fibers are only susceptible purple justice fire. Conventional fire is utterly ineffective.

Kill la Kill should've been a short anime like Luluco.
It's obvious that the guys at trigger can't do anything that's over 20 episodes long and keep it decent.
Luluco was the best Trigger anime because it knew its own limitations

Wouldn't that have the side effect of killing anyone wearing or entrapped by the fibers...?

Most likely.

They didn't know


Yeah they seriously just didn't know. They we all too stupid because they live in a world where school teaches you only about Hitler and fashion. They tried FREEZING the original life fiber, remember? And it didn't work. Because they were too dumb to just light it on fire. Probably wearing life fibers for so long made everybody retarded too.

>Ryuko turned into a pyromaniac
I didn't know I want this, but now I want this

Life fibers directed their evolution, they probably made absolutely sure they didn't develop the part of their brain that made them realize 'fire burns fabric'.

They didn't have juuuusTICE

Episode 20, Nudist beach fires a bunch of missiles at Ragyo. She blocks with Life Fibers. They don't catch on fire. They just aspulled this for Luluco; it wouldn't have worked in KLK.
Senketsu used up all his energy in the previous fight.

And also potentially spreading the fire, life fibers were in almost everyone's clothing in small amounts

Why didn't the bullet matter?

Bullet lost its way.

>space faring species that propagates by surviving the explosion of planets and the heat of atmospheric entry.
>being actually susceptible to fire in any way.

It was just a luluco joke.

She hadn't grown out of her sailor uniform yet

>Lighting up a match is the same as friction from atmosphere re-entry
I hope your joking, user. I find hard to believe someone can be this retarded.


His flames didn't have enough justice in them

In Luluco they didn't use regular fire. It was JUSTICE fire.

Because she stupid.