It's been a while since we had a legit rage thread
It's been a while since we had a legit rage thread
The fuck is that thing and where did it come from ?
Just the typical urbanite anti-white Jewish commie
I like how it's obvious liberals think brown and black people are inferior to whites. You see it their policies but they literally say it now
That's some impressive projection, kang nigger probably can actually shoot lights out of his eyes.
what. fuck white people. I thought you guys are always trying to get people to do that.
white people, pay attention to the cops instructions.
Nope. We just poke fun at the fact future people are gonna be mixed race because we know it triggers the fuck out of you sensitive little alt-right snowflakes.
Like clockwork
They're really desperate to connect themselves to some kind of heritage.
Reminder that WE WUZ KANGS will be the average mindset of the future mulatto prole.
>Fucking whitey we wuz kangz
>Murder white farmers
>Mass starvation
>Fucking whitey, plz come back and feed us kangz
The only thing you have the mental capacity to trigger is a mass extinction event.
Yes comrade, the future is going to be a magnificent utopia of
mulatto trannies twerking in the smoking crater of a once rich
and cultured civilisation...
>Women fight back
>"fuck whitey you're gonna disappear hahahah!"
>"wow why is whites angry and against us?"
You niggers are retarded lmao
Every nog I see throws change on the counter . Their women are the worst for it
This just makes me sick
What do I tell my blonde haired, blue eyed son? How do I redpill my neocon husband?! It's so frustrating.
What can I do?!
>white people, be polite and courteous
>fellow Kangz, keep being self absorbed ignorant niggers and walk all over polite people
White people generally do all of these things in my experience.
Then again, most swedes are TOO polite. Wouldn't be surprised at this point if I saw an article where a rape victim's parents apologized to the assailant because the victim was not satisfactory.
>It's been a while since a rage thread
>on the board that rounds on pure fury
>every post is infuriating
now you're just being a masochist OP
>"Finally, the white racist patriarchal fucks are dead"
>"Wait, what are you doing?"
>"I was your ally, why are you doing this?!"
Those are going to be your sentiments when the reality sets in.
Viva el compañero Evo Morales. Líder indigena de la revolución cultural plurinacional tutti frutti de bolivia.
It has happened. I can't remember if it's from Sweden though.
lol she should play pro soccer
>literally all things KANGZ do in public
Really hums muh dinger
You can't reason with jews
Indians are generally ok, as long as they're quite away from me no problem.
Niggers on the other hand...I can't stand them.
Thankfully nigs are like 0.1% of my country's population
I'll enjoy watching these faggots hang
Paradoxical thinking:
Race does not matter, we are all the same BUT race kinda does matter to us, culturally speaking, and also if 100% of any given group is all white that's a PROBLEM because diversity is good, even though we're all the same and race doesn't matter, but let's force diversity to make sure we're all rainbow societies even when it means not including better qualified people and also 100% brown / 100% women groups are OK because it's historical payback for all the exclusion that technically noone alive suffered but is rooted into our insecurities by our parents.