The spaghetniggers wtf
Who do euros joke about the most
Belarus srs business
I think we joke about the ukrainians much more now
belgium is such a fucking joke kek
>every country joke about its neighbour
>Hungary joke about Scotland
>ireland has a UK flag
>when it's 1/6th UK territory
I really though we made more jokes of the french
The map is all wrong
>stars and stripes everywhere
>everyone makes fun of Bosnians
>Bosnia makes fun of Germany
Bosnia, ladies and gentlemen
depends on the region I guess, In catalonia we make a few jokes about the french but don't think at all about the moortuguese
Why does Hungary joke about Scotland XD?
>hungary scotland
>star and stripe
I am asturian and people joke more of the french. We need a galician user to tell us who they joke about.
>don't think at all about the moortuguese
Same here. That map is bullshit
Joking about our brothers seems accurate, surprised they prefer to make fun of the baguettes.
And secretly a blue 6 pointed star
kek swedes dont joke about us anymore
they probably make jokes about ethiopia or something seing as sweden is now Nu-Somalia.
Well, we got carabinieri, it's kind of a national treasure for all the jokes we can make about them.
-Why did the Scotsman kill himself?
-The coffin was underpriced
-The Scotsman sends his son to the neighbor for some sugar
-The son comes back with a sad expression. "She said she also didn't have any"
-"Greedy old hag. I guess we have to use ours, then."
They have humor
Jewish jokes were changed to scottish jokes during communism for PC reasons.
The map is bullshit. We joke more about ourselves than anyone probably for the same reason that Italy does.
Didn't get the first, but the second
That's bullshit. We certainly joke way more about ourselves than about Hungary. I would even say jokes about Americans, Russians or Westerners in general are way more frequent.
Ah so that's were the greedy scot meme comes from.
Funnily enough most scottish people are degnerates who couldn't keep their money about them if they tried.
lol'd hard at the second one too
he killed himself because the coffin costs less
Not sure about the Spain-Portugal thing. Their people tend to be friendly to another and most of the harmfull jokes i´ve heard here are towards french people.
cuz we gave assylum to Puigdemont? kek.
our government is a joke tho.
Self criticism is the first step towards improvement
ahaha its true
alot of poland jokes around in germany
I think thats because we have the french speaking part of belgium as well.
lmao wat
even "mainstream" commies are dead here politically, can't imagine marxist leninists
Never knew that scots are like that
>cuz we gave assylum to Puigdemont? kek.
no this was based as fuck
it's because you're a meme country
yyour country isn't even real
True, forgot to think of that. What kind of jokes do you guys make about the Netherlands? The subject of our Belgium-jokes usually is your intelligence.
>Most trustworthy
>Most Compassionate
>Least arrogant
We have plenty of jokes on Belgians here. Not that I have ever found them funny.
same way around, dutchies are stupid, loud/obnoxious, greedy etc also anything related to cheese.
>have all the new world's gold
>go bankrupt twice trying to quell a small swamp kraut rebellion
Sorry I seem to have run out of laughter
North and south italy are pretty much different states, as well as sicily.
Jew "greed/cheap" jokes were changed to scots during communist regime.
Scottish kid asks his father:
-Daddy, what will be under the christmas tree this year?
-The floor
We joke most about jews and niggers. Bosniaks are old story.
No. They just joke about journalists and statistic.
They are funny guys.
Ooh a floor, where'd ya buy that?
People laugh more at Sweden tho.
Serbians > Bosnia
Bosnoa > Germany
1st grade geography bro.
can someone tell me one bosnian joke about germany?
Not here. Jokes about Swedes really are most common. Also about Estonians and gypsies. Gypsies probably most desu.
Why is it always, and I mean, ALWAYS a guy with a russian flag that points that out. Seriously, every single map thread, the russian says this. Are you the Bavarian Albanian?
You are cheating nobody Celentano. You have 2,5 states inside and you are constantly shitting about each other.
> florentia
> rome and south
> sicily
>Isn't it funny how muslims ran into machine gun fire on purpose so the EU would feel sorry for them and give them their own country.
Can't think of any more.
I see no logic in your conclusions. Are you Mountain Nose?
joke about germany? map is incorrect. here we have most jokes about bosnians and other Yugo countries, germany... no
war here was 30 years ago almost, who cares about that
>Most of Scandinavia makes fun of Sweden
Do average citizens in Norway,Denmark and Finland know what goes on in Sweden?
The scotish man is dying and summons his family to his bed:
- Are you here, son?
- Yes, im here daddy.
- Are you here, my beloved wife?
- Yes, im here honey!
- Are you here, dear sister?
- Yes, im here brother.
- Everyone is here?
- Yes - they answer
- Then why the hell is the light in the kitchen still on?!?!?!?!?!
Yeah, montenegrins are lazy. I remember that much.
Something about a city wanting to throw themselves off of a cliff because they were starving. When someone offered them some corn they asked if it was popped. When he declined they threw themselves off.
> das korn ist gassed
fuhrer, ffs
yeah, but this goes way back
>everyone makes fun of Bosnia
Mujo and Haso jokes are the fucking best
Top Kek
Yeah, I'd say we joke more about the french
However, catalans and other spaniards are what we joke the most about.
i'm now realizing that we have similar jokes we tell, but here they are about people from pirot(some small town in southern serbia, no apparent reason). is it possible the same hapenned here and that it's a mass eastern european thing, since i see absolutely no cause for such a thing?
yeah I agree that we joke more about other spaniards or gypsies, but on an international level the jokes seems to be aimed at the french.
>Never knew that scots are like that
it was originally a joke about a jew
gypsies fill me with visceral hatred
I wouldn't even mind andalusia if it wasn't so full on them and they hadn't spread their culture to such a degree
Romanian gypsies
lmao fucking shitstonians
From my experience, the most common jokes here are about the Jews.
It is a tie between Finns, Russians, Swedes, Latvians and faggots here.
This, too.
I guess Germans would be second.
Here people always joke about how ugly german women are.
>Bosnia and Sweden are so alike
>Surrounded by neighbours who hate them and full of muslims
>spanishits make fun of their French masters
How can spanipoors make fun of us ? I guess we could make fun of hairy spaniards too but they are so insignificant we never mention their existence.
Tell some Estonian Finn jokes?
I've heard that you joke about how slow we are?
Here one really usual set up for a joke is: a Finn a Swede and a Norwegian walked into sauna....
Also no one will call you racist here if you make offensive jokes about the Finnish Gypsies.
>What kind of jokes do you guys make about the Netherlands?
Obnoxious, stupid/annoying tourists obsessed with hometrailers and tongs, not very masculine
2.5 states
nigger you don't even know, we already hate the cunts from two villages over
>Finn, Norwegian, Swede, Chinese and Brit were on a plane
>Plane malfunctioned and one had to jump out so the others would survive
>Chinese jumped instantly and shouted "Long live freedom!".
>Flight continued a while until the engine broke again
>One has to jump out and make a sacrifice
>the brit decided to jump and shouted "long live the queen!"
>Flight continued until same happened once again
>Instantly Norwegian caught the Swede by hands And Finn by the feet and threw him out the plane, while both shouted "Long live Nordic cooperation!"