>implying it's not a massive financial success
Stay mad brainlet
If only they pushed out some old republic era shit without the sjw agenda they would get double tons of cash.
wtf Russians why did you did this
>implying the legacy of a franchise isnt massively important to future earnings
The Last Jedi proves you can slap the Star Wars label on a steaming pile of dogshit and it will still sell
They wanted 2 billion
they got 1. So to us it may be but to Disney who knows
Nobody likes The Last Jedi™ because there is simply nothing there to like. It's a series of poorly constructed vignettes about bland (and embarrassingly patronizing) affirmative action "characters."
It's motion for motions sake, built on the shoulders of real giants and failing that legacy....entirely. It's hollow repetition is further abused by an assembly line of cheap soulless corporate toy commercials (Porgs™).
It is, by any measure, the objective end to the magical core that allowed Star Wars to hover above all over franchises for the last 40 years.
It's just another IP now. To be raped by a blind profit seeking, child slave labor employing, borderless corporation (Disney) known for bland corporate tripe.
Nobody thinks of Rose and Holdo as anything other than left wing wish fulfillment. People in my theater LAUGHED at those characters, and I live in one of the wealthiest and most liberal places on Earth.
We've gone from Vader, Lando, Jabba, and R2-D2 to Rose and Holdo (the menopausal mentally ill lesbian who destroyed the resistance). Let that shit sink in.
Star Wars is Dead™
you don't need to look at the reviews for those movies
you don't watch them on principle. None of them.
OF COURSE it's no surprise that they suck. Be afraid of a time when they don't suck, when so much manpower is invested in this garbage that it is forced to be good through a lot of money and talent invested in it for political reasons. Then it's time to worry.
As long as garbage is openly visible as garbage, it's easy to boycott it. Do so.
>but that's ok
>here's why
>and so should you
>and its beautiful
i like how trash articles self identifies
I hope people do the same for the force awakens
Topkek. Someone should write a script based on this to identify shit articles.
What's wrong, goyim? You don't like (((our))) version of Stah Wars? It's like anuddah shoah!
>Movie is bombing in China
>"Trust us Goyim this is a good thing"
Fuck Disney.
stop blaming us for your feminist abominations
Hahahahaha its got rotten status
>stop blaming us for your feminist abominations
friendly reminder, Shlomo
You forgot:
>(It's not)
I couldn't fucking beleive i was being talked down about class inequality by fucking DISNEY CORPORATION with that Las Vegas planet side-quest. Brick and Looper were good, solid movies, what the fuck was Rian Johnson thinking?
At least Disney does not blame misoginy or persecutes people for not watching the movie. The crazy feminists of Ghostbusters made me want to raze the film studio, SJWars only makes me want to piss in its grave.
>paid george 4 billion
>800m break even
>1.2b box office
sweet they only need to make another three trilogys to get their money back at this rate
Then kill your disporia brethren
>I have made a terrible mistake
The 49th issue of SW comics is called the last jedi
Some of those were legit 1st/2nd wave feminists, not 3rd wave.
You could find tons of white/black feminist leaders, one of which is responsible for the whole star wars debacle.
Disney is going to die way before then.
ESPN is going to drain them
Pixar isn't as popular anymore
And they're spending countless millions to add star Wars shit to their theme parks.
>legit first and second wave feminists
Into the oven, rabbi.
Still one of the best webms
That's the new model
>ok guise, its time to stop saying ___
You first Ahmed.
I dont blame you at all. Israel in my mind is just a great method of seperating actual Jews from the 'church of satan' hedonist globalists who claim Jewish faith only in order to hide their true allegiance.
You forgot my favorite:
>and that's a GOOD thing
>Some of those were legit 1st/2nd wave feminists, not 3rd wave.
>defending that shit
>legit 1st/2nd wave feminists
>implying suffrage was good
You're going to the work camps, Steinberg.
Only thing I enjoyed about this move was the parts where I could look at daisy ridley. She's a pretty terrible actress though.
>One post by this id
Hospital bills for Hollywood shills
wtf I love fast talking subversive kikesses now
British women can't act anymore.
Think of their current popular actresses.
Daisy Ridley
Chick from Game of Thrones
The Goblin from GoT
Is that a kike word?
Do you want me to spam this thread, Jamal?
Merch is dead on the shelves. Empty theaters under the Mouse's draconian contracts.
Disney just lost a shitload of bargaining power with it's business partners.
SW is a tainted brand now.
Did you hear? The most popular action figure this year is Hux, because collectors are buying them, popping his head off and replacing it with a Red Skull head. Because Hasbro/Disney won't release a Red Skull figure in proper Nazi gear.
The best selling SW figure is due to the customers from another franchise buying them up because it 90% resembles one of their under-serviced characters.
Design by committee. So far the movies have been successful enough that Disney sees no reason to change course. Maybe the Han Solo movie will sow some doubts.
They don't need to, or at least they know how to make it look more organic.
>Hospital bills for Hollywood shills
Me likey.
haha thats fucking hilarious
Destroy the bread and circus so the people will revolt.
>Gets lectured about class inequality
>Lives in Russia
Top kek, I would be mad.
get fucked boyega
Who the fuck started this trend of "negative headline that in no way should ever be a good thing (but that's a good thing)"?
I am boycotting this one. Doesn't mean I have to be happy that of the last three movies they have put out, only rogue one was decent and added anything of value. It sucks to see something you liked run be new people who didn't like it.
>Who the fuck started this trend of "negative headline that in no way should ever be a good thing (but that's a good thing)"?
Hillary Clinton
How can you defend feminism in any of it's forms?! Are you fucking nuts?! Your people will die out too (except orthodox bunch but they hate feminism).
You can choose between feminism and existence, 1-st, second or third wave, all the same...
"My uncle was right... the ZOG were real all along" -Luke
I checked boxofficemojo and it appears they got $600m so far. It's still being screened, so the fnal box office take is still to be determined, but $1b may be very tough to make.
>star wars
>star trek
>game of thrones
>lord of the rings
The only Redpill here is to realise that these all are and always were nothing but normalfaggot entertainment for them to act autistically over Because they're "" so nerdy" . This isn't surprising or new because it always has been propaganda for your masses
Betty Friedan- Jewish, Gloria Steinem- Jewish. Hmmmmm really activates the almonds.
It made a billion dollars
It literally succeeded.
99% of normies don't like LOTR though.
They bought the franchise for four billion and have still yet to make back that four billion in profit. Congratulations, you're a nigger.
it was always sjw though
>doesn't even get the lyrics right
what the fuck
why is 3rd wave bad so much
Holy shit, rekt. Here's your (you).
>star wars is only about movie ticket sales
What is being said in this webm?
it's not about equality anymore, it's about supremacy.
> unironically mixing LOTR with the others
since the epics of gilgamesh every civiliation has had its sagas and heroes
every generation needs the embodiment of the noblest and purest principles, the stuff child dreams are made of
LOTR is the only redpilled one in that bunch and maybe, just maybe, original star wars (Ep IV-VI) could fit in a similar role
im not seeing the next one because of this one, i can't be the only one
Stupid kike putting words into other people's mouths, typical. No wonder the entire planet hates your people and has been killing you off for thousands of years.
Kek, Source please
The movie's earnings are borderline irrelevant.
Where Disney makes the big money, the grand kahoona, the turbo shekel, is merchandising. Action figures, toys etc.
Something tells me they won't be selling nearly as much of that as they had anticipated.
>but thats ok
>but thats ok
>but thats ok
>but thats ok
>but thats ok
>but thats ok
>You're going to the work camps, Steinberg.
Why bother? We have automation - easier just to remove them.
>but thats ok
>but thats ok
>but thats ok
>but thats ok
>but thats ok
>but thats ok
It's like boomers leeching off the successes of their parents and leaving us with their attempt at success.
On top of that streaming service that nobody wants to shell out for, yet costs millions to setup and maintain.
Ah yes, Kreia's "do everything yourself, manipulate others so things work out your way, and don't even ask the Force(God) for help unless you've tried everything else" mentality definitely fits with the lazy, uninspired but "empowered" SJW mindset.
I didn't see any of them after force awakens, and I only saw that one because someone else paid for my ticket. It still wasn't worth the time I wasted watching it.
for those convinced of the downfall: short disney
bonus pro tip: disney will split, and wi part bought by amazon, if antitrust on the latter hasn't happened before
*and part of it
The movies were, but the LOTR books were a bit different.
Not sure how picrelated is supposed to do anything but harm your own argument. The latest star wars underperformed massively in cinemas because they are not getting the 2nd/3rd/ad lib screenings they normally do with the franchise. Compared to what they invested in, the studios are not getting the return they originally projected. Not that I really give a fuck, personally I thought the movie was average and had bad pacing more than any anyi-white messages. The latter is juat Sup Forums projecting its own insecurities. The movie is tanking because everyone who's seen it is telling their family/friends that the writing sucked, that's all.
Ha, what a fag. You actually know the words to that emo shit?
They cleared the path, someone has to go first with the machete even tho, the worst feminist women i've seen are white.
Do you think there's some jewish cultural thing that led those women to feminism? how is it in Israel?
> Rogue One
> lead male actor barely speaks English
> rag tag group of vaguely offensive “exotic” cultural stereotypes
> reedy, pathetic woman is the main character for no reason
> best character is a fucking robot
> everyone dies anyway
Quite the disconnect between those libtard critics and mindless horde.
Good, the turnaround can't come soon enough. With time more and more will realize what has happened and just what the mechanics behind these subversive attempts are. They’ll be left with the legit soyboy open mouth fags. History doesn’t repeat, but it does rhyme; war against the post-modernists in our lifetime.
nice, user, stale language signal how stale the thinking is:
>here's why it's awesome
>and people can't handle it
>everyone is freaking out
>we all cried
>why it's everything
>everything has changed
WOOOOW, I thought for sure they had frozen it at 50.
It is indeed about the legos $ and shit, has been for decades. They make a killing off it.
With merch and everything, I guarantee they've made it back
The new lego fighter jets maybe... but that's a lot of legos.
1st wave is the only one that had some legitimate grievances "equality before the law" but after that was achieved the 2nd and 3rd waves are just screeching harpies.
what a gigantic faggot, I'm a libtard cunt and even I dont see the point in that level of virtue signalling. Who does this shit except suburban whites? Nobody is going to hand them a cookie for it. Hell, minorities hate them even more than racist working class whites because at least the working class whitey isn't patronising them or gentrifying them out of their neighbourhoods.
>just fuck my shit up