I've noticed that whenever a thread that damages trump's reputation in a real way, or exposes him as the kike/conman he is, it never gets attention or replies.
In /r/the_Donald you get banned for posting such stuff, since trumpniggers can't ban you on Sup Forums they simply don't touch the threads because it raises their visibility
The same happened recently when trump commuted the sentence of that one kike, trumpcucks were silent
Bump for visibility against trumpnigger trash
omg it's a conspiracy to censor shitty b8!
"Sup Forums" (aka Bannon's paid shills) call these "slide threads" because it hurts the fee fees of trumpskins
Sup Forums is the biggest hugbox echochamber after t_d. If they could ban/delete anons who don't constantly suck Dear Leader's orange dick 24/7 they would
>real news of real corruption
Trumpcucks are the new SJWs
trumptards are to stupid to concede that they were wrong so theyjust ignore us
Fucking bump. This shit made me very angry but not in the least surprised. Oy vey Kushner you weren't supposed to get caught!
can't wait til the US goes to war with Iran thanks to Israel
just watch this shithole
Everybody here knows that some rabbi handler is yanking trumps chain at times
nice memes all around 7/10 you'll make it some day
>being this shill
Aaaand the threads dead. Just read the story and it seems that it is indeed an Israeli investment firm that just happened to make a ($30M) investment into Kushner’s real estate business. pol has been overrun with baby boomers and TD shills.
Yeah no shit /ptg/ goes in full damage control mode with slide threads every time
Same demonic nest of reptilian alien jews running things as before.
I like Trump. I distrust kushner and by extension ivanka. I believe taking kushner down would be a good thing. I do not believe I am in the minority on pol (though shills try to make it seem otherwise).
>Trump puts Jews in key political positions.
>The public that was previously averse to thinking anything anti-semitic, now can't help but notice that people in all key positions are Jews.
>Trump is unabashedly pro-Israel.
>This also screws the public over.
>Soon the public starts grumbling about all this pro-Jewish and pro-Israeli sentiment.
>CNN and all the other hacks exaggerate any anti-semitic event to the point where the public gets nauseated by the suppression.
>Soon even the normies start grumbling about the Jewish influence over America.
>MSM further suppresses this sentiment, and only exacerbates the problem.
>The dam finally breaks and the normies name the Jew everywhere they go.
>Trump 25D bosonian quantum chess.
>Sup Forums gets back to jerking off to Trump.
You leafs elected Trudeau. You won't understand the long con. Trump's playing an inspired move by bringing Jews out from the shadows. The first rule of power is to never suppress your subjects - influence it, but never suppress it. The Jewish media has suppressed anti-semitic discussions for so long that when all the powerful Jews are brought out into the light, it will backfire in their faces spectacularly.
>just the usual Jewish bribery
>"n-no this time is different. 34D Yahtzee swear on me mums"
you trumpcucks are fucking pathetic
You’ve got to drain the swamp before you can fill it with sewage...
>just the usual Jewish bribery
>"n-no this time is different. 34D Yahtzee swear on me mums"
Dunno why, but the standard tactic of you shills is not to read. Why do you make it so easy for the rest of us to see through you? Can't you at least be subtle in your approach? I mean, make it challenging for all the non-shills.
But then again, you probably have never been good at anything in your life, and that's why you suck at shitposting as well.
Trump fags are so cucked that Trump could literally take a shit on a WWII vets grave at Arlington, then wipe his ass with that tattered American flag from 9/11, and they’d just say all the dead were probably liberals anyway MAGA.
>hurr durr muh trump long con bs
no john, you ARE the shills. Trump conned you and this shithole into thinking that the usual corruption and dirty business he's taking part of this time is DIFFERENT and part of a MASTER PLAN WITH A TWIST AT THE END because you don't want to admit that you voted for a fucking clown, or, more likely, you're just a paid shill
either way,you're a fucking failure, just like this presidency and your pathetic country
Have leafs actually done anything to challenge the Marxists and globalists in your highest offices?
have your president done so tho?
and no, hot air tweet bs and rally chants don't count
Trump's cabinet literally getting bribes out in the open and here you are BUT WHAT ABOUT bullshit
Fucking bump. Netanyahu is also on his way out the door because of similar curruption. Slimey shifty kikes
Look here Sup Forums People like this poster are why people think Americans are retarded, and rightfully so. These are the types of people that are easy to manipulate and control. Take a good long look at this fucking braindead moron. Don't be like this mindless zombie and buy into a cult of personality.
>editorialized headline
>no john, you ARE the shills.
Leaf calling others shills. Priceless. Also, my name's not John you stupid fuck.
>Trump conned you
I voted for Trump cause he was not a psycho like Hillary. So far he's met my expectations and I don't feel conned.
>this shithole into thinking that the usual corruption and dirty business he's taking part of this time is DIFFERENT and part of a MASTER PLAN WITH A TWIST AT THE END
I'm not a Trump fanboy you fucker.
>because you don't want to admit that you voted for a fucking clown, or, more likely, you're just a paid shill
I have a job and I know deep down inside it hurts you to know that you're a NEET.
>either way,you're a fucking failure
Sounds like what your mother tells you everyday.
>just like this presidency and your pathetic country
Okie dokie then. I didn't realize you created this thread because you couldn't handle the U.S winning so much. Your butthurt has widened uranus to the point where we can now fit an entire car through it.
>People like this poster are why people think Americans are retarded, and rightfully so.
So I take it you're not an American.
>Take a good long look at this fucking braindead moron.
Are you retarded?
>Don't be like this mindless zombie and buy into a cult of personality.
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>hurr durr ur just retarded ur mommy doesn't even like you
>Trump's corruption and ineptness is part of his MASTER PLAN believe me
You do realize it's just you and me on this thread at this stage, right? and I've been sageing all my posts.