H & M our guys confirmed!
H & M our guys confirmed!
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Wearing green is a fashion crime. Everyone know it, nobody says it.
libtards triggered
>Americans still cant grasp bantz
>it's a 'piss off liberals to make them talk about you' add campaign
Wow. Never seen one of those before.
>having a hoodie that fits that well on a rapidly growing child
Pure hubris
Why do these soyboys instantly assume racism when monkeys have something to do with a black child? It's like they don't realise they're the ones making the connection.
What? Are they saying that he's NOT the coolest?
Yeah we should make a campaign saying they’re the racist ones for saying he can’t be the coolest monkey in the jungle
for fucks sake why is this flying over everyone's heads, I mean maybe it isn't but this shit has spread like wildfire and I don't see that being mentioned anywhere
Cool hoody Jamal! Wanna wear it in the oval office?
Hitler & Me
im not racist and im ok with lil black kids doing modeling
Ive always found it kind of crazy how mad blacks get about the chimp comparison. It really strikes a nerve. A nerve so deep you know its because its true that they get pissed.
Uh, are we all going to act like 1488 isn't in the article's link?
Do your worst?
>it's racist because I can't stop thinking about race
why do we keep regressing
>hoodie was sold on the UK site only
>ameriniggers get up in arms about a product that’s not even sold to them
Fucking Kek
>WHERE NOT MONKEYS, HOW DARE YOU! That's racist, we were actually devolved from white people who got really tan! They are the monkeys, not us, SEEEeEeeEE hashtag darwon
what if it was same exact hoodie but adult size and there was a black adult model wearing it on H&M website? would it still be racist?
He is a cute monkey
The fags that saw the relation between monkey and black kid are the racist ones, this has potential.
You madman.
He has a point. It should be obvious that this is something that would trigger your average nog.
But if the left is not racist, why did they assimilate him as a monkey?
>You can't put a monkey shirt on a black kid because that's racist because niggers are like monkeys logic
>Y-y-yyou ra-racist bigots
Based H&M
Blacks want to be treated the same as everyone else but not the same as everyone else in certain circumstances so they don't want to be treated the same as everyone else
Which is the way he wants it, well, he gets it
honestly its a bit racist saying you cant associate monkeys with black people at all
I'm sure there's lots of little black kids who love the gorilla channel
They want to be the victim ....it worked pretty well with jews in germany they are untouchable
Coolest KANG in Ejybt, mayn
Evil whitey wuz still wearin animal skin while WE WUZ MAKIN HOODIES N SHIT NIGGA!
Sup Forums I need to know if this is really racist or not.
You can take dhe coolest monkey out of dhe jungle, but you can/t take dhe jungle out of dhe coolest monkey...
Considering it's a kid, it's almost certain his parents were present at the photoshoot and saw no issue with it.
Do they make that in adult sizes like XXXXL? If so I'm getting one.
Is this te birth of an epin meme?
Will being shopping at H&M immediately.
It’s definitely not racist. HM just failed to realize just how sensitive the left is.
It's not H&M's fault the kid cant read!
And where were his parents?
Look what Lebron James posted:
>u got us all wrong! And we ain't going for it! Straight up!
>Enough about y'all and more of what I see when I look at this photo. I see a Young King!! The ruler of the world, an untouchable Force that can never be denied!
>We as African Americans will always have to break barriers, prove people wrong and work even harder to prove we belong but guess what, that's what we love because the benefits at the end of the road are so beautiful!!
And here I was thinking Kangz was just a meme...
how can it be racist? They gave a nigger a job.
>he auto nominate himself as KING