Why u guys dont spam it on twitter? >Why u guys dont spam it on twitter? Why u guys dont spam it on twitter? >Why u guys dont spam it on twitter? #weremember
Grayson Perez
Thomas Morgan
let me hear your great come back on this 1900's ny times holocaust and shit before 1. ww
Jordan King
...Holy fuck the christian population drop compared to the jewish one.
>hurr why couldn't they have estimated all dead by 1946...
Jonathan Watson
Everyone outside would be killed too. If u cant chemistry - fuck off
Oliver Price
The "missing" Jew is NOT the original, but rather him having been edited out by a prude newspaper publisher. Note how the bedpost is missing a base right where the Jew would have been standing.
Jonathan Ross
Alexander Ross
yeah im talking bout reliable world wide source not kind of kike national source u faggot
Luis Sanchez
>500 people freeze to death >shoot them while they lay on the ground >collect medals
Jeremiah Smith
Did you make this shitty infograph yourself or just saved it?
Who is alleging the door pictured on the left is the original homicidal gas chamber door?
The entire paragraph pasta on the image's left is utter horseshot NO HOLOCAUST HISTORIAN HAS EVER SAID.
Why must deniers keep building strawmen to create arguments to debunk the holocaust? Self explanatory.
Isaac Jones
Ian Flores
Only good christcuck is a dead one, you niggers destroyed europe and my glorious America
Zachary Flores
Eli Miller
U mad kike? The time of patience for your kind is over You and your commie puppets
Ethan Kelly
Logan Bailey
I got banned from twitter.
Aiden Wilson
>my 4 year old parents were gassed 6 times
Joseph Sanchez
You don't think in light of facing an excruciating death via gas that some jews might choose to break that flimsy window and let themselves out?
Angel Brooks
if you americans have balls you should post this under Heiko Maas twittertwatter
David Lee
The best stuff to post has to do with cremation. Normies (especially urban Jews who were at Auschwitz) have no idea how long it takes to cremate a body, so they claimed that hundreds were cremate in a day or that multiple bodies burning actually fuels the fire to make it hotter (a body is mostly water, and prisoners with no fat or muscle wouldn't "fuel" any fire).
Push that angle, they have no explanation.
Connor Lewis
fuckkkkk and thanks
Fucking kikes everywhere
Tyler Gray
whats that all bout?
Julian Evans
>The best stuff to post has to do with cremation. How about just blatant lies that kike corp like amazon pass off as non-fiction and delete any negative rating/review?
Adrian Nelson
thats the german hatespeech minister who should actually be looking for the crimes his arab younglings commit but instead concentrates on removing "hatespeech"
if americans post this stuff there he can't do anything because americans don't have anti-lolpaust laws
Jason Watson
what window? why don't you show me a photo of a window in a gas chamber to back up your silly beliefs? there is no window anywhere in and that door isn't even a gas chamber door, nobody is claiming that (except deniers building strawmen)
Easton Thomas
>Old Almanacs never lie >as in your pic, almanacs continued to be published in the years: >1940 >1941 >1942
gee, I wonder which census committee was running around Europe accurately counting people while bombs were flying all over the place?
Luis Martinez
It's unbelievable. But it happened.
Nathaniel Williams
you are from austria jesus dude
get your fucking brains out of communism
Carson Butler
>a chimney not attached to a building means it is a MAJOR, MAJOR PROBLEM AND CANNOT WORK!!!!!11111 >whut is underground chimney flues? huh? nevar hurd of it
t. finngol brainlet
Luke Robinson
Gavin Anderson
You don't know about Zyklon you faggot. It goes UP AS SMOKE U DUMBLING not down. How the fuck you can press gas out of non air-tight room to downstrairs and UP ? Wow space magic i guess
Easton Bennett
Most is from Russia. Jews killed millions before and during the war. Then the actual Russian death toll. For instance, Britain only lost 400k soldiers in the war. Same for the US roughly. Next big hit is Germans. They killed as many civilians as possible with firebombings.
Isaiah Thompson
There isn’t a single source I’ve ever seen that even claims the global Jew population ever fell below 15 million
Colton Ward
Bumping glorious thread
Daniel Hernandez
GTFO of my thread you kike lover
Isaac Barnes
>he thinks the smokestack is for venting zyklon
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA the absolute STATE of the finngol.
you don't know the first thing about the holocaust besides 20 saved twitter redpill images. jesus christ, what a fucking amateur.
Brayden Stewart
That's an amazing pic, it proves the point even more!! Thanks a lot. 4-5-6-7 million, it doesn't matter, the point is its a drumbeat that's been going forever, it's fake, it's propaganda.
And pic related.
Camden Stewart
MUH 6 MILLION was already a meme BEFORE the fucking WW1
Matthew Morgan
yeah? where is your arguments besides "you dont know nothing"
Cooper Hall
1919 and 1921 MUH 6 million AGAIN
Jaxon Young
Julian Wilson
>There isn’t a single source I’ve ever seen that even claims the global Jew population ever fell below 15 million
So you stopped reading almanacs after 1949, got it. That, or you just read up on denier websites, who obviously only spam the almanacs from 38-48
1931 again MUH 6 Million :( before the fucking WW2 already
Angel Jenkins
>gee, I wonder which census committee was running around Europe accurately counting people while bombs were flying all over the place? But now they take a census in the US every year - oh wait, I forgot its only every 10 years.
John Bennett
1936 once again MUh 6 million BEFORE the fucking WW2
Christopher Smith
Ethan Rogers
1938 again MUH 6 million :(
Michael Cox
Brody Brooks
Owen Foster
Aaron Powell
Brayden Morris
Sebastian Cruz
Great argument! No proofs idiot You will burn like your great parents
Daniel King
Make them remember... he was right.
Logan Roberts
Damn I thought Austrians were cool. This kike rat thinks he's convincing anyone of the shoah
Nolan Perry
Asher Reyes
Colton Lewis
Are you actually telling me RIGHT NOW that there are goyim who still don't believe that 7 million yids were killed by the pedal-powered brain bashing machines, masturbation machines, rollercoaster ovens, baby skeet shooters, and giant hook machines?
How can anyone not believe that 14 million were gassed and burned in ovens that conveniently didn't use millions of pounds of coal to operate?
How can any Shlomo deny that 28 million weren't turned into lampshades, soap and ash trays?
It's truly shocking that we live in a world where people question if 56 million were gassed over the period of a few days in a single room!
How can there be gentiles on this planet who question even the slightest facts regarding the 112 million that have been proven over and over again by reputable Jewish scholars! Why haven't they been locked up yet!?!
Remember the 224 million! And don't forget that it's all the white people's fault! The goyim are spreading lies about white soldiers from the allied forces fighting the Nazis! They are lies! It was all us! We were the only ones who fought!
Noah Evans
Angel Powell
>burn like your great parents The problem is they didn't burn. Maybe this time around