My GF keeps saying how she's a strong independent woman. What do Sup Forums?
"Strong" "independent" women
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Dump her
leave her, shes mentally ill.
Find a mentally stable women instead.
pic related it's op and his gf
Hit her.
She does claim "bipolarity", which is a very convenient excuse for "I can be a bitch to you whenever i want, blame it on bipolarity and you can't do anything about it". :(
Doesn't treat her "bipolarity" either. I'm always nice to her, but sometimes she gets mad for no fucking reason
Femanon here
Dude try to red pill her or sit down with her and watch "Gone with the wind ".
>rapid cycling
if she was really bipolar like this she'd be on antipsych meds. call her out as weak-minded. "you keep saying it like you need to keep hearing it! I love taking care of you btw, do you really believe that? Do... do you think I'm independant?"
try not to laugh, same thing I do when my wife says she's responsible. kek
Tell her to 1v1 you irl.
Leave her? I mean, she don't need you, she can live by herself
She is redpilled, but loves gays for some reason. Hates migrants and she enjoys watching pewdiepie
That's just women
People who are strong don't have to tell people they are strong. People simply recognize it. Only the weak need constant positive reinforcement.
Let her pay for her own meals. Whenever you drive her anywhere, ask her for gas money for the trip.
Leave her you fucking idiot. why are you doing this to yourself?
>but muh access to mediocre pussy
What's so special about gone with the wind
She can sustain herself financially, I don't sustain her though. But I don't say "I'm a strong independent man" all the time
Yea leave her for someone submissive because you're too beta to engage her
Seriously user I have encountered a girl like that. Looking back I was very lucky in that i was too autistic about girls to be manipulated too badly, use her for a bit more sex and then dump her for a traditional girl.
Rape her. Let's see how strong and independent she would feel after that.
Stop paying for her everything and tell her she's independent, she can take care of dinner, the movie, and the bills herself this month.
See how long the strong independent women charade keeps up.
No she has picked up on a way to artificially inflate her value to you. If she mentions an interest in something she knows you'll like then ask her about it casually at a later date, I guarantee she will suddenly forget what you are talking about or pull some bipolar shit to get the agenda back to fucking with your mind.
She doesn't really remember a lot from what i say, and is always shocked at how much i remember myself. But i blame that on a lack of a developed brain, as she doesn't remember a lot in general, not just about what we talk about.
It’s a shit test. It means she wants you to be more assertive and manly
So like
>wasting time trying to alpha mentally unstable women
yeah and i bet you love wasting time in shitty clubs looking for women like that to "engage"
Try to spot in he face whether she realises she's supposed to know more about something at those moments.
Provided you're functionally more intelligent than them women are surprisingly easy to manipulate too. If she's doing this stuff already you have nothing to lose by hit using her as a testing ground for manipulation. Who knows maybe you'll pose enough of a challenge she will actually respect you and be moulded into someone worth your while.
Bunnies are the cutest of God's creatures :3
They sure are...
>God's creatures
I bet she has a career, in which she works in a team, where the men do the work. I bet she has a laptop, invented by a man. I bet she buys meat from the store, which comes from a farm run by men with machinery made by men.
All she has is an illusion of independence thanks to modern day society replacing the direct men with a bunch of indirection that all leads back to men.
Yeah! I really like bunnies, they're cute!
As retarded as it sounds knowing whether she likes seeing bunnies like that or has ever cared for any small animals is unironically a great test of a girls character.
Wanting to be cosy with a mammal of your own kind is pinnacle redpill.
If someone likes bunnies they're a good person!
Split the bill or just stop paying for shit altogether
Not the femanon, but old movies with traditional gender roles give women tingles and make it easier to feed them trad pills.
They look nasty if shaved.
The cuteness is 110% fuzz
What sort of monster would shave a bunny?
Women will be obsolete soon anyway
Also if she refuses to sleep with you just beat her
My ex girlfriend did that, I just always went "yes im sure you are sweetie". It was hilarious, loved that girl.
>mfw unironically laughed when I seen him in his little car(rot)
He looks like when someone is in a hurry and if they put their face right over the steering wheel they'll get their faster.
I agree desu. Only one of the ones I know who cares for animals is bluepilled beyond belief, which makes me think her "I love the animals" spiel is just a ruse and she doesn't really mean it.
Either you actually have a fetsih for putting your d in crazy, in that case enjoy but don't come asking for help afterwards.
Or you need to get the fuck out.
Slap her round the face every time that shit comes out of her mouth. The day she hits you back she will be a strong independent woman.
redpill me on black qts
Seriously people, just patronize her and say shes adorable whenever she claims to be independent and you will brainwash her to stop doing that, also if she gets mad at you, just keep going, its really fun.
The one in the back is having the time of their life. They're honestly the only animals I won't hunt. There's fucking loads of them where I live and a couple of years back all the ones I saw had myxy ;_;
Bunnies are the cutest most innocent animals!
Take her out to a real nice nice expensive dinner and then split the bill, see how strong and independent she really is
she literally wants a spanking
Run. Really
"Truly strong women don't have to go around reminding everyone."
dump her.
Pump and dump
Or for premium lulz
Dump and rape
Let's see how strong and independent she is after that
She is too far gone and it'd be a waste of time to Redpill her now. The mentality of a feminist is very, very hard to counter simply because they shield themselves to all logic
based indian rapist
is there a problem you boys can't solve?
The street shitting problem mainly because we can't rape the streets or the toilet.
Before of getting married, just ask her to sign a paper where , in case of divorce, you owe nothing to her. Since she is independent and strong, why she needs garments?
digits say so and I would too.