Why do you hate seeing young people having fun and enjoying their lives? Is it because you missed out by spending most of your youth shut inside on the computer or working some crappy job?
Why do you hate seeing young people having fun and enjoying their lives...
>straw man
Enjoy a nice cup of sage tea, britbong.
I am in my early 30's and I still have fun. I am single, make a healthy salary, no kids or girlfriend and pay out the ass to live in a studio apartment in downtown Boston. What else is there to do other than hit up a bar or club every night.
>translation: I actually have a job but Im still ugly AF and will never score
>pay out the ass to live in a studio apartment
>healthy salary
Keep telling yourself that, lad. Maybe ignorance will keep the shame at bay.
Well I am not rich, by any stretch, but take a look at the cost of living in Boston. You can't afford to live here unless you make over 100k a year. A studio apartment here, that isn't geared towards student housing, is like 2-2200 a month.
How much do they contribute to the GDP?
I don't, that's me every Friday night.
>he does not make 6 figures
>healthy salary
Your ancestors should be sad and disappointed at the youth you have surrendered to honorless waste.
There is absolutely nothing enjoyable about living in this awful neoliberal society. As much as alcohol makes everything seem better I know it's just a chemical dulling my brain
I'm perfectly 'normal' but I don't connect with people that don't have a problem with how we live now. It's all just mindless passing the time and meeting the same milestones as everyone else over and over
Watching lemming run off a cliff in film isn't fun, OP. It's sad, self-destructive, and whites appear to be leading the charge these days.
Fun isn't the same as noise pollution and you know it
It's because you wasted your youth and now trying to make up for it. Very sad.
>contribution to GDP is all that matters
Then get rid of borders in the west, it's proven to increase GDP.
That guy in the window is creep af
>implying anyone in Russia that isn't a corrupt 'businessman' or politician makes 100k usd.
I wouldn't say I wasted it as I was in school. I am enjoying life and don't waste my time playing video games or watching anime like the lot of you. Seriously, learn a trade, go to school and enjoy life. Making minimum wage while living with your parents is no way to live life.
Why cant you have a fun life AND be aware of ZOG
I spent my teens and early 20s traveling back and forth between Europe and the East Coast. Live in NYC for the past 25 years, went out every weekend. Stopped going out when i realized im spending everything i make and started instead on building a small business. Friends stopped calling when i stopped going out. Women stopped calling when i moved back in with my parents. When are you going to wake up and stop throwing money in the trash? Are you not planning on having kids/a house/a business? Are you going to be a deadbeat all your life or is mommy and daddy financing your nights out?
>live in downtown boston (cuck haven)
>studio apartment (cuck shed)
>no kids (cuck)
>spend all my money on drinks and rent
Good luck
>You cant afford to live here unless you make 100k
>Make 100k
>Pays 30k of that on rent
>Another 5k on food/living expenses
>10k going out and transportation
>5k on luxury and 5 k personal expenses
So i make more than you?
>tfw you fucked so many drunk bitches that you have all of the stds and you think this makes you alpha
>/r9k/ virgin thinks everyone has STD's and never use condoms
Whatever you need to make yourself feel better mate.
Fun and pleasure is not happiness. All young white people have to look forward to is the next opportunity to get totally shitfaced and rut some slag in a bus shelter. They work a job they hate, have no fulfilment or hope for the future,and think that by partaking in pure unrestrained hedonistic pleasure it means that they're happy with their lot.
The current "youth culture" is bread and circuses to the most extreme.
Probably, I make just north of 100k a year and its really not that much considering my expenses. If you make 50-60k a year and live in a cheaper area, you are doing a whole lot better than I.
>Fun and pleasure is not happiness.
Not in themselves, but they're components that can lead to it. And are you happy? Don't seem like it.
What exactly do you do?
No, but I'd probably be able to fool myself I was if I bounced to some shitty EDM high on drugs and got my end in some scag.
>having fun is always necessarily this little straw man I just made
It's your imperative to make up such lies to make yourself feel better, so I understand.
lol no
There's no point in working a job without prospects. Good luck getting a job with prospects in the subject I go my degree in, biology. I'll be here growing my food with hydroponics and reading the classics.
IP attorney. I am also saddled with student loans as well. A lot of credit debt too.
That's exactly what it is. These are just bitter fags and no matter how much they piss and moan for authoritarianism YOU WERE A LOSER IN YOUR YOUTH AND YOU WILL ALWAYS BE A LOSER. Hahahaha, check mate ya god damned neckbeard nazi dicklet faggots.
Maybe try getting a job in a lab or in the marijuana industry?
link the entrylevel application
>expects me to do the work for him
I don't hate no one.
It's not a matter of youth, because one could call a 'missed out youth' a person raving all the time, it's just a matter of instant gratification versus long-term satisfaction. A way of living. Having fun is alright, make sure you do it in moderation, and perhaps you'd like an amount of discipline and value before attending party-like activities, even in moderation.
All entrylevel jobs with prospects in America are awarded by nepotism. They don't post these jobs.
Eh I don't really miss it...im married and have 2 kids....i work at a pretty hip bar we're all the 'Cool' people in my city hang out. And I honestly just see a bunch of liberal talk they literally turned off the music last night to watch the black panther preview. And a bunch of 30 something's that haven't settled...thats fine honestly I'm not mad. But it's just not me. So even under social pressure that they have for me to drink. I might have a beer but then I'm out....i have Aryan children to raise
I think this is particulary true for the UK.
>all white
>not a single brown face
>That guy in the window is creep af
I bet he's kosher.
That guy is actually a babushka doing the dishes
I'm 32. Partied and got tons of pussy since I'm a musician.
However, eventually it became pretty boring and trivial. As you grow up you realize post-modernism and critical theory are fucking bullshit.
I don't, but it's a bit sad when they're obviously overdoing it like a lot of brits who end up passed out on the street