Devs Jan 7 >E Ghouta:SAA breaks the siege on vehicle base >Carbomb explodes in Idlib near jihadist training camp,100+dead >Houthi air defenses shoot down Saudi Tornado warplane over north Yemen >E Ghouta:SAA is now 80m away from lifting the siege on vehicle base >Idlib:SAA liberates Sinjar + 9 other town, 15km to Abu Dhohur airbase >Beit Jinn-HTS hands over tanks and armed pickup trucks part of recon deal >104th Airborne Brigade of the Republican Guard has left DeZ to E Ghouta >Iranian official:No permanent Iranian base inside Syria >Sy gov allocated 60m Sy ounds for the reconstruction of Aleppo city >Jihadist attack drone taken out by Ru Air Def before reaching Hmaymim base >Reports:FSA commanders visit Washington >IS attacks SDF positions N of Hajn, killing 9 >355 civis from the provinces of DeZ,21-Aleppo & 14-Homs have returned to their homes >USAF Gen:Russia now has ‘treasure trove’ of info about F-22s&how we operate, but so do we >10000+ protesters in rebel-held southern Damascus demand reconciliation with government >IS declares war on Hamas over Jerusalem loss to Trump & Israel >Yemeni women hold protest marches against Saudi aggression
Reminder that only two people went to jail for this, and they were both released early.
Jaxon Jackson
Thanks for the suggestions guys, I was going to do the >Map of the Byzantine Empire edition with it zoomed in on the Syrian section circa AD 550 It would have been slightly silly.
Isaiah Jones
Thanks to Swedebro for the updates.
Charles Bailey
>tfw Byzaboos are everywhere
Josiah Sullivan
>3 greek posts in a row Disperse comrades, they will notice.
Nathaniel Adams
Best meme of 2017.
Jacob Evans
Byzantiums relevent. At least they had a last stand you white flagged frog.
I'm gonna lol if ISIS again manage to cross through SAA lines towards Idlib like they did during the Salami pocket.
Inshallah, the SAA blitzes westwards from Khanassar to complete the slicing off of the eastern third of the Idlib Pocket.
Juan Morgan
>he doesn't know about Byzantine cats spy rings What kind of a Greek are you
Nah, fairly old game, didn't extend much further than what you see here iirc. Haven't played in a while.
Juan Ross
Why you gotta do me like this familia?
Robert Rogers
I tried to find those 3 places (I see you found one) on Google Earth, and a bunch of other maps, but I couldn't. Also there are reports that the road, going West of Duhur has been cut off by the SAA.
Benjamin King
Cats are patrician tier tbqh
Easton Green
It was during the beginning. However it slowly disintegrated into a loose Confederation of states. Can't we just agree that the HRE is the successor to Western Rome while the Byzantines are Eastern Rome?
Easton Nguyen
What chances that FSA will close that "road", leaving SAA in kotel?
Charles Kelly
>diplomacy -2 >general opinion -10 I-it's fine, I don't even like my vassals anyway
NO HRE was a German state that larped about being Roman Nothing it did was Roman It didn't even hold Rome all the time Which was it's only gave it any claim It was just a way to unit German tribes against islam and pagan slavs
Bentley Hill
Is UE really that fun? I tend to stick to more modern settings like HoI.
Adrian Price
Lincoln Ward
>HRE was a state Wrong.
Dominic Morales
>/sg/ talking about some game involving the Byzantine Empire >Not Rome / Medieval 2 total war I am out of my areas of expertise.
Brody Jones
Based Drumpf 4d chessing, all these muslims will vote Republican #MAGA
Jordan Foster
>the EU is closer than the HRE ever was
Ethan Carter
HRE was an attempt at a united Germany plus krauts being WE WUZ ROMANZ. Plus half the known world claimed to be third rome, even kebabs.
Aaron Green
checked and kek'd
Owen Moore
They have fire control over the road = it's cut >Inshallah, the SAA blitzes westwards from Khanassar to complete the slicing off of the eastern third of the Idlib Pocket. There's movement in southern Aleppo, last report they were 10km from Abu Duhur
Ryder Cooper
Evan Ward
Saddam Hussein = Allah > Imam Ali ibn abi Talib >>>>> prophet muhammad aka spiderman
Lincoln Cook
>Not playing Paradux games What are you, too poor for 6 million DLCs?
Granted I mostly play HoI for my 20th century autismos.
Luis Morris
Which is why it also wasn't an empire.
Nathaniel Murphy
blyat, can't see through the tarp
Jonathan Ortiz
Do you happen to know which areas in Syria are under ceasefire? IIRC Daraa, S.Damascus, and the Hama/Homs pocket were.
why do byzoboos support an arab nationalist? Assad has in his palace huge murals of when the Arabs btfo the Byzos in Yarmouk and the larpers at Hattin
Grayson Powell
>Not replacing all your vassals with family members That is your biggest mistake. See What does it mean to be Roman? To claim to speak the Latin language? To Hold the City of Rome continuously? To be descended from the original Roman Emperors?
If you think it has to do with the first two, then by your own standards the Byzantines lost their ''Roman-ness'' long before their demise. If you think that the third is required, then most European Monarchies have a valid claim.
Brayden Fisher
daily reminder that literally 100% of Iraqi christians love Saddam.
You might often meet a sunni that shittalks him, but literally ALL Christians love him.
Based Saddam, weinak ya abuna?
Benjamin Evans
After 7 long years it's finally closing its been amazing seeing Isis rise to relevance and the decisive end of the battle of Aleppo. Isis was then literally stepped away and now we have a country divided. Literally hundreds of thousands of people died for noting.
Can we all agree that the HRE was all three of it's descriptors when it was first formed, but wasn't any in the last few hundred years. Voltaire was being a bit of a dick when he gave that famous vote, it's like making fun of Serbia for no longer controlling Kosovo. Rome was important to the Germans, it was mean to rub their faces into the fact that they no longer controlled it.
Jonathan Allen
Oh God, oh God! Just saw it!
Thomas Long
kh*mmie irannies on suicide watch
Nathan Nelson
Henry Long
>gets BTFO by everyone >still comes for more Also, cringe.
Bentley Sanchez
whats the best way to find out about your countries history? eu4 even did some events on your countries history
Robert Rodriguez
Can we all agree that Albanians are Illyrians?
Carter Wilson
If by Illyrians you mean subhuman then yes
Daniel Gray
I descent partly from them. No we can't.
Landon Martinez
Well they aren't full on Byzoboos, and most of their animosity is against the Turks. I'd say they're fighting for Assad out of shared principle, defence of the Greeks in Syria, and training. Ah yes, the pocket that literally nothing has happened to in ages.
Gabriel Moore
>AbuDuhur offensive: heavy bombing of village & Airbase as warplanes don't leave area since morning
John Gonzalez
it's all an ebin mene lad
Zachary Watson
Albanians are Turkish sandniggers.
Angel Watson
Wait, this happened 6 hours ago, why aren't we talking about this?
Michael Johnson
They are muslims.
Jack Nguyen
Been there done that
Henry Nelson
>Syrian opposition sources I honestly didn't read that kek, there's my answer
Xavier Nelson
They talk about everything other than the war here.
Brody Nguyen
My county's history. Unfortunately jewpedia. There aren't that many sites devoted to documenting our history.
Fortunately wikipedia is unbaised enough. Also, stay away from ''GNITES WERE OPRESSIN US MALTEZ N SHIIETT'' (((academics)))
Bentley Martinez
rude, sh*pmutts are subroaches
Aiden Peterson
We knew before it happened thanks to our correspondent in Lebanon.