Which immigrant you prefer?
Which immigrant you prefer?
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t. zhang
jews are much better than both
t. Zhang
clearly they are both equal
The Chinese guy is actually really moving my heart 2bqh
Chink are basically the Jews of the orient
the chink cant speak english though
what is centrelink
>mfw white people think some low iq, poor, low status black person is a bigger threat than a highly intelligent, wealthy and conniving Asian person
The old world just has incompetent immigrant apparatuses at play in their government. That's why you see headlines like that.
>t. watched a british reality t.v. show in which they followed british cops deporting Indians, Africans and Chinese people.
you will witness the chinks outjew the jews in your lifetime, screencap this
second this
fucking chinks own everything here
hell, even our muslim sector is controlled by chink companies
none, both must leave
I've never once felt the need to "relax" around a gang of ching-chongs. In fact, I've never once heard as much as a single story about howaito people being threatened by east asian diaspora.
Blacks, on the other hand...
The successful one, whatever their ethnicity may be.
No, they equally industrious if not more but they will never have the revolutionary genius european jews have had in te period when they switched from orthodoxy to secularism en masse. There will never be a chinese Einstein or Mahler or Modigliani, mark my words.
Don't be some harsh on them. They didn't do anything bad to Israel
Successful immigrants 8000% more likely to come from china than sudan
We welcome all immigrants of any race and background as they long they integrate and speak the language.
t. Budiono Liem Nguyen Zhang Ching
>to "relax"
oops, meant "never relax"
the real threat is the one on the right.
>can overturned you once they get the hold on your backbones like economic, politic.
>sneakily cheating on you physically and your mind.
At least Zhang Xuo and his buddies aren't going to jump you at 4 am because they're bored and all the clubs are shut
i think our notion of jewery is a bit different here, what im saying is that they'll expand, permeate and buy up everything, bringing nepotism with them.
though that's saying too much for what's yet to happen, you never know.
I don't care though I want Australia to be united with other asian nations and I don't care if whites and asians share Australia.
This, Jews are based, they integrate completely and are pretty much indistinguishable from the average white person
Chinese are still pretty racist and don't integrate as well
Why would Australia think that they would have a different outcome than America.
Jews don't integrate though 2000 years to leave their shitty religion behind and they still haven't
>This, Jews are based, they integrate completely and are pretty much indistinguishable from the average white person
I want neither. they (white and asians) should go back off to their origin lands.
My dream is for Australia to be a larger Singapore.
Fuck off
>My dream is for Australia to be a larger Singapore.
Are you Caplan, or that Marginal Revolution guy?
And why did you move to straya?
>bringing nepotism with them.
Nepotism and cronyism are already rampant in the West.
To be entirely honest, I feel as though the Western World is horribly diseased. Our societies (especially in North America) are so insanely corporatistic, it's downright scary. I have little to no hope for the future, though China seems to be extremely westernized nowadays so I doubt they'll save themselves from the same issues.
if you're talking about kinship corporatism, chinees culture is extremely family oriented, and this was reinforced by maoism rule where you can't trust anyone but your family, so i think the issue is even worse for them.
Viets are nepotistic corrupt midget chinks tbqh
And Vietnamese Leninism didn’t do the same to your people?
Viets are the most family-oriented corrupt people in the world. They call themselves Chinese to disguise their bad behavior when abroad but are actually all disgusting viets.
t. Japanese studying abroad
Why are Chinese brown?
Both are shit tier
Those chinks are the reason why shit tier jobs like cleaners have low pay and no innovation
>nepotistic family-oriented corrupt
>call themselves chinese
not sure about this, but there's a lot of ethnic chinese with vietnamese names who escaped communism in 1975-1980
The thing about Asians is they have small eyes so you can't tell if they're lying.
Unironically this
I'm chinese but this is extremely cringe. We aren't that good of immigrants to be honest. No one really likes us but they just tolerate us
Thats not true. Youre called model immigrants.
Uh oh there's a Chinaman in the thread
Everyone hide your dogs
No we kind of are parasites, and there are too many of us immigrating to other countries. I am ashamed to be a chinese immigrant. I don't identify as american. We should go back to china.
>Some kid who went to a decent school in his former country is more educated than a woman who was persecuted by the government for being born into the wrong ethnicity by her former country
colour me surprised
Two nights ago I was taking a bus from the airport at 1:30 in the morning. There was a Chinese man and a black man on board. Can you guess who asked for money and tried to rob me?
I know OP is chinese, are you chinese too? Just because we aren't violent doesn't mean we are liked and people want us to come. There are too many of us in other countries being parasites and they won't like that. We made our country look so bad by leaving too, I can't believe people like OP are proud of chinese immigrant success when its literally worthless if our country isn't good.
Whitey living in India. Going back home to the States on Friday.
I'd much rather have more East and South Asians in my state than any other group. They're well-educated, work hard, and earn well. Their kids are typically ambitious but manage to integrate with their American counterparts while still clinging to some vestige of their parents' culture.
That doesnt matter and how are Chinese people parasites if they earn money themselves instead of leaching off the system?
No he's just going to take over your country and turn YOU into the nigger that jumps people at 4 am for scraps of cash.
Why should Jews have to assimilate? why don't YOU assimilate instead?
for the average citizen chinese are a lot less intrusive
for politicians having a bunch of useful idiots is very handy so they'd prefer third worlders
literally any immigrant is welcome here (if he wants to live in this shithole willingly)
Basically we are living off the wealth of more successful countries even if we worked hard for it.
We are leeches in that way, not to mention chinatowns are disgusting which will give a bad vibe of chinese immigrants. So I understand if people are racist toward and hate chinese immigrants like me, I respect chinese mainlander citizens much more than us cowardly traitors.
chinks never pay taxes. they work day and night to became rich and to steal money from you. i prefer fucking muslim because they work and pay taxes. also they are only who stand up against american and eternal anglo colonisation.
I'd rather a subhuman nigger than a non-human chink
>chinks never pay taxes
this is true. witness it with my very own eyes and told me
>this is how to be rich son
cheat and sneak are in their blood.
>Be American
>gets cucked
We take in the reffos because we're nice and because we have an obligation to do so under international law
We take in the chinks because why the fuck not
>Youre called model immigrants.
They only say that solely to shit on other non-whites. The minute a Chino doesn't fit the narrative or questions it they are either discarded or attacked.
Chinese success has always been a spectre in many migrant nations psyche
>Austrailia without Whites
>Austrailia be 50 iq statue pure aboriginal ground
why do you want to destroy beautiful successful counry that much????
just get the fucking hell off jap. Jesus. He just introduced himself Japanese having USA flag.
extremly disgusting. neck yourself.
oh, so you're Sup Forums, not reality
then don't do shit job like cleaners.
the original reason why your politicians wanted immigrant population is to setting them low-class labor work forever, so they can be suspending whitey's wealthy ordinary life.
on the otehr hand, maybe white piggus of sub 60 iq, such as bogan, will not be previliged by that, since they have exactly same level with niggers or chinks or other minorities. in spite of being born as white. HAHAHAHAHA
>No he's just going to take over your country and turn YOU into the nigger that jumps people at 4 am for scraps of cash
feels bad man
That's not true, you only welcome immigrants of educated and productive backgrounds. Actually legally immigrating into you're cunt is an incredibly uphill battle. It has nothing to do with the language you speak or how you dress, if you're not a STEM grad it's basically a flat "we don't wantcha".
Why do you think these hardworking yet unskilled and poor people risk their life immigrating illegally? They have no other choice if what they want is to live in a 1st world country.
I'm not advocating any stance on illegal immigrants or immigration policies, all I want is for you to understand that the arms of a nation are not nearly as open as you might be led to think.
LOL at your coping Chinese people are legit invader tier .
>They have their own arrondissement in Paris
>Chinatowns around the whole world
i dont subject to any 4chinz groups, these ideas are my own, i use memespeak to get my point across more easily.
they are both butifel human beans
we all bleed red
Id rather have chinese immigrants than white immigrants. But why do countrys allow people like that sudanese lady to immigrate there?
But australia has minimal african migrants so how does somebody like that sudanese lady get into the country
I don't want either dammit!
Thats like saying italians are invaders because of little italy or something. Its just an area to preserve their culture and its a neat place to visit. Also Im not sure youre one to talk...
So that war in sudan must be the best thing to ever happen to her
She would have rather not have that ci.flick happen altogether
t. Luigi Mario
>little italy
being serious here
do these places even exist in the US anymore
i heard they were replaced by chinese, somalians, jamaicans, etc
>chinks and Jews interbreed to create chews, the undisputed master of East and West
apex kek
i bet they'd get genocided in 2 seconds flat
They don't really exist because Italians are pretty much integrated into mainstream society. Although you are right they've been replaced by other ethnic enclaves.
In Toronto, former ethnic enclaves are anglofied. Darkies move to the outskirts or suburbs like Brampton.
Its weird because the ruler of north sudan is an evil islamist war criminal so thats why they separated and created south sudan but then south sudan just collapses into civil war so they flood north sudan.
>small peepees
>big noses
>short narrow heads with low iq
>Its just an area to preserve their culture
Chinatown were ghettos because Chinese couldn't live anywhere else due to lack of wealth and/or discrimination.
chinese self segregate in your own school cafeteria if you pay attention. i personally a poo in the loo who was happy to move brtmpton because she wanted to be surrounded by other brownies.
Chinese survival genes mate. Take twenty years of foreign occupation, twenty of brutal civil war, thirty under Mao. What comes out are harder to exterminate than termites.
The natural cunning of the chink is amplified by the enormous chewish intellect, the synthesis of Confucian rote learning ability and Jewish creativity.
Look at all this leaf spam
*i personally know
>jewish creat
Chinese always do that, although after a couple generations they don't. Although poo in loos and arabs are much worse at integration than Chinese.
>jewish creativity
forgot pic
poo in roo
>contemporary architecture
>Chinese survival genes mate.
that pales in comparison to euro middle ages