Trumps alzheimer's

Trumps alzheimer's is really getting more noticeable recently. It's gotten so bad he can't even sing the anthem anymore

Also how he handled the book was retarded. An inteligent person would have just ignored it and let it fall away. Most people didn't care about the book until Trump tried to stop it from being sold, why?because until Trump tried to stop it it was just some basless book you could dismiss as fiction, by trying to stop it he basically showed the world parts of it are true and he wanted to stop it thus validateing it.

Trump made the book a best seller by being short sited.

Or like how he took credit for no airline deaths in 2017, forgetting a US Airline has not had a fatality since 2009 so Trump had 0 to do with it. Or how he used to get mad at Obama for golfing yet he golf's more.

Oh well, atleast his senile tweets are funny.

The US is a reality show for other countries, sure your military is big but your reputation is gone.

The US is a joke county that elected a senile reality TV show host as their leader because memes.

Also Trump and Sessions are ignoring states rights and killing your legal weed lol

Enjoy your big government.

Other urls found in this thread:

Also before you amerimuts bitch about your military power.

A retard with a big gun is still a retard.

And that's what your country is.

This narrative is never going to stick, CNN.

Did he put his shoes in the fridge?

So much anger

You must be short, and Jewish

ive only read 2 chapters of the book and its already obvious trump is autistic. there is no way hes lasting 4 years

Damn we got the autistic billionaire

If only we got a satanic pedophile.. or an old and senile communist pushover.

You know what, I think ill keep my autistic billionaire, he's pretty funny.

that's not how battery clamps work.

They're good memes Bront


lol look at the retard flapping about while his country declines. Enjoy getting ass raped by China because you elected Abraham J Simpson as president.

whiter than you Mohamed

>Trump appears to mouth wrong words to U.S. national anthem

lmfao. It's not quite '2 Scoops' levels of TDS, but it's in the same ballpark.

A big gun and a big wallet. Take off your meme flag so we can laugh at how fucked your country will be when we cut off the gibs.

>ancient pop culture reference

OH SNAP! Guess libs don't suck at memeing after all.

CNN is hemorrhaging money.

Reminder to sage leftist threads
nice evidence faggot

so? what does anot irreverent news station have to do with the fact you have a shitty dementia ridden president that can't even remember your national anthem?

If mental health is no longer used for its original purpose of healing, and mental health is now weaponized and used to demonize I no longer believe in mental health as a science and it is only seen as a weapon of the deep state and nothing else.


If they try and remove him you will see how conservative people protest.

Be honest. He didn't know. Also I see your states rights are being upheld very well with Jeff sessions now attacking legal marijuana. that'll solve the opioid crisis and lower the national deficit kek. hypocritical cunts.

>bumble the words to a song no one who isn't an obsessive sports fan has heard since they were 12

>"if if if uuhhhh okie dokie"

>anot irreverent news station

CNN is irrelevant, user.

The word is irrelevant.

Can't hide your leaf you degenerate coward posting links to the star lmao. Can''t even support having a print issue anymore. What a shitty rag.

Also, speaking of dementia... hillary is the one who can't even remember her own name without her lawyer present.

Throwing out a crapload of weak, unrelated attacks just shows you don't have any good ones.

The Dale reporter from the star is stupid

Ill care about trumps "pledge" when they make the nigs stand for it.

>being a British MAGAphile
>not wanting to destroy the US and end their global hegemony, thereby liberating Europe from it's satanic influence disguised as liberalism
>also no more refugees being displaced by their pointless proxy wars

That's always been its chief purpose. It's obvious from the fact that there's no pathological opposite of paranoia, for example. Or that there's no Wealth Acquistion Disorder (WAD) or Power Obsessive Disorder in the diagnostic manual.

the Alzheimer's angle was pitched by the cretin they wound the geriatric up in the first place -- Roger "Colonel Sanders" Stone

>72 year of life
>literally a cosseted child for all of it
>in-ironically eats nigger slop and then uses it to condescend to his hick droogies
>doesn't exercise
>diagnosed clinically obese
>low intellect to begin with, so very few cells to bulwark against overt dementia
>the Alzheimer's tact gives hims a get-of-jail-free card
>awww... poor grampsy Dumbf... soiled himself during the cross-examination again...

no revelations here... the zionists got their tax cuts and their desert shit-hole, so they can now freely throw this used up, kike cum rag under their U.S. tax-payer-funded (((Abrams))) tank

That Hobbit is just a practitioner of fine music and is very passionate about it

Yeah, we know... why do so many retards vote for these idiots? All the people who might do some good are being shut out at the primaries.


kek. Thats nice but whys that related to what we're talking about in any way or form? or are you just used to using shit tier personal whataboutisms attacks against Democrats to deflect against your own embarrassing president.

atleast your like him. He's still raging about Hillary and Obama a year into his presidency. How presidential. Fucking joke.


Are you saying Trump has outlived his usefulness to "them" now they have the money, and will be disposed of for another of "them"?

There's just so much to criticise. kek. Atleast its funny from where I'm sitting.
>Inb4 hillary or obama deflection for some reason.

LOL, this tactic was called out as the likely next vector of attack just last week.

"Trump's mentally incompetent! He must be removed from office!"

If the guy who's kicking your ass is mentally incompetent, then all you anti-Trumpers need to be fucking put down, because you're a danger to yourselves and others.

A few hours ago there was an AMA from someone claiming to be under investigation by Mueller which was abruptly deleted without explanation. Among other things, the user claimed there would be disclosure on a number of issues ranging from 9/11 to the Monica Lewinsky scandal.

Oh look, it's that word idiots always use to deflect from their colossal hypocrisy.

>All the people who might do some good are being shut out at the primaries.

that's by design... there are powerful interests in keeping our political process filled with shills.

It's a military strategy, pre invasion...

You know hillary still owes something like 2 billion dollars to saudi arabia?

This is now an orc thread


oh look you're trying to negate the fact you're using a shit-tier debate tactic by calling me an idiot.


t. doesn't have a shoe cooler.






Oh look you're diagnosing someone with a severe brain disorder because he flubbed the words to a song one time


The full 8.

Autists are the new Super Race. Get used to it.
Sit down, be humble. Check out this cool puzzle game.

Read the news. All the news. Get off the Sup Forums echo chamber and do some critical thinking for yourself. im not telling what to think like most will. im telling you to think for yourself.


Dunno about you, but my version of 'thinking for myself' doesn't involve dutifully parroting the latest media bullshit forced narrative.

>trumps a retard and is demented, what's your opinion on that?
>thats not the point I asked you to address thats whataboutism, I wasn't asking about Hillary
>okay dude

At least *try* to proof read your post if you're gonna do an attack based on mental competence.
Fucking nigger.


I don't have the ability to diagnose anyone with anything. I do trust the opinion of several medical professionals though.

any book against trump was bound to be a bestseller no matter what, hysterical liberals experiencing their first election don't understand democracy yet

yes... and it's not just and onan saying it -- it was prognosticated long before all his "wall" and "tremendous" jobs hot air wafted away from the trailer park dutch ovens of his stoned, simpleton Dumbf devishes

>didn't even want to win
>didn't even think he would win
>all a publicity stunt gone awry (hence all the blowhard, never-to-be-realised bombast)
>once he won, after some consternation, realising (((they))) had just won the lottery, (((they))) embraced him -- complete with wrap sheet and all
>having now gotten what ((((they))) wanted, it's time to put the geriatric goy out to slaughter
>cue: kike-groveler-in-chief, Kike Penitence

the best those who actually like this intellectual cancer can hope for from here, is that he's deemed "unfit to stand trial" and lives out his likely 5~10 years more of oxygen thievery in a palliative care home, stoned on xanax and pussy-grabbed nightly by gerontophiliac male nurses



Even if hypothetically you could "win" an argument by screaming "WHATABOUTISM REEEE", you haven't persuaded a single person to change their beliefs or vote.


good goy... the end is nigh -- rest assured

I knew this would be a meme flag thread


>this is just like x y z

>medical professionals
>diagnosing someone based on tweets


Since you've obviously never spent any significant amount of time around them at any point in your life, I'll let you in on a secret: Highly-educated people can be retarded and obsessive and let their personal biases heavily cloud their judgment too.




Comparing Trumpf to Hillary anytime he is criticized is retarded they are both senile retards. One doesn't negate the other, hence the accusations of "whataboutism". I don't know if this logical fallacy has another name or not but it should. Thats not to say either of you are right, just that your debate skills are piss poor



This argument started with idiots diagnosing someone with severe brain diseases based on his twitter account. I'm not about to dignify it with a proper "debate".

you can keep ignoring it if you want and sending personal attacks against those who raise points. It's not portraying your nation or your president in any more of a positive light. The "stable genius" that he is will persevere after all.


Orcposting is such a dank meme that came out of nowhere.

There are hundreds of thousands of "medical professionals" in the US.
It's totally uninteresting that they managed to find a few crazy ones that are willing to scream "fuck drumpfh and fuck white people!" for a pay check.

It reminds me of all the "engineers" who totally confirm that 9/11 was an inside job.

Cop out.

also it's not his twitter account. Thats a strawman. It's primarily neuro-linguistics, but also his behaviour. incidents like this

or this

or this

or the many other times he's pulled the old man Simpson card.

>no pathological opposite of paranoia

So I looked this up.

>Pronoia is a neologism that is defined as the opposite state of mind to paranoia: having the sense that there is a conspiracy that exists to help the person.

This isn't a pathology but I can think of a few where pronoia could be a symptom, e.g. narcissism or schizotypy.

...and you still lost the elections despite him being an Alzheimer and you trowing in everyhting including the deep state,the entire media and all the money.What does that tell you about your side ?

hey faggot where you from and who is paying you? Also what happened to Russia. FAGGOT KYS

it is if you wire both sides faggot

>it is if you wire both sides faggot

There's only one wire, and it would short every time you closed it.

That is NOT how battery clamps work.

Trump's what?

if you want to rape someones nipples you want it to short out..jesus why have a two handed torture device when one handed will do nicely...try harder

>if you want to rape someones nipples you want it to short out

but you could just put one clamp on each nipple....

One nipple has a positive charge, and the other has a negative charge.

Do you even into electricity?

This is what I love about 4 chinz...a debate on the proper way to nipple torture.
I just like having a hand free if you do right and left nipple you run the risk of killing the heart which would make things less fun.