How long till Europeans become minorities in Europe?
When white flight takes us to Alpha Centauri. An ancient alien device will prevent all beta males from living in the Alpha Centauri star system.
In most western European capitals, amongst new births, within under 5s, nationally, and in some cases among under 12s, they already are.
The future belongs to those who turn up.
Fuck we already are in Brussels
Western Europe? Something like 30 or so years. I think we're only a few percentage points of majority in the young.
No one is going to want to live in the frozen wasteland that is Europe when they see what Alpha Centauri has to offer. America, Australia and Canada were just the beginning. I guess maybe slow dim witted whites might stay in Europe but it's hard to say if they were ever truly white to begin with.
Less than 10 years if current demographic trends occur.
Within most of our lifetimes.
>tfw weighing the options of having kids who will potentially grow up in a dystopian society or doing my part, for better of worse, to keep my race alive
JF had an interesting point in one of his debates.
He was posed a questions that said :
Would you rather not have kids and help create a less populated world of less suffering?
Would you rather have kids knowing that overpopulation adds to the suffering in the world?
He said he'd have kids even if it meant more suffering because by not having kids he only leaves more room for those who don't care either way.
It's a good point. If you care, at all, I think you should have kids. Now, if you don't care, (are a nihilist or a self hating white or whatever) then it doesn't matter. But if you care, the best option is to have kids and to have as many as you can.
Succesfull people will always find a way to live a good life.
I kekked
sweden 2 years
germany and france 17 years I think
Sounds like a Pascal's wager sort of thought experiment.
I think the logic is sound, though I'd replace nihilist with african nigger because that's who we'll get
Here's a better option which you nu-adults, nu-males never consider.
Chem-war the middle east, africa, brazil, china and eventually russia.
We're going to be ok men.
Also I'm going even though I'm a quarter Sicilian. You won't know unless i tell you and I'm bringing my Aryan wife for baby making.
>The future belongs to those who turn up.
Nah user. The future belongs to those who fight for it. One day, the surveillance state won't be able to control the Islamist populations, and then the elites will flee Europe. Then the war will begin.
>One day, the surveillance state won't be able to control the Islamist populations
When has it ever? You think that it's to stop Muslims?
Right now, the Surveillance state exists to put down the nationalists. But it's the Islamists that are growing more and more dangerous, and soon they will become a threat even greater than the nationalists. By then, the Globalists will become as utterly discredited as Nazism, the Secret Societies will disappear in the same way as Romanov Aristocracy, and then there will be an Age of Heroes as to the Fate of Europe.
>But it's the Islamists that are growing more and more dangerous, and soon they will become a threat even greater than the nationalists
No they wont. They know which side of their bread is buttered. Why would they ever attack the state when the state is what gives them their jizya? The Muslims don't need to, nor would they want to, attack the state that's on their side. By the time they turn on the state, the spooks will look up and realise the entire cabinet are Muslim. And then the surveillance state will just continue to watch the Nationalists.
>Why would they ever attack the state when the state is what gives them their jizya?
Exactly. The foundations of the Globalist economy are as unstable as the Late Roman Empire. The economy only survives through money printing because the Islamic laborforce doesn't produce but only consumes. Eventually, there will come a point where the economy cannot sustain the 'cheap' labor and there will be a catastrophic collapse of Western Europe. When this moment happens, there will be absolute pandemonium followed by the beginning of a terrible war.
Furthermore, if the Muslims begin to actually take over the cabinet, it will be the end of Secret Society control, as the Islamists will settle for being number one rather than a puppet.
Alot of people naively believe they can control them, but look at ISIS as an example of Western naiveity. As soon as ISIS didn't need the West, it chimped out. Why do you expect anything else to be different?
Europe is over 90% white and has 700 million people. Interracial marriage is also barely existent here outside of anecdotal evidence, a Med marrying a Slav is already considered a big deal.
Germany, the most densely populated country in Europe will get 90 million non-whites within the next 17 years? This is why you stay in school
When shit hits the fan, Austria should do a reverse Anschluss of Germany because Berlin will have burnt entirely to the ground.
>Eventually, there will come a point where the economy cannot sustain the 'cheap' labor and there will be a catastrophic collapse of Western Europe.
Why? If you control everything, EVERYTHING, why would a collapse occur?
>, there will be absolute pandemonium followed by the beginning of a terrible war.
If so, who would be on the side of the native Europeans? No one, that's who. Our nation is against us, your nation is against us, every nation is against us. We're disarmed and totally doomed.
And an ISIS in Britain wont affect the elite. What do they care if Muslims rove around the nation gunning down mullions of whites (who have no weapons) with smuggled AKs?
do you retards even know how many Europeans there are in Europe. You may as well ask when China is going to be come non Chinese. Such low IQ brainlets on this board.
at this rate I'd give it another 2 generations, so thats 50 years, i.e. 2068.
750 million fucking people. There arent even 10 million sand niggers.
>Why? If you control everything, EVERYTHING, why would a collapse occur?
Gee. I don't know, go ask the Soviets.
>And an ISIS in Britain wont affect the elite. What do they care if Muslims rove around the nation gunning down mullions of whites (who have no weapons) with smuggled AKs?
Pessimists can be just as dumb as Optimists user. If ISIS takes over, then the British Nobility will no longer BE the Elite, just like the Normans took over England from the Anglo-Saxon aristocracy.
In terms of "who would be on the side of native Europeans" by this point, it won't even matter. The world will be in flames and you'll have the opportunity to fight for yourself.
What? We have something like 8million just here.
Things wont even last that long, sand niggers and Africans aren't even 10% and Europe is already chimping out.
30 Years min - 70 years max.
You have Pakis.
i agree with this bongo dongo here.
91.54% of all German white woman have had interracial relations with black man within the last 31 hours. I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news but the facts are the facts.
Iberia will survive the coming collapse and will become a major power during the struggle for the aftermath.
>German white woman
Imagine being this much of a stupid american nigger that even in your shit post you are doing it wrong
>Not liking the cold
I think I heard that it will take 500 years for Europe to be majority Muslim if current trends apply. As none white, we have no clue given as we don't do racial classification in many countries.
>Gee. I don't know, go ask the Soviets.
Who is the global superpower against the current elite? Oh, there isn't one? OK.
> If ISIS takes over, then the British Nobility will no longer BE the Elite
Oh, you poor thing, you think there's a "British Elite"! The Elite is a global elite.
>In terms of "who would be on the side of native Europeans" by this point, it won't even matter.
It does, because the Muslims would have the entire anti-white global elite helping and arming them.
> The world will be in flames and you'll have the opportunity to fight for yourself.
With what?
Western/Central/Northern Europe I'll give it 50 years
Eastern Europe is more conservative and more anti immigration and will notice the decline of the West and thus I always think there'll be a European majority in Eastern Europe
We can only become the minority if the shitskins start to literally genocide us. They will only succed when all white males become beta pussies who won't fight back. Frankly the Jews are really effecient at making us that way already.
yes 50 more years of truck attacks nothing will change until then. Fucking subhuman amerimutts
>They will only succed when all white males become beta pussies who won't fight back.
user, i've got bad news for you...
>Why would they ever attack the state when the state is what gives them their jizya?
Never underestimate the apish idiocy of Muslims. It's the only religion that produces subhumans consistently and would produce them from even the most Aryan ubermensch. It knocks points off your IQ, its a quite extraordinary thing when you think about it.
Case in point, Afghanistan, Pakistan, even Iraq. If there weren't extreme dictatorships in these places they'd descend into chaos near instantly. Even more so than they already are.
>mfw my kids are going to grow up to be a minority no matter where I live
Honestly thinking of moving to asia. I'd rather have my children not being the minority around africans, spics, or arabs
They are already a minority in Frankfurt. lmao
>Who is the global superpower against the current elite? Oh, there isn't one? OK.
Missed the point entirely.
>Oh, you poor thing, you think there's a "British Elite"! The Elite is a global elite.
>It does, because the Muslims would have the entire anti-white global elite helping and arming them.
user. That's the point. The global elite itself will collapse to the rise of an Islamist elite. Look at the Islamic conquest of Visigothic Spain. The Christian nobility invited in their Islamic counterparts, only to be removed from power entirely, which then had the survivors flee to Asturias, who then put up a resistance and survived. The point is, the moment hostilities begin in Europe, then the elite will lose its grip over Europe.
Norway, Denmark, and Finland should conquer Sweden when Sweden collapses. Sven will be powerless.
What's funny is that UK considers Pakis as Asian. They won't be majority Arab and Muslim, UK will be a majority Asian nation
Why would it change anything? 20 years of mass rapes didn't change any of our cities.
But who cares if they win?
>Missed the point entirely.
No I didn't. The Soviet Union collapsed from DECADES of economic warfare waged by America.
>The global elite itself will collapse to the rise of an Islamist elite.
So we're fucked then? We'll swap an all-controlling group that wants to kill us softly, for one that will do it openly.
> who then put up a resistance and survived.
And it took them how many centuries to fight back? We have barely even a decade until youth minority.
>The point is, the moment hostilities begin in Europe, then the elite will lose its grip over Europe.
No it wont. Because they'll send in the army to crush any resistance. And before you say "the army wont shoot its own people," they would if they were EVIL NAHTZEES.
Europa is not one state or one naton dumbass...
there are dozens of milions of ethnic europeans living in homogenous states with close to zero immigrant minorities
Southern europe, eastern europe and central europe (except germany) will still have a majority european population after northern europe falls, don't worry.
But they can't unless there is a sudden increase in tourism! Must I remind you that migration constitutes inclusion, thus making immigrants European?
Why are there no pure european populations
I'm Swedish living in Norway. Norway can barely put groceries on their tables without paying a massive VAT tax on everything, wages her do not reflect normal spending. Easy 200 USD on basic supplies every two weeks.
I'm depressed, Norway isn't a dream. It's Bernie Sanders land
>No I didn't. The Soviet Union collapsed from DECADES of economic warfare waged by America.
T. Brainlet. Go talk to a Pole about Communism to see how Elites destroy themselves.
Look, user, you may be hopeless and pessimistic, but you are also blinded by that very hopelessness and pessimism. The fight hasn't even begun yet, and you've already surrendered. All I'm saying is that we'll know the Fate of Europe AFTER the hostilities are concluded. Right now is the prologue of the upcoming conflict that will emerge.
We tried to warn you fuckers but all you did was cry Muh Racism!!!!
Enjoy getting fucked by niggers.
Socialism didn't stop Commies from waging war effectively, user.
>The fight hasn't even begun yet
The fight was years ago and we already lost.
And the only hostilities will be practised upon the Europeans.
Come back! I miss you
user, I'd rather be European than American. We are in even more dire straits.
God damn, I don't know why cucks post on pol.
You are too pampered and don't know what struggle is. That's why you think the war is over before it even begun. You can't even tell when the fight is won or lost.
We have Oceans to back the fucking niggers off. Europe has literal roads and highways to pump an endless supply of niggers straight from Africa and the Middle East. Also, kys.
>don't know what struggle is
Oh I do, that's why I know it's hopeless. European men can't even stand up to a few skinny Pakis, what good will they be when those Pakis have guns and training from returned ISIS fighters?
>You can't even tell when the fight is won or lost.
If you're disarmed, and your enemy isn't, then you've already lost.
I dont give a fuck about the UK you deserve everything you get i hope they throw you off buildings Scotland Ireland wales and England will go on without you.
Italy could annex Nice and form a march state in Southern France.
We Americans still have Assabiyah despite overwhelming odds.
user, YOU can't stand up to a few skinny Pakis because of your hopelessness and pessimism. You lack the vision to see opportunity, and thus will be among the victims of the struggle. To those who are willing to survive, though, will.
>YOU can't stand up to a few skinny Pakis because of your hopelessness and pessimism.
If it's just be why do we now have a list of cities who allow their children to be groomed?
>To those who are willing to survive, though, will.
And it's not us. A group that wants to survive doesn't allow and defend the rape of its young women.
being white is racist
>Shitty bait
One for the archives
Yes the UK is doomed go post in another thread no one will miss you or your artificial nation.
>If it's just be why do we now have a list of cities who allow their children to be groomed?
You need to understand that cities are ground zero for the collapse.
>And it's not us. A group that wants to survive doesn't allow and defend the rape of its young women.
Speak for yourself, half of Britain still wants to live, that's why it voted for Brexit.
Not any soon you fucking shill
I've heard that before too. For some stupid reason they jump through mental hoops to pretend that people from the middle east aren't arab but instead asian
>You need to understand that cities are ground zero for the collapse.
Which wont happen.
>that's why it voted for Brexit.
"Our children will continue to be raped and drugged up and sold into sex slavery in their 10s of thousands, but at least we voted for a slight legislative adjustment!"
You mean Eurasian?
Hamites (blacks for unread) really cannot survive long term in cold, low sun countries.
Vitamin D deficiency will catch up with them within a few generations.
If you want to call it that then yes, but not asian
Exactly, wait till whitey starts absorbing more power from the sun.
I'll never understand the redhead worship. They are just genetic freaks.
user. Either you are a shill or just insufferable. Regardless, you should just kill yourself if you think things are this miserable. There will be survivors beyond you.
Jag är i Göteborg nästan varje vecka. Andra Lång here I come
Many of whom are ageing and female you fucking idiot. Mass migration is also concentrated in the West, and we have their huge birthrates to contend with too. We don't even have to be a minority for this to be a problem, look what just a 2% population of Muslim men have done to England in terms of rape and sex abuse. The authorities are covering this up, and people who speak out and who fight are demonized. Europeans are in for a shock very soon.
One advantage we have is firearms. A metric shit ton of them. However it will take a serious course of events to inspire such dramatic action. Our populace is so invested in civic nationalism that I believe they would prefer destruction of the founding stock and Brazilification to Balkanization or expulsion. Cultural Marxism won a mighty victory here.
Already we're seeing protests rising, things turning around, and the fall of Jewish power.
Truth is finally being disseminated among all the masses, regardless of the lies of the MSM, and the agenda's of the EU "leadership" are becoming undeniable.
People all over the world are waking up, and even in the U.S., white births now lead the pack, even over Mestizo. Europe's awakening is also very current, and Eastern Europe has already refused to be displaced.
It will not be long before all people, everywhere, realize private central banks are life-blood of those that wish to destroy them, and nationalization of those banks will be demanded.
The truth always comes out
Good always defeats evil.
Justice will be done upon them.
>Europeans are in for a shock very soon.
Definitely. The fight begins when this happens.
By the end of the century. Most cities are either white minority or quickly heading to it in western and northern Europe.
If you're talking about national wise. It varies widely based on different trends from 2035-2110. With the former being Sweden and USA and latter being Poland.
Either a massive cataclysmic event happens to the world markets and causes the rise of a Neo-Reich with new aesthetics and manages to win any conflict because of the Balkanistan of Russia and the USA due to race,religion and politics leading to them becoming so weak and divided they aren't a threat or the status quo remains the same because of total cultural marxist control. We are fucked.
I doubt the status quo will remain the same though. The last two years has been brutal to the current world order and will continue to be. Even Merkel is on the verge of resigning after the disastrous establishment elections a couple months ago.
never sweetie
we'll genocide all other races before they can claim this planet for themselves, including you mutts
>because of the Balkanistan of Russia
Bad news for us, Nigel. I'm afraid Ivan will be fully operational when things fall apart.
Shut up, Jew.
Whites will unite across the globe, and the fall of your kind has already started.
You can't scurry and hide from the truth anymore, like you've always done in the past. You no longer exclusively control the dissemination of information, and, as a matter of fact, most people don't have ANY faith in your media, anymore.
A significant minority who vote as a block and are capable of swinging elections is all that is required to take over.
Look at this boy here. Imagine him in 10 years.
Can you see him blowing up a hospital, and crawling through the rubble to knife and gut every man, woman and child, he finds clinging to life?
Can you see him kicking down a door, clubbing a father and his sons to death and then raping the wife and daughters, then dragging them back to be living wombs for the tribal cause?
No? Neither can I, but that's what the non-whites will do. And because that, they'll win.
Look at the grooming scandal, and imagine the races reversed. Could you imagine Pakis letting that happen to their daughters, or would they gather every man they could and go on the war path?
Dont know, soon most likely
Men stanna där förfan. Dock e Stockholm bättre :P
A couple of decades after whites have become minorities in the US.