>I am free
Go grab an axe, walk out the front of your house and walk until you find a tree, begin chopping it down. Tell me then how free you are. Would you even make it far enough to chop it down? Would you even make it to the nearest tree? Would you be allowed to use the wood once you have chopped it down?
So free I can wander into the government's woods and just go get a Christmas tree my dude.
My country hasn't been free for over 70 years.
The Reich was better and you deep down inside know it you faggot!
I would go to jail for doing this.
>go grab an axe
a what
Seeing how the tree is in my front garden, then yeah
Next nearest tree belongs to someone else as its their property and im no thief
As for trees on public land, long as i wasnt a idiot and tried to cut down a tree in the park and instead went to the small forest nearby, no one would care
I mean the nearest tree is on my neighbors land so I wouldn't be able to chop it down. But that's just basic property rights. I have in the past had land with trees on it and have chopped it down and used it for my own benefit. Why would the government care what you do with your own tree?
Personally I would make it to a tree but I am sure police would show up once I start chopping down a tree and then I would be charged for property damage and carrying an illegal weapon.
For reference, that's how free I am.
>take a sledgehammer
>find the nearest car
>smash it to pieces
tell me how far you get. Could you smash the windshield before the police come? would you be allowed to drive it once your done?
Chopping down trees that don't belong to you is a crime, as it should be. Your metaphor for freedom or whatever is a failure.
I have trees in my backyard and I can cut down the ones on my property.
I guess that's white privilege for you though, if I was black I would probably be too stupid to buy and just rent, and I wouldn't be on the internet I would be robbing pizza delivery boys at gunpoint.
Cut down a tree not on your land or a neighbors land. Is this allowed where you are?
>Chopping down trees that don't belong to you is a crime
>Your metaphor for freedom or whatever is a failure.
You're idea of freedom is a failure, cuck.
This implies that I would have to chop down the nearest tree which would be extremely dangerous to fell. It is extremely massive and surrounded by hones, cars, and people. It would be guaranteed to cause damage and would likely kill someone even myself.
However the first tree that I could safely chop down is just a few more yards away and I guarantee you that any one who questioned what was going on would be terrified go approach me if they even spoke English. There's also a good chance I would get away with it even though I would be evicted and possibly worse if caught.
You know, a tree-bonger
that is shit axe form
But on public land even though owned by the city? I could probably cut down as many as I wanted.
haven't seen one of those since the war
How about this. Go build a wall to defend your property. How far do you get before your government tells you what you are doing is illegal and must be torn down? Do you need a permit to go fishing? Do you need a permit to defend yourself? Do you have the right to self defense? What are you not allowed to do unless you pay your dues? Are you allowed to earn your own money without paying taxes?
Absolute freedom does not exist. We are bound by physics, chemistry, biology of our own body, not to mention laws of society. So you should realise that murricans, for example, are more free than people here, cause they can be against your goverment and not get into jail for it. Or they are more free cause they don't have to survive on 200$ montly. The same logic applies when I say that people here are more free than in nigger state, where monkeys have nothing and die in their 20-s.
>freedom means you can steal other people's shit
Actually your idea of freedom is a failure.
Anarchy is complete chaos. Without ownership or rules you would leave your home to go to work, and return to find someone chopped your house down and planted a flag claiming the territory as their own.
I dont need an axe, I can gun it down from within reach of my tendies. All I would have to say is that it entered my property and I chose to evoke my Stand your ground rights. Maybe put a hoodie on the Lumber and sprinkle some cocaine on it just to be sure.
nah it would be council property, I would probably only get away with it if I hid the axe in my car and it didn't get searched by cops while I drove to a place that no one could hear the tree fall in the bush
Yes I do it all the time. I live out in the woods fagot.
you can't even chop down a tree in your yard without a permit. we are fucked
stop spreading your slave mentality, kike-russki commie scum
There are trees in my front yard, trees in my backyard. Ive already cut some down when we bought the place. Could cut down more if i chose too, but i like the shade. Feels good, man.
I live in a national park you dumb bastard
People like living in groups and strong groups outcompete weak groups.
Someone acting alone has no chance against a group.
So nobody is free. That implies ownership. So who owns you?
Let's say you ignore all trees on all land on the plots with houses on them until you come to a tree that is seemingly unowned. Then what? Does someone own the land that is unowned around you? If it is untended than why does someone who is negligent enough to not even tend the land get to claim ownership. What did they do to claim ownership of such land.
Do you do it legally or do you get away with it because there is noone to stop you from committing a crime?
Your response sums up his comment quite succinctly.
So your freedom pertains to the small space you can afford?
More free than most if that's the case.
>I live in a national park
So you aren't allowed to do anything then?
the answer to all those questions is no. I'd need a license probably, even on my own property. But then again I'm not sure. I know for a fact you need a permit from your municipality to be able to build ON YOUR OWN PROPERTY. They basically always allow you to build, but it's a matter of principle. We can't own guns either, unless we have valid reasons and we're part of a club or some shit
Yeah, cause you totally can fly if you want to, fuck laws of physics. And calling me "kike-russki commie scum" will help you to achieve it, just jump off the cliff.
If you want to talk about freedom - set milestones to set degrees of freedom.
Kinda funny question to answer. Our universe owns us all, that's why we are not free from laws of physics. But on society level it becomes more fucked. In that day and age you can't even go hermit (well you can, but it is pretty hard). Even if you go rogue - you will do it on some countries territory and may break some laws, and you will not be free from consiquences. But if you don't live in the best korea, I can't say that state owns you, cause you can immigrate somewhere else. We don't have chains and we may be a bit more free than we used too a few centuries ago, but we are still bond to do shit we don't want or get punished for not participating.
>freedom is the like of constraint
freedom is the like of uncalled for coercion
That's fine, an honest man. But the question remains. Why? Who owns you? Why are YOU the property of someone else? Are you aware of your own slavery? Some people here think they aren't slaves. I know I am a slave.
fucking kek.
You seem to be using science as a some kind of argument against what you can and can't do. This is an argument of what you can physically do versus what you are allowed to do by your masters. What is it you are allowed to do and if you were to immigrate to elsewhere can you honestly argue that there is a place in which you can be free enough to chop down a tree on a distant hill. If there is not than the whole world is owned. If the whole world is owned than who owns it? If the whole world is owned than the contents within is owned. You are the contents. You are not free. You are owned. Who owns you?
Yeah we basically all are to some extent. It's not even possible to just work a job to save up to buy some land, and then live on said land growing your own food etc. This is because (at least in this country) you are authorized by LAW to have a functional government-regulated online mail so they can send you bullshit tax statements and whatnot, furthermore you have to pay a property tax on that property and with all the immigrants they're taking in the property will just continue to rise in value, so you're basically forced to work for the tax-machine (even if it is just a little bit) to pay the absolutely nonsensical property taxes.
Also it's hard to build your own house since you can't even fell trees on your own property but like I said earlier I'm not sure if that's actually a law, I just wouldn't be surprised if it were.
This is the reason why all modern humans are slowly going/gone insane. Separated from trees to build with, animals to hunt and rivers to drink from, they are lost, and most of them are not smart enough to make the mental leap to realise why they feel so empty.
PS: Don't chop trees down just for fun, it makes the nature spirits take a giant shit into your karma. The jungle only has one law. Only kill what you need to.
It's not an actual law, you can cut down a tree if you own the land but you can't build with it without a building permit, you can't live in your home unless it has passed the building permit test. Your land is not yours. You don't own it because you cannot live on it without permission. You land is not yours because you must pay land rates. Nothing is free.
UKuck just mad he has no tree-bonger
I am merely borrowing the tree, it is not mine to chop down.
They pay property tax and have a document proving ownership over the property.
>seemingly unowned land
Any land not owned privately is property of the US government. You can ask any property owner for permission to use the land to hunt, chop trees, etc...
If you go on vacation and your house is seemingly unowned and unattended, what did you do to claim ownership over it?
most people don't understand they are controlled by many systems that keep them doing what they are wanted to do. mindlessly consuming shit etc. I try pretty hard not to fall into the control trap but sometimes I fall for it. I got asked to go see the last jedi by a mate. I thought yeah i'll be social. Once I was watching it I thought fuck I just fucking got tricked into seeing and paying for this garbage. I should of suggested something else
I am using science to say, that we are limited even without society. But for society to function, we start limiting ourselves. As society grew, limiting function went from all people to a special number of said people. First elders, after lords/priests, now goverments. We slowly forged chains that we are chained in now. If you have the tools, you can abuse the system and avoid laws, while being corrupt (like most of todays politicians). But for your question, who owns us - it is really simple. Society owns us. People as mass own man as individual. The only way to be free from any laws is to be the only one man on land claimed only by you. As soon as someone else appears - your rights are reduced.
>property tax
SO not free then.
Why do you pay for something you own if it is free?
>Any land not owned privately is property of the US government.
>your house is seemingly unowned and unattended, what did you do to claim ownership over it?
What did the US government do? Why do they own it when they did nothing to claim ownership over it?
This is one thing I actually admire about (at least some states) the US, you're waay more free than in most other countries. You can buy property and build on it on your own accord, and you can own guns to protect it.
Yeah man I'm totally losing my mind because I can't go chop down trees. You've got it all figured out.
Man I'm so glad so many high level geniuses post on this board. How the fuck do you guys find the time to post here when you're all such intelligent winners? Damn man, publish this shit, become famous. You've found the cure to all of our ills. Chop down trees dude lmao.
Could it not be argued that society would advance further without the artificial limitations placed upon it by... wait a minute who was it that owns you?
1 point to Sweden for not needing a permit for fishing! At least in most cases.
Lol, I literally do this shit all the time on my property. Nothing like de-limbing a big branch with a hatchet imagining its communist niggers youre de-limbing. Really cheers me up.
>Do you need a permit to go fishing?
Not in QLD, walk down the beach to north NSW and they want muh permit.
Don't worry some people get it some don't. We don't have to worry about those who don't. Let them fall behind.
No, you're trying to use philosophy.
Nature is not a moral agent. The state is.
>Without ownership or rules you would leave your home to go to work, and return to find someone chopped your house down and planted a flag claiming the territory as their own.
>implying they get past the unmarked minefield running around my property boundaries and the SpookSeeker 3000 automatic sentry turrets I installed on the porch
Yeah man, we go camping all the time, you usually don't even need a whole tree, since there is plenty of dead wood. But my uncle when he was younger cut down a bunch of pines on BLM land and built himself a mud-log hut he and his buddies would go drink in. I visited it about a year and a half ago and it's still there although the roof caved in and the walls are rotting.
Oh look, it's babby's first thinking time.
Yes, governments are basically well organized gangs. Yes, every living person in this country is to some extent in a loose contract with that "gang". No, it isn't as awful as you're making it out to be. All humans are in some form of contract with each other. Whatever philosophy you're yearning for or whatever idea you have of freedom, that freedom is limited to the power/interaction with other human beings.
If you lived 1,000 years ago it wouldn't be any different. The only difference from thousands of years ago and today is that society is more organized and "gangs" have become more established so that they aren't overtaken by other "gangs". We live relatively free lives under gang rule compared to what would be possible without government(in other words, any roving band of strong men could just kill you, take your shit, rape your wife, whatever).
You are never truly free but it's kind of a pointless thing to bitch about and whine over. The alternative is dealing with much more self-serving and unpleasant overlords that make your life shitty. So unless you are going to form your own gang and make the rules and become so powerful that nobody could ever hope to harm or oppose you, you will never be truly free to do anything. It all has risk with it whenever you interact with other humans in what you will be allowed to do.
Done this few months ago. Chopped a tree in my yard. Tbf, I used a chainsaw for bringing down the trunk and the main branches, and an axe for chopping it in chunks.
Work like that really sets you free. The Nazis were right when they used "Arbeit macht frei".
Don't have a house and literally live in the woods. Check mate cunt.
>society would advance further without the artificial limitations placed upon it
Have you ever tried to modify a complex but outdated system? Let me explain what happens. It grows bigger and bigger, works worse and worse, all modifications need extensive additions to the system only to keep the system running. That's what happens. But what is the alternative way? What do we replace society with without total collapse? We still need the system running and we at the same time need the system changed. So the only way to change it is... yes, more modifications, that make it even more complex and fucked up. So now you tell me, where do you lead that conversation and what do you have to propose? If you will mention some shitty meme like communism, where everyone limits themselves for the sake of society without a controlling force - how is it better and how will it make anyone more free? Or do you have something REALLY new, something out of the line?
Sounds like you're jonesin for some good ole fashion american freedom! You should visit america and go camping in the desert with me mah dude.
I could take my time and chop it down with an axe. I could use a chain saw. I could open my window and shoot the tree down with any of my scary looking big black high capacity semiautomatic ass salt rifles. I could burn the tree down with a $30 harbor freight flame thrower.
>You can buy property and build on it on your own accord, and you can own guns to protect it.
You also have the right to burn alive when the ATF rolls up and uses incendia- I mean "tear gas" to get you to vacate the property because big daddy says you must leave.
Why are white people always talking about killing innocent creatures while babbling about freedom?
When your boss needs to get some info.
>can I axe you a question?
>if you can't go on another man's property and cut down his tree, you aren't free
There is no such thing. If you are dealing with non-sapient creatures there is no guilt or innocence, only rule of the strongest. That's why I don't get it why americans are not allowed to shoot niggers without going to jail.
Well realistically your wife would have a gun and shoot them and you would have saved money by buying bullets for your wife rather than mines and automatic sentry units for your yard. Or she would perhaps calls the private security firm or maybe even the community organised security firm to remove the wrong doers without the need or now get this it's a bit of a stretch but maybe, just maybe in a community in which actual ownership and freedom were allowed in a white homogeneous society than perhaps white people would not choose to go on home invasions while their neighbor was at work because they have their own things, their own wives and own homes and no reason to invade and rob from their neighbors homes.
Or maybe being owned is better for you because than you are told to behave because otherwise you cannot control yourself. Lord knows every time you get a knife in your hand you cut yourself, those around you and small animals. You cannot possibly trust yourself can you? A person like you has no sense of social responsibility.
Wouldn't be able to, but thats mainly because we're quite a small island and whats left of our forests are protected nature reserves which I can appreciate.
If I wanted to chop down a tree I'd have to grow my own on my own land which is fair enough.
Closest tree is like 40 feet outside front door, I actually need to chop it down because it's getting a bit of a bow towards the house, not big enough to do damage if it falls, but it's just going to get bigger. When I chop it down I'll do whatever I want with it. But it's hackberry so it's kind of useless.
Loling at urban cucks who can't into freedom.
Pic related,saint Boniface cutting down a pagan tree.
True freedom is through Jesus.
>Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. They answered him, We be Abraham's seed, and were never in bondage to any man: how sayest thou, Ye shall be made free? Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin. And the servant abideth not in the house for ever: but the Son abideth ever. If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.
The 'gangs' as you put it do not have your best interest in mind. You would be better off if everyone was in the gang and not just the.... hmmm wait a sec who is it that was in charge of the gang again? Who exactly owns you? Who owns all the things in the country that you aren't allowed to touch? Why aren't you free? Who owns you?
>be straya cunt
>walk out and start cutting down a tree
>flying ants fall on me and bite me to death
a-at least I'm free...
Selvfolgelig kan du fælde dine egne træer. Du behover ikke tilladelse, bortset fra måske din kone.
theres a shitty dead tree in my backyard, been there longer than I've been alive. I could cut it down but its kinda big so it'd fuck my shit up
No one is going stop me I've got a fucking axe
>a white homogeneous society
You need to achieve it first.
>you are told to behave because otherwise you cannot control yourself
And you need to remove degenerates from society to achieve that.
Those are noble and nice goals, but how exactly are you gonna achieve them? Even the first is fucking hard, but the second one? While you will hunt down degenerates that can't behave without a stick shoved up their asses, you will have to limit everyone elses freedom even more. And if you don't, you will get maybe a small %, but still a % of degenerates, who will anyway be violet, who will not be willing to limit themselves. You are fogetting, that people, sadly, did not move too far from animals. Many are led only by instincts and desires, not by mind.
There is no doubt that americans are more free than the rest of the whites. But it seems someone is putting an end to that. I wonder who it could be?
Sure, no problem.
Who taught you that?
in germany the bearing of tools is allowed, espacialy for the purpose of using them soon,
so yeah i would pretty sure get to the next tree.
but the woods are owned to i would have to go somewhere where i own the land, which is my garden, and yes i have chopped down trees in the garden with my axe, litteraly, and i dried the wood and used it. ,
so no problem my government censors me, interresting view you have
>damn gubment taking my freedoms
Kek. This isn't a new thing.
I chop down trees around here for fun and I use the wood to make furniture and art.
I'm a vegan soyboy too.
My own experience as I am someone who works with complex but outdated systems.
But let me ask you: do you want to blame the jews? If it is going this way, than you are in the wrong place: everyone on Sup Forums knows that jews are to blame.
Well my nation basically copies all british law... lots of empty forest, as far as the eye can see in all directions. Same story though, protected nature reserves. What if you chopped down 1 but planted 2 or even 3? Would that cause damage? What if you planted 3 trees ten years earlier and protected them? Would even then would you be allowed? Would the 3 trees you planted be removed because they were unauthorized? Fair enough...
technically you are not allowed to chop down trees in a city area with no permission but no one really cares, just put on working jacket to look official
>not using a bowsaw
show your wood, what you amde from it
pic related
>all harvested from my familys land, aple, cherry, hazlenut, german wacholder
>You need to achieve it first.
Why aren't you allowed to achieve a white homogeneous society? What are the obstacles to that? Who is in charge of that?
I would probably starve to death before finding a tree, I could chop a Korean with the axe though and would probably be allowed to keep the meat
sad but true, and Sup Forums isn't a receptive audience to things like this
maybe because the average age here is probably 17, or because anons are so dependent on the comforts of their computers and anime, I don't know