In 1000AD the continent of Africa is wiped clean. No more blacks exist in the world.
Fast forward to 2018
How is the world different?
In 1000AD the continent of Africa is wiped clean. No more blacks exist in the world.
Fast forward to 2018
How is the world different?
Better, but we still hate the Jews.
Arabs would seek out slaves somewhere else and whites would have an easier time colonizing it later.
What if Swedes and Russian would not never gone to Finland?
Wouldn't the Jews be dead too?
Whites have colonised it all except Madagascar which is still Polynesian. The civil war didn't happen because nobody wants a war over a bunch of Irish drunks so the Irish are still slaves to this day. Republicans won every election in history. As a result the US never joined WW2 so the entire continent of Europe is fascist and communism is extinct. Basically heaven.
Africa is now full of Arabs
the americas are not nearly as heavily exploited as they have been because nigger labor was a primary factor in their economic growth
italians, irish, and slavs are still considered proper subhumans
The richest men in Europa can afford a 20m^2 home, while most people are starving and OP still sucks dicks.
Go home Ahmed Mohammed Abdul Tyquis Washington
State of Britain. Your empire is dead and your gonna be fucked in the Brexit deal but atleast you have that blue passport right... right? how the fuck do you go from ruling a quarter of the globe to the shit-tier little cucked Muslim caliphate you are today? Only the Brits kek.
>Fast forward to 2018
>How is the world different?
Africa is a productive member of global society
Holy shit it hurts me to see this
France is worse
You know there are European countries which never had colonies and are rich?
Eskimo's become the new nigger. The NWO breeds themn to large numbers and then uses the slogan 'They were here first'.
I would need some new slaves
Maybe pajeets this time
Just imagine! We'd have colonized Mars decades ago?
Chinese are the new niggers and everything else is the same
Except there wouldn't be cockroach and rodent problems vermin would become extinct. Asian cuisine = bug/rat eaters
Well my mother didnt get mugged 3 times. My house didnt get broken into and all our shit stolen twice. My car is still parked outside undamaged. White people can live in peaceful communites. Our countries are safe at night. I could literally go on all day.