>implying he isnt 100% right about Marxist being suicidal self hating gigacucks
Implying he isnt 100% right about Marxist being suicidal self hating gigacucks
>the virgin historical discourse
>the Chad political shitposting
Marxism is a philosophy not a person.
Those people on the top right (the Iron Front) are anti-communist
we'll see in a few decades when our corporate overlords switch everything over to automation.
that trickle down theory, right guys? right?
What exactly makes marxists cucks? Please use your own words instead of articles or videos.
You literally are forced to give up all your money and property.
yes, to the banks if you don't make that sweet capital.
communism works man. I'm not being ironic anymore.
Capitalism is based on "fuck you, all for one and one for all." Is a boot stomping the face over and over.
We're all at an advantage bro, move to india and see what they're doing over there for the almighty dollar.
Your moneys no good when 90 percent of the population can't work because of AI and Driverless cars.
>>communism works at starving people
Absolutely wrong. Capitalism is a system based on letting those who deserve it succeed (hard workers, smart business owners) and their success becomes yours if you are willing to man up and put some elbow grease into hard work and dedication. 100% of communist these days are leftist neets who are too lazy to stop browsing the web all day and actually make decisions.
useless sophistry
>What exactly makes marxists cucks?
watch the video. they are cucks for their pathological hatred of themselves and other westerners and the idea that those in the west deserved to be punished for sins of the past+the idea that islamic terrorist groups are simple poor victims of circumstance lashing out at western bullies/westerners deserve terrorist attacks.
I actually don't think their cucks, in fact I think that the ""intellectual"" marxist soyboys we see screeching in the streets is a special type of evil, they go to college, they get brainwashed by Marxist ideology and then they are suddenly the experts on what the """working class""" needs. They say some empty platitudes, they say things that give the disadvantaged false hope, promise that things will be better in his Utopia that will definitely succeed this time around. I've seen these Marxists in videos and on the news but I really want to sit down and ask him what HE'S going to do when the revolution succeeds. Will he join the masses in the fields and factories? Someone who most likely has never worked a day of hard labor in his life outside of maybe fast food or the food/service industry will just pick up a plow and start breaking his back under the beating sun?
I highly doubt that, he probably thinks he'll have some leadership or comfy administrative position, he'll just be a good little card-carrying communist writing articles or lists about whatever he feels is an injustice that needs to be addresses or whatever propaganda to keep the proles in line. I don't know guys, I'm just a welders apprentice, maybe my simple working class mind can't comprehend the complex machinations that goes behind running a revolution but I can't help but feel the SoyBoy Marxist Comrade #8 is in it for himself and himself only, whether its for material gain, a thirst for power or simply to stroke his own ego.
Look i'm not going to say it doesn't lead to success, my standard of living is based of this system I live in. But we have to think about the natural consequence of a system predicated on very un-human ideals. I don't buy that were all blind consumers waiting for the next big trend. Its been created and forced and propagandized until what we have left is a weak, entitled and fat population who worships a system that wants to keep them fat, lazy and consuming. You are talking about creating "success" for keeping a person starving just enough so he can buy more useless shit he doesn't need.
>Capitalism is a system based on letting those who deserve it succeed
then we dont live in capitalism
>none of the leftypol fags are actually able to argue against Hitchens point in the video clip and have instead changed the topic of the discussion
>Theism Comics
I don't know that is, nor do I want to, but that is some shitty art. Not actually going to read the text though
The owner doesn't do any of those things, he pays other people to do it.
t. retard
the fuck do you want to say with that?
Does that change anything that op wanted to say?
oh ffs, these people exist....
A Retarded Analogy that takes a false equivalence to an extreme, and misunderstands Socialism.
>Will he join the masses in the fields and factories? Someone who most likely has never worked a day of hard labor in his life outside of maybe fast food or the food/service industry will just pick up a plow and start breaking his back under the beating sun?
The people already doing it, I don't see whats the point of asking.
It is not as if the working class is hampering for those things ala trade unionism and syndicates. Your complain is only really valid if the 'soyboys' are speaking for an already militant working class
Not an argument
communism. Also, no one has argued any point against the OP statement btw
>try to argue against my psychoanalysis of the people I hate the most
this is incoherent and clearly just a pathetic excuse because you have no real argument against the very clear point the video and OP makes.
What you’ve just described has nothing to do with Marxism. Both Marx and Engels were literally white supremacists.
There can be no state monopolies under communism because a communist society is stateless by definition
In a way. It is theoretized that the percieved inherent contradictions of capitalism would cause its fall and be resolved by communal administration of the means of production in the communist society. But really, that does not mean the end of property. The marxist concept of alienation directly states that the workers not owning the fruits of their labour (for instance, a woodworker not owning the furniture that his labour created) causes great dissatisfaction because it separates the worker and from his work, which means that his work cannot fulfill him. Now, the ownership of the fruits of one's labour obviously implies ownership.
Obviously I can't make a blanket statement that there is no marxist that hates himself, but there is nothing inherently self-hating in marxism. I can't watch the video right now, so why don't you use your own words?
That's just ad hominem. It doesn't reference marxist theory in the slightest. You're just complaining about middle-class marxists, but there is no real case for that since physical labour is not the only kind of labour, and they find themselves in the same relation toward the means of production as you do, according to marxists.
Is property able to produce anything by itself?
Why is the likeliness of the upper class status (the uppermost of seven classes) being inherited thirteen times the average retention of class between generations?
Hitchens was a Marxist until his death
The masses don't even work in the fields and factories anymore. You being a welders' apprentice is actually outside the norm.
The real issue that gets talked about so little is that we're fast approaching a society where far, far fewer people need to work to sustain it, and nobody's figured out what that actually means for us as people yet.
useless meme sophistry point. Communism is in effect complete state control, and it is clearly laid out as such in the communist manifesto.
Because it is not a real argument to begin with
>I can't watch the video right now, so why don't you use your own words?
I just did you idiot. what did you just respond to? Seriously, why do marxist fags do nothing but engage in this annoying sophistry shit?
no he wasnt
yes it is, youre just being a coward
Mostly because people start threads by calling them cucks and saying they were BTFO by a guy whose sole accomplishment was making teenage boys cream themselves over how he treated female comedians.
>they are self-hating cucks because they hate themselves
Brilliant syllogism.
>muslim terrorists
Are you aware that modern liberals are not marxists and have lost much of the marxist influence they would have once held? Besides, islamic terrorism isn't exactly a part of marxist theory. Some marxists do get horribly SJW-y, though.
Is that it?
>I can't make a blanket statement
You do realize no one buys this tryhard pseudo-intellectual face you leftypol faggots put on, right? Again, its clear you have no actual argument against the point and are now engaging in ad hominem attacks
He gave it up later in life
You are clearly an American
There is more to my post than that and you know it.
>m-muh liberal boogeyman
Marxist always do this. Whenever you call them out on their bullshit, they always respond with "t-that just the liberals!" even though if you push them on the topic, they will just end up agreeing with them on everything anyway.
Still havent refuted the point in OP
youre clearly stupid and have no argument.
He stopped being a Marxist when he realized that it had just become another religion to its adherents.
>projects even harder after projecting in the OP
Checks out
>makes ad hominem attacks
>gets mad when the same is done to him
Checks out even more
cool, you still havent answered the question and are hiding behind fallacy fallacy like a coward. Are you mad because you realize that hes right?
he stopped being one specifically because it became a suicidal cult. The key moment for him was when marxist cucked out and defended muslims during the satanic verses controversy
>Communism is in effect complete state control
But that’s the exact opposite of communism. Why are American posters so illiterate?
No, he was a Marxist still during the Satanic Verses controversy
watch the video. they are cucks for their pathological hatred of themselves and other westerners and the idea that those in the west deserved to be punished for sins of the past+the idea that islamic terrorist groups are simple poor victims of circumstance lashing out at western bullies/westerners deserve terrorist attacks.
Well, what the fuck am I supposed to say when you list things mainstream marxist theory doesn't claim and ask me to defend them from a marxist perspective. If you're going to critique something, at least get a basic understanding.
>But that’s the exact opposite of communism.
no it isnt. youre just a stupid ideological teenager obsessed with the cool symbols. Communism is very obviously about state control, which is why every single communist country in existence has been like that. Also, what did Marx mean when he referred to the implementation of communism as "despotic inroads"?
It was never a question nor was it asked in good faith anyway
>Well, what the fuck am I supposed to say when you list things mainstream marxist theory doesn't claim
but they do claim that. This is a very pathetic line you are doing where you claim this shit doesnt happen, when a self described marxist himself is in the video saying as much. And there is NO marxist, including yourself, who would fundamentally disagree with ANYTHING he said. Again, youre fooling no one with this "t-thats liberals!" bullshit excuse user
>i-it wasnt asked in good faith!
youre a coward user and you have no actual argument against it even a fucking joke point.
>there are two threads about this brainlet active
>there are still people that act like he's a legitimate figure rather than just another Eternal Anglo pretending to be insightful
The absolute st8 of /his/
t. butthurt marxist
“Communist country” is an oxymoron
no it isnt. you didnt answer my question either and its painfully obvious that you have no idea what communism is.
>but they do claim that. This is a very pathetic line you are doing where you claim this shit doesnt happen, when a self described marxist himself is in the video saying as much. And there is NO marxist, including yourself, who would fundamentally disagree with ANYTHING he said. Again, youre fooling no one with this "t-thats liberals!" bullshit excuse user
I'll watch it when I come home, as I've told you. And again, as I've told you, mainstream marxist theory doesn't claim this and white guilt or similar concepts are never mentionef in Marx's works, which is to say, what you describe as "self-hating cuckoldry" is not a part of marxist doctrine.
As for being a marxist, I am not one. I am just annoyed when people try to argue against something they don't understand at all and you get these threads. And I wouldn't know much about leftypol although you seem deathly convinced that I'm part of it.
You have a problem with Marx not condoning slavery? That makes him an SJW?
>we should all become fascist because I can't get a gf and because tyrone daily fucks my oneitis
>mainstream marxist theory doesn't claim this and white guilt or similar concepts are never mentioned in Marx's work
irrelevant to he point that they all do user, including you and the person in the video. also, see
>I am just annoyed when people try to argue against something they don't understand
you know what annoys me? when people think they are more clever than they are and try to pull this bullshit. You assume Im completely clueless to marxism, or that Im and every other critic of it is just making this shit up out of nothing (despite the fact that the video is of a marxist himself saying it) and I cant wait for you to prove me right when you agree 100% with what that retard says.
clearly not the point at all. you are being deliberatly obtuse because your bullshit is getting called out. the communist party of america is shilling SJW shit while you all claim it has nothing to do with communism.
>if you arent a communist, youre a fascist
youre also projecting your virginity onto me user. not an argument
>clearly not the point at all. you are being deliberatly obtuse because your bullshit is getting called out. the communist party of america is shilling SJW shit while you all claim it has nothing to do with communism.
The quote is about slavery. What, were abolitionists SJWs too?
>including you
You assume too much.
Commies should be fined
>it's another '/leftypol/ user lies about the realities of Marxism in a failed attempt to gain converts' thread
Maxism is the down syndrome of ideology.
cucked by the mods before my very eyes