Why do you guys talk like being white is something to be proud of.
Your skin color isn't an accomplishment, it doesn't make you special or worthy of respect.
Why do you guys talk like being white is something to be proud of.
Your skin color isn't an accomplishment, it doesn't make you special or worthy of respect.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Whiteness is solely skin color
That's just the surface.
It's not whiteness. Don't listen to the faggots who think only nords are white. It's in the structure and genetics.
I am Christian, and so I understand that all of us each have the same human spirit, and that we are all children of God, and that in this way, we are not worth more or less than each other. But please understand that there are fucking differences between peoples.
The cultures, and the way they adapt to their enviornment is relevant to how a people behave.
God himself bestows certain gifts upon certain tribes of people.
For example.
>Japanese people
They are not the most innovative people, but they are incredibly adaptable. If you kick the shit out of them, they will analyze the methods of the guys who fucked them up and then become 10x more dedicated.
This is why the Japanese were the best Imperialists, because they copied what the west did and did it even better.
Generally would be civilized people if not for Islam. They have a well-deserved reputation for being excellent merchants.
I could go on.
All the other races are simply sub-par by comparrison. Objective observation confirms this fact
it makes us special to non whites who specifically and openly want to see us fall soley because we are the "white opressor"
It's bad to say you're proud to be white, but okay to say you WAS KANGZ
Butthurt shitskin detected
>If you kick the shit out of them, they will analyze the methods of the guys who fucked them up and then become 10x more dedicated.
That's the character that allowed Rome to rise to such prominence though. The nips ain't shit.
>japanese were the best imperialists
Is this a joke? They conquered the chinks, tried to grab hawaii and promptly got their ass handed to them
>They have a well-deserved reputation for being excellent merchants.
They have a well deserved reputation for being dishonest cunts, what are you talking about?
Would fuck the shit out of Rhodesian Belle.
Whiteness is just the pattern. Like frogs with very vivid colours are often very poisonous. That doesn't mean that other frogs somehow evolved to imitate this trend without the poison, because somehow nature understood that the colour warning would be enough to deter predators.
Still, physological features is not what people are proud of and saying that is very childish and ignorant. It's not a matter of pride it's a matter of a set of people doing something and a different set of people ruining it for everybody.
There are blacks that openly thank whites for their progress and those blacks are the ones that hate dead beat blacks and SJWs the most, because they know neither is going to help them if they take out whitey.
I'm not white myself and I'm very thankful for what I have.
And it dosnt mean that whites have to give gibs to americoons and so on.
that girl is fucking hot.
Any girl brave enough to rebel and not conform to the stacy starbucks-sipping culture gets an instant +5 on the 1-10 scale.
It is something to be proud of. At the very least it means you’re not a nigger, which does mean you’re worthy of respect
>Your skin color isn't an accomplishment, it doesn't make you special or worthy of respect.
Then why are non-whites so horrible.
most of just want to be left alone dude
idont think im better than anyone, i just want a future for myself and my people
im not even against multicultralism. im only against multicultralism in every white country because then it becomes some weird attack
some multicultralism is fine, but when you're hitting every country that contains white people with unfiltered population changing immigration. its sus
you think you're the good guys but you're not, you're putting us in a weird position
You just fucking debunked all liberal agendas
Holy fuck, libs sure are retard
>Why do you guys talk like being white is something to be proud of.
>Your skin color isn't an accomplishment, it doesn't make you special or worthy of respect.
They got nothing else going on for themselves, just like the niggers, chinks, Muslims, and Mexicans who go around barking like dogs about how their people are the great because x or y. They're losers who need actual succesful people to piggyback them into some sort of sense of belonging and achievement because they can't attain it on their own.
The vast majority of well adjusted, succesful people don't bother with attacking other people simply because they're not white/mexican/Chinese/whatever, it's why you'll rarely see businessmen and attractive/popular people shilling for retarded proto stormnigger ideas, even though they have all the leverage and mobility to do so.
The losers become political extremists and X supremacists/nationalists because that's their outletto vent the impotent rage in their lives.
Holy shit I am so fucking D I A M O N D S for girls in uniform
>Why do you guys talk like being white is something to be proud of.
only autists do... as with only nigger blacks harping on about their mythical BBC's
>all according to (((His))) plan
Likewise niggo. Also, just being female isn't something to be proud of, Oprah.
fake news
majority of whites are sucking jewish dick for breakfast, brunch, lunch and dinner
Hi sargon.
Why should we not love our people and race?
>japanese not innovative.
>spearheading robotics.
>Lead car manufacturing
>video industry like super mario, nintendo, nintendo 65, wii etc
Dumb unintelligable blabbering idiot detected.
Sure maybe the chinese arent innovative and just manufacturer junk designed in western nations, but Japan not innovative, not inventing or building upon designs? holy fuck you're so stupid and unaware of technology and modern innovation i want to hurt you.
call me a cuck if you want but the OP is right.
You judged a man based on his behaviour, not his skin color. I hate niggers, not black people.
They are eugenecists, merit and character btfo....
>Your skin color isn't an accomplishment
No, civilization is the accomplishment. White skin is just an added benefit from having a successful civilization with continued structures generationally till the point where more then 50% of the population spends more then 50% of their time indoors.
Agreed. Also why do they hold "gay pride" marches?
>implying i will ever side with mudslims,libtards and commies
kys you pathetic trashcan.I will rope all of them
Modern successful people dont walk around saying that shit bc its socially unacceptable and they are smart enough to realize it. However, it is objective fact that white people are the highest acheivers and before the libtards took over it was perfectly acceptable to state as much
*clears throat*
People place a lot of value on race because very few races are even capable of maintaining a civilization, let alone create one.
So far whites and arguably east Asians are the only ones capable of such a thing.
Even if some whites behave like trash it's offset by the fact that even average whites are exceptional compared to most other races.
Meanwhile the few exceptional negros are offset by the fact that the average nog is so bad.
When the fukushima disaster was going down and their backs were up against the wall, they literally called a white guy to come fix it. And he did. Always remember that
and what skin colour is a nigger?
Not all blacks are nigger. Some blacks are very humble and respectful like my nigerian friend.
But somalians are fucking cancer. They're not humble at all. Ugly too
Nice rant but mud people and their kingdoms statistically fail more at life than white people who are forced to shop at Walmart , obviously something to it
is that real?
Wow really, you mean you can't generalize everyone into one category?! What new theory is this?!! You are a genius!!!
Actual African Immigrants are the cream of the crop. They're pretty much the children of royalty, dukes and lords in Africa who send their kids into the world. They are NOT regular africans.
"Data show Nigerians the most educated in the U.S."
"Although they make up a tiny portion of the U.S. population, a whopping 17 percent of all Nigerians in this country held master's degrees while 4 percent had a doctorate, according to the 2006 American Community Survey conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau. In addition, 37 percent had bachelor's degrees.
To put those numbers in perspective, 8 percent of the white population in the U.S. had master's degrees, according to the Census survey. And 1 percent held doctorates. About 19 percent of white residents had bachelor's degrees. Asians come closer to the Nigerians with 12 percent holding master's degrees and 3 percent having doctorates."
People with no personal accomplishments tend to cling to accomplishments not their own to feel less pathetic.
"I'm a worthless degenerate NEET but I'm white, so I'm better than others!" is pretty much the same as "we wuz kangs 'n sheit".
Feel free to be proud of your ancestors, but it is more important to make them proud.
Yeah that's what he said, for being excellent merchants
you do realise nigger is a race specific insult right? I don't believe I said all blacks where niggers asked what colour is a nigger.
>Modern successful people dont walk around saying that shit bc its socially unacceptable and they are smart enough to realize it.
No, that's just not true. Business owners, government officials, social/attractive people, and the wealthy in general could get away with it because they are the ones who determine the narrative and lead society. "Socially acceptable" is determined by them, not by your average fox news republican turdmuncher or your huffpost consuming liberal.
Notice how you unintentionally conceded my point indirectly either way, you are saying that the lower classes are unintelligent and poorly behaved, which is a simplification of my earlier post.
>However, it is objective fact that white people are the highest acheivers and before the libtards took over it was perfectly acceptable to state as much
Whites in America are carried by the top 10% of the population who pushes out advancements to society, in fact this happens in pretty much any society not just "white" societies, the rest of the population is just there to zerg rush their way onto "success" while they gloat about being part of "muh best group in da world", whatever your localized interpretation of the word "best" may be.
"Say it once and say it loud, 'I'm black and I'm proud!' was what I heard quite a bit growing up.
Being white is breddy comfy. You don't need to get multiple plastic surgeries to look white and you save a bunch of shekels
The smartest people are the ones who make it to the US. This is not a new phenomenon. The same is true for asians and indians, however their native populations have much lower statistics than the white US population, just like nigerians
I think most people on here are just irritated that it has become socially taboo to publicly state something that is completely obvious
Because it is. White people like me have accomplished great things. Groups of people like me have done greater things than groups of people akin to others that exist now.
My folk, have accomplished greater than whatever mundane tripe a single person or one family line tends to accomplish on their own. It's something to live up to. It's a standard. A target to achieve and surpass, unlike those that have none and live worthless, meaning-devoid lives.
Basically, people who have any heritage to be proud of yet aren't, are short sighted. They will die, and even where they lived and what they as a people did will not matter. Like a Scythian during the Roman Empire. No one cares. Because they lived as nobodies with no pride in themselves.
Like a perpetual punk child, those with no pride in heritage, will never truly grow up and accept real responsibility to uphold anything past themselves. They will be but snarking teenagers happy they have a job, or like hobbies. They are like animals. Squealing. Scampering around, doing nothing but existing. There is no human in that. It's beneath human. It's below proving itself sapience. There is no purpose. It's nothing.
They probably will be lesser than their ancestors would of been had they lived in that time; inferior. A joke. At best, a commoner from an un-respectable era of their people. A laughingstock in the end sadly, that wiser men of the future will look to if at all, as someone to not be like. While others are seen as having merit.
That is the core of it. A proper, mature, and actually intelligent judgement of merit. Fools have trouble perceiving such things I think.
Wait, I am not special?
Woah, that changes everything! Let me import millions of non-whites and destroy all of Europe! :D
That reseqrch was conducted by rice univeraity which ia run by jews. Implying any if this is actually true and isnt made up, they are given that opportunity by whites. Also if nigerians are so smart, why isnt Nigeria successful? Why do they have to leach off of whites for education?
>1 post by this Id
learn to spot leftist commie bait/slide threads dumb asses. sage.
If it's a rant, where are the large groups of wealthy white supremacists / mexican supremacists or whatever?
Even if some groups could be considered superior to others when you put them through a narrow lens and arbitrarily define what it means to be "superior", it has nothing to do with the main point I've made.
High achieving people are rarely supremacists / zealous nationalists because they can attain a sense of achievement and belonging on their own, without borrowing it from other people who actually struggled to attain it, supremacism and zealous nationalism are lower class behaviors left to the unintelligent and unskilled as "feel good" stimuli so they can pretend to be just as good as the people carrying their civilization.
Still both of them shouldnt be allowed in white countrys
>white is something to be proud of.
Being white takes a lot of work:
Must attain education level to have in door job to avoid the sun,
Wear hat & long sleeves in summer
>This fair skin is so unfair.
>white countrys
One of those Nigerian immigrants would have a better grasp on English than you.
Do you feel proud when your sister graduates college and gets a job? Does that mean you are taking her accomplishments away from her? No one is taking our ancestors accomplishments. It just gives us inspiration to do better for ourselves and people. It sounds like you just have no ancestors or family to be proud of so you want to bring down everyone else. If you can only be proud of yourself then you're probably a narcissist.
tell that to niggers
It's about culture, history and civilisation you ingenuous fucktard
Not proud of being white as an accomplishment, proud the the actual accomplishments of all my white ancestors
>elites could get away with it
Dr. Watson, the successful scientist who co-discovered the double-helix shape of dna was so ostricized for stating that blacks were inferior that he eventually had to auction off his nobel prize medal in order to generate income.
Donald Sterling, former owner of the los angeles clippers was found to have said some boarderline stuff and was forced to sell the team by the nba
At least it puts you in the group that invented everything. Instead of a group of dirty savages.
black pride - good
brown pride - good
yellow pride - good
red pride - good
white pride - ebil nazi fash scum
Good bait, plenty angry replies.
>Not proud of being white as an accomplishment, proud the the actual accomplishments of all my white ancestors
>Do you feel proud when your sister graduates college and gets a job? Does that mean you are taking her accomplishments away from her? No one is taking our ancestors accomplishments. It just gives us inspiration to do better for ourselves and people. It sounds like you just have no ancestors or family to be proud of so you want to bring down everyone else. If you can only be proud of yourself then you're probably a narcissist.
So, how do you feel about owning up to your own mistakes and cruelty?
Would you say that you feel sorrow and are sorry for the heinous actions of your ancestors? Such as enslaving blacks for instance?
Because if you gladly parade around with the achievements of your ancestors, surely you should have no issue with acknowledging the error of their ways
I'm assuming you're also addressing this question to people like me who aren't proud of being white but recognize the importance of conserving their people for the sake of stability and guarantee that our offspring aren't persecuted.
lmao I bet she regrets getting that tattoo every single day
Same with blacks
I’m just happy I’m not a nigger.
I think you are assuming that people who do not state supremicist views publicly do not hold those views at all. This is not the case. There are high achieving white supremicists, they just dont say so bc it will interfere with their future achievements
>not particularly innovative
wtf I guess there was no tech boom in the 70s and 80s up there after all
>proper merchants
lmao, islam prevents lending for interest or trading unfairly to net a profit
>would be good withput islam
lmao, there is a reason the area was a shitdhow before 632 and it aint islam
>i could go on
no you really couldnt because you're a braindead retard larper, pls kys kthxbai
brave as fuck. refused to surrender after we firestormed tokyo to the ground. refused to surrender after hiroshima. they are clever crafty people. not too original but do very well at reverse engineering and improving. i'd hate to see them get ahold of an undetonated nuke
The difference here being that every race has done fucked up shit so the worst whites are no different than anyone else, but not every race has made the positive conteibutions that whote people have.
Mexico fucking sucks btw. Id be pissed too if my rich neighbor walled me into my own shit hole
>not too original
wtf? Their hako ichiu war doctrine was probably the most far out. A1/4 buddhist, a 1/4 shinto, a 1/4 fascist and a 1/4 feudal traditionalist. Japs literally dont give a fuck and do whatever they want even if it makes no sense to anybody else.
I don't go around parading anything. I just take pride in them. Why are you conflating this? My ancestors were Irish and British. The UK was the first country to ban slavery and Ireland was notoriously enslaved by other countries. People died. History was brutal everywhere you went. What's important are the continued philosophical, scientific and enlightenment accomplishments that are helping to end human suffering. Why am I supposed to judge people in history for morals we have today? That's idiotic.
In addition, mo one enslaved the Africans. They were already slaves to their own people that were selling them as goods. A practice that still exists over there. But yeah, Whitey is evil even though our countries are the only places you can be saved from that fate.
Then what makes niggers so special?
True on all counts.
The claim, however, was that they were better at imperialism than white people. This claim is false.
>enslaving blacks
fun fact: most slaves in the transaltantic trade era were purchased by spaniards so you cqn blame your own ancestors for being a metizo piece of shit faggot. The tally is something like 380k black slaves exported to NA, and 4million exported to brazil and the carrabeans. Kys revisionist and APOLOGIZE.
This. They did way worse shit to the koreans during ww2 than the nazis did to the joos and are they currently experiencing zero guilt about it. Good for them.
if not for Israel the Muslims would have more time to hate the West
>people get consequences for making stupid rants
Imagine my shock.
In the case of Donald Sterling, he would've faced the same consequences if he had said some equally stupid rant without bringing up race, like saying all people who watch basketball are subhumans incapable of higher thought and wallow in their own shit, they got clauses in the NBA to avoid this sort of shit if it harms the profits of other members in a group. The NBA could easily band together and simply not enforce that clause if they cared about making a point if they were all closet racists, but clearly, they are not, they are businessmen.
Israel is the reason they hate the west. At least America, I'm sure they hated Britain and France during the colonial era and still do
And yet he still gets it. What's your excuse?
>our skin color isn't an accomplishment, it doesn't make you special or worthy of respect.
Nice b8. You are clearly a jew SAGE
>tfw closeted racist businessman
get on my level burritonigger
>imblying Sup Forums isn't 99% bait
newfag calling others newfag detected
Why do you guys talk like being black is something to be proud of?
Your skin color isn't an accomplishment, it doesn't make you special or worthy of respect.
That's right goy. You don't need culture. The shitskins will give you all the culture you need.
Why would nazis hate Israel?
not enough baby shit on that FAL
also, remove the carry handle.
Everybody admires whites skin for a reason.
I'm proud of being white and there's nothing you can do about it :-)
>Why do you guys talk like being white is something to be proud of
why not use the african innernette and african computers to post that on the african stone painting forums?