Authorities in this Mexican state bordering Texas have found a cartel killing field where it is believed that gunmen murdered and incinerated their victims. The killing field was recently discovered in the city of Mante in the southwestern part of the state. Breitbart Texas sources believe the cartel responsible is Los Zetas. The cartel is broken into two warring factions: Old School Zetas (Vieja Escuela) and Cartel of the North (CDN or Cartel Del Noreste). Our sources believe it is more likely that Old School Zetas is the faction of Los Zetas responsible, due to the group’s recent movements in the area.
While Tamaulipas state authorities have remained officially silent on the case, confidential law enforcement sources confirmed the discovery to Breitbart Texas. The killing field was discovered after an anonymous caller warned authorities about the existence of a place where human bodies were being incinerated.
Law enforcement officials moved to the area and confirmed the discovery, prompting a large deployment by military forces and investigators with the Tamaulipas Attorney General’s Office. At the killing field, authorities found two 55-gallon drums as well as another container full of what authorities believe to be human ashes. Authorities also discovered various containers of diesel. Information obtained by Breitbart Texas points to the cartel killing field being near a primitive road that leads to the tourist center known as El Nacimiento, a local attraction in Ciudad Mante.
Intelligence sources confirmed to Breitbart Texas that the killing field is just a short distance from the area where in 2017 a team of Los Zetas cartel gunmen hijacked a bus that was traveling from the city of San Luis Potosi. As Breitbart Texas reported at the time, from the bus, the gunmen took six passengers who were identified as men between 17 and 25-years old; their fate remains unknown.
Carter Cox
Mexicans are savages
Wyatt Gutierrez
John Reyes
The Mexican Holocaust
Parker Sanders
inb4 Trump gets blamed for this because this is EXACTLY what he wanted to stop from coming into the USA. inb4 Jews get shitty because they spotlight could be taken away from them.
Joseph Rivera
Nah, that’s just what happens when you eat 100% Mexican food. You get so damn gassy that you eventually spontaneously combust.
Benjamin Cox
literally animal not even animal this savage
Justin Ramirez
There is way more terrible things about cartels.
Liam Wright
Awe man I thought it was a girl at first how disappointing
Ayden Gray
People are animals ya goof.
Nathaniel Green
Owen Nguyen
Gabriel Brooks
This isn't the Holocaust I was hoping for. Wtf I hate trump now
Evan James
Isaac Myers
Lincoln Evans
Why are spics so barbarians? Is it because of theirs ancestors the mayans who eated human heart and body?
Jack Hall
Something is wrong with you.
Jaxson Parker
oh my god this is exactly like the holocaust except this is real
Jaxon Kelly
Are those cartel guys, soldiers or soldiers on cartel payroll?
Brayden Rodriguez
Not soldiers and as far as I know they are from a cartel. However in our Latino american world, private militias, guerrillas and cartels do basically the same. The only real difference are they motivations.
Josiah Watson
>Mexicans are the real nazis
Ryan Torres
How do I enlist my services?
Jeremiah Nelson
>muh biological technicality Men are not animals, we are evolved self-aware beings with thought and impulse control.
Connor Wilson
Time to NAPE the "White" part of Mexico, the North, those niggers are pure fucking evil and should all have been deported to the Henequen plantations with all the natives.
meanwhile the democratic party works around the clock to import as many spics as possible in order to replace us with these fucking savages
Andrew Jenkins
Camden King
Why should I care about a bunch of refried beans?
Landon Harris
Why are Mexicans so retarded? I mean, Duterte is literally next to them and demonstrated how you solve drug related crime.
Owen Wright
This will be a typical scene in your cities streets once pic related wins the next election
Jace Harris
Oy vey it's like anuddah shoah
Jason Harris
>Duterte is literally next to them >Mexico >Phillipines >Next to each other >Yuropoor 'edumacation'
To answer your question it is because in Mexico the cartels likely control all the political parties through a combination of threats, blackmail, bribes and also it's likely that many politicians in Mexico are cartel members themselves. Their military is not only shit tier, but also bribed by the same cartels in key areas.
Isaiah Clark
Maybe they should be more cooperative with that country on their northern border.
Parker Reed
>Is it because of theirs ancestors the mayans who eated human heart and body? If you lives in Mesoamerica.
Julian Collins
Probably, but Colombians are not Venezuelans that easily let power to commies, the left and the right here are known for killing each other in past conflicts
They will never win but deep inside of me I want they do just to see all this shit hole burn and force a fascist reaction.
You have to be a subhuman first.
Ian Anderson
But we all know white Christian males are the most violent people on earth.
Michael Garcia
>Inb4 the hostages had to pay the toll
Michael Collins
I knew a south American construction worker who used human smugglers to go back and forth over the us boarder. His last trip they took the boarder jumps to an abandoned warehouse in Philadelphia stopped the truck and started killing everyone. The dude jumped out of a two story window and got away.
Thomas Hernandez
Shit like this is happening next door but you gotta go looking for "failed states" in the middle east? Jesus Christ. Send the drones to Mexico.
Luke Morales
Why would they commit mass murder in the US as opposed to on the Mexican side of the border? I haven't got the first fucking clue of what I'm talking about, but I'd imagine that'd be a lot easier and free from risk. Plus imagine the response when the bodies of a bunch of people killed in a mass murder turn up in the U.S. versus in Mexico.
Brody Miller
I guess it depends on when the murders get paid. If you pay up front, you die in Mexico. If you pay on delivery, you die in the us. Just a guess
Jason Powell
What's even the logic in murdering people who've paid you for your shitty service? Surely human trafficking is the lesser crime over mass murder. Maybe that's why I'm not a criminal mastermind.
Ryan Wright
I don’t think logic works on this... the illegals know they don’t get in trouble for breaking the law in the us..
Nicholas Clark
>He then stole a car after god told him to go south >He was eventually caught by a police officer, but he was afraid that the Police Officer might be trying to lead him back to the glow-in-the-dark CIA niggers, so he decided to jump out of the Police Officer's car while it was moving, breaking his collar-bone in the process.
Benjamin Hall
Why doesn't Trump try to help Mexico with its cartel problem?
Ethan Allen
These illegal workers pull in some cash... some buy houses with cash and skirt the system. Locals assume if they have a house, they’re legal. No local governments double check anything.
Lucas Smith
I think you mean >oy vey this is exactly like the holocaust except the jews didn't do it
Ayden Thomas
so these murdering Mexicans were using fast and furious weapons?
Thomas Thompson
>No local governments double check anything. >>> > Anonymous (ID: ocrO0YXh) 01/09/18(Tue)10:18:01 No.156097473▶ > >I think you mean >>oy vey this is exactly like the holocaust except the jews didn't do it neither does the Army
Lincoln Williams
fake news
Wyatt Nguyen
Build a fucking wall and throw these beaner scum back over it.
Christopher Adams
Iceland you are all over with these based hawt 70s chicks. Cheers from Texas!
Ryan Reyes
I think he meant "like them" in that Mexico and the PI are third world shitholes.
Evan Price
>America will never be as good as it was in the 80's :(((
John Ortiz
No shit they have human sacrifice in their DNA
David Scott
Thumbnail is ambiguous, in fairness.
Adrian Hughes
This is bullshit, he probably told you that to make you feel sorry for him and you believed him which is why your grandchildren will be brown and retarded. He probably jumped from the window having robbed the smugglers, why the fuck would they try to kill him if he's getting them repeat business? Why would they not hunt him down if he witnessed a mass murder?
This is the same bullshit somalians say when they arrive under lorries in the UK: >oh we were tortured by the smugglers > they killed loads of us >I personally witnessed fifty people being murdered >but luckily I escaped. >oi vey Why would they discourage repeat business like that, or kill people they can enslave and make money from? Moron whites believe this shit.
Wyatt Hall
>Oh it was verry hard coming here habibi pls gib me some funds so I can set up business here uhh?
William Nguyen
Honestly I believe it would be for the best if the US not only builds that wall but also conquers and occupies the north of mexico splitting it into a bunch of small units to be administered by an american economy and military junta that tries to invest in and uplift the areas while also murdering everyone only slightly associated to a cartel and if they have to kill 20% of the population for it. In the end that spares them more suffering then letting the current shit go on.
Dylan Flores
Fucking mexico man... >The cartel members approached the bus pointing their guns and yelling, "Open the door, asshole! Move, you son of a bitch, unless you want me to shoot you dead."[72] The chauffeur, trembling, opened the door for the gunmen, who quickly stormed the bus as soon as the door was opened. "You are all fucked," yelled one of the gunmen to the people on board; the passengers were frightened, and some of them cried, thinking it was simply a regular armed robbery. But that was not the case this time. The cartel members then ordered the bus driver to drive the bus deep into a dirt road for about ten kilometers before reaching a plain area, "in the middle of nowhere." In the area there were about twenty luxurious trucks and three passenger buses, some of them with bullet holes, flat tires, and broken windows.[72] The driver was then ordered to stop the bus, and all the men were then told to descend from the vehicle. They were asked to form a line, and the cartel members began to organize them from youngest to oldest and from strongest to weakest. Those who looked old or weak were separated from the group, tied from their feet, and then taken elsewhere. And it gets worse...
Conclusion, Trump needs to make the wall 5 times higher, 3 times deeper and 3 times thicker.
Camden Morris
Lol... I knew this dude for 10 years.. barely spoken English or Spanish.. four feet tall and did the work of ten laborers
Brayden Barnes
Hey Ophsprey...
It's America FIRST
Why don't YOU go run for Mexican El Presidente? And take Hillary with you, as her kind are more compatible with Mexican bribery, murder and exploitation.