Don't you have any friends, Sup Forums?
Don't you have any friends, Sup Forums?
Sup Forums.
I have you.
no homo
i have like 4 but they all went to college and rarely talk to me anymore so i just browse Sup Forums all day
I wouldn't be here if I did.
I have everyone on Sup Forums to be my friends. They're better than real life friends because they tell me happy birthday when everyone else forgot.
I have Sup Forums and cute anime girls.
I'm unable to make friends so no.
I've never understood the need for human interaction or how someone could be so distort without it. It really seems no different than an addition to drugs.
feel free to log out and never come back
I have my anitwitter friends and that's all I need in this post-identity internet
I just realized I haven't seen the "How could a bunch of autists not realize they're friends" image in a while. Does anybody have it saved?
I have my waifu and Sup Forums. There have been points when I thought I would enjoy more social interaction, but I tried it and life is comfier here.
>I read One Piece I'm such an otaku
Just change One Piece to SAO, OPM or AoT for the real life experience.
Having friends was a mistake.
I know that feel user, but on the bright side, You got trips
>not going to a STEM uni where nearly everyone is a high-functioning Sup Forumsutist
What is it with mathfags and anime? If Gauss was alive, would he be a weeb?
I feel the same way.
Sup Forumsnons are the only friends I'll ever need.
Are you blind or just stupid?
Mathfags enjoy derivative works.
don't know but hey check my numbers
i smell a tamagaro doujin soon
You have no idea how big is my acrimony for other human beings. Watching anime is truly an iluminating activity, it shows me how an ideal person should act, behave, look, think, judge, and be.
I feel like after Gulliver he visited the land of the Houyhnhnms, he couldn't stand being with human afterwards because he found them repulsive.
I consider any person who is slightly cool and interact frequently with me a friend.
Math is the most autistic area of thought and anime/manga is the most autistic area of entertainment. The pythagorics already knew it.
yes, I do
they're on here too
No, that's why I'm here after all.
Aren't we all friends on Sup Forums?
>"Tech is evil again"
We live in societies when "normal people" is obsessed with likes and upvotes of strangers, and society call "antisocial" if you reject obsession with "social media".