According to FBI 80% of pedophiles are non hispanic white men

Western, European, Society often times glamorizes women who are EXTREMELY thin....(i.e supermodels standing 5,11 weighing 98 pounds)
Often times these women have the shapes of 12 year old pubescent boys. Notice the obvious correlation. All things come full circle.

This is why the Roman Catholic Church and Christianity is ripe with pedophilia and homosexuality, as they come hand in hand. This is a white man's religion and degenerate habitual behavior that comes out of his DNA markings.

Let's not forget that the white man invented the gay flag, he invented sex-change surgery, he is the first to attempot to marry another person of the same sex, he founded every "gay community" in every nation, he organizes all the gay parades and marches. The whole gay world is a white thing. Gayness is seen worldwide as a white thing even though there are gays from every race. There are more white gays than any other. Most same sex marriages are between white males, or at least one of the partners is a white person either a female or a male.

The freak who wants to ignore ancient Greece and Rome pederasty ignores the significance of that history. It is proof that white people approve of pedophiles and kiddy molesters. They figured if they made it legal, it would be okay. There is nothing inside them that tells them it is wrong to have sex wioth children. All they care is if it is legal or not so they can do it without going to jail.

Notice if you look at the crime blotter in every city, white males are always caught with kiddy porn and their computers seized in mass crimes.

The show "To Catch A Predator" basically its whole show was full of cacs being caught trying to mess with children.

>While nearly 70% of those serving time for violent crimes against children were white, whites accounted for 40% of those imprisoned for violent crimes against adults.

Other urls found in this thread:

"Non-hispanic Gonzalez" and "White Goldbergs"

I don't care about the white pedophilia meme, but the dirty little secret in the black community is the amount of pedophilia that is never investigated. And fortunately for muslims govts apparently accept child brides as brides and not victims of pedophiles. Pic related isn't a father/daughter event

>the dirty little secret in the black community is the amount of pedophilia that is never investigated

Source ? And you talk about muslim govts and islam, but for me arabs are caucasian.

Just do some searches about pedophilia in the black community. Like muslims, what niggers do is just considered part of their culture so it isn't scrutinized

You can call these mere anecdotes, but the prevalence is higher than the (((media))) reports

>According to FBI 80% of pedophiles are non hispanic white men

does the FBI have a "Jewish" category? or do they just call them white?

>does the FBI have a "Jewish" category? or do they just call them white?

Also, are they still calling other races "White" for statistics purposes?


((( Non-hispanic white men ))))

Depends on which categorisation helps the agenda

Arabs are caucasoid but have degenerated after 1400 years of consecutive first cousin marriages which has increased their homozygosity in all the worst ways

they call it the German disease

most of those 80% are congressmen

>The freak who wants to ignore ancient Greece and Rome pederasty ignores the significance of that history. It is proof that white people approve of pedophiles and kiddy molesters.

the only culture that exists on earth currently that does not engage in the rape and mutilation of it's young is Turkey

every other culture does this

like debt based paper money, this was invented by China

If you get caught raping babies just say you were trying to cure AIDS. That way it's not considered pedophilia

Well, I can't tell if this is mere anecdotes or not because the only data that you give me are tweets. I rest skeptic.


I don't blame you. Fortunately there's this new fangled device called the Internets that you can search to find your answers

wtf I love homicide and armed robbery now!

>According to FBI 80% of pedophiles are non hispanic white men

oh look he didn't provide any source for this claim. what a surprise.
back up your claim with evidence or fuck off.

It only happens in South Africa.

"The myth was first reported in 16th century Europe and gained prominence in 19th century Victorian England as a cure for syphilis and gonorrhea among other sexually transmitted diseases"

honestly that's just because white people report it

black people have fuck all family structure to protect against these things, only single mothers who dont want any more stress in their lives and hispanic culture has this pathetic "defend your family no matter what, even if your brother is molesting your daughter" thing going on

There are links at the end of the post.
But if you wan't more:


Take a look at the shit they do in africa as a whole as well as everything east of egypt up to japan. You're being purposefully ignorant.

go back to africa

straw man.
1. I didn't talk about dick
2. I'm not in Europe

Sorry, but:
>hurr durr go back to Africa

Which group has the highest number of gays?

Stfu and gtfo you stupid kike, the only pedo loving homo kikery comes from you guessed, your nigger loving satan worshiping “Judaism”

>>pic related, it’s op shilling for shekles on the the /chin/

I'm not saying that Africans are angels, but Europeans and Asians aren't either.

(((non hispanic white men)))

Whites are the majority. I dont see what that should come as a shock.

LOL @ muh "straw man"

>"High IQ"
Pic related is a perfect representation of the propaganda were fed, that they somehow also buy.


What's the point of this thread then? I don't think Sup Forums outright says white men are angels. They just think that white crime rates are less of a problem in comparison to third worlders, which is statistically fair to think

That survey was conducted in 2004. The white population has declined, but the government still has it over 70%. So even by their own metrics, whites are underrepresented.

Arabs are Caucasian. That's not what you said, though. You said white.

>slide thread
>Gee, I wonder who could be behind his post?
>let it die nu-pol

>non hispanic white men
they're jews you fucking coonkike

How do you recognise a foundation myth? It fulfils three functions. 1)It explains the origin and structure of the world (and society). 2)It defines ultimate good and evil (and from those definitions are derived the values that are used to justify the holding of power). 3)It determines what is held sacred in that society. For modern Westerners the story of WWII has become their foundation myth. It fulfils all three functions. 1)We live in the ‘Post-War World’. The lines on the map, the institutions, the sense of what era we live in, all arise from the starting point of WWII. 2)Ultimate evil is Nazis. Ultimate good is opposing Nazis. The values derived from these definitions are anti-racism, equality, diversity, anti-nationalism and so on. 3)The only thing that is held sacred, that cannot be denied or mocked in the contemporary West, is the Holocaust. The problem is that all three functions are backwards or negative. Instead of the origin event being one of fertility and new life, it was a conflagration of death and destruction. Instead of ultimate good taking the central position in the story that slot is occupied by ultimate evil. Everyone knows that Adolf Hitler, the personification of evil, holds the centre point of the WWII story. Instead of that which is held sacred being something mysterious and sublime it (the Holocaust) is an obscenity. Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned. > Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.

The FBI doesn't catch spic uncles fiddling their nieces and nigger grandfathers fucking their grandchildren, so this means nothing. It's much worse among muslims, but it gets reported even less.

White commits less crimes because of wealth disparities.

And you talk about third worlders, well, Nigerian immigrants have the highest education attainment level in the United States.

Infact this is not "third-worlders", but poor(African American and latinos).

Bullshit. They just don't report ethnicity correctly.

I have identity monitoring from OPM due Chinese hackers some years ago. They send me alerts everytime a sex offender is nearby. Most them are spics or middle Eastern. Always listed as white or unknown.

Phone posting or I'd dump pics.

are you calling white men pedophiles? that's racist you biggot.

they are not white, they are jewish

>non hispanic (((white))) men
hollywood is literally ran by the pedo kike cartel

I agree that it might be a statistical bias(more reporting for whites and whites are the majority), but Alaska and south dakota are the rape capitals of the U.S, and also where there is a majority of Whites.

Sup Forumstard reactions are always funny

>When this is black people
"This is obviously genetic"
>When this is white people
"This is because of statistical bias and DA JOOS !!!!!!"


remember chris hanson catch a predator show got shut down because all the people showing up kept being autistic kikes, one was a rabbi

Okay, now factor out the jews and arabs who get counted as "white"

>but for me arabs are caucasian.
so youre literally retarded?

Expecting blacks to be detail oriented enough to tell the difference..

You're wasting your time. They don't know, or care, they can't tell Steinberg from McDonough.

They're so dumb they can't tell they're dumb. 85 IQ guys.. what did you expect?

You're lighter skin than me hurr durr, you must be white..

What really gets to me, is when comparing races, blacks lean towards "whites are bad TOO" as a means of justification..

Why isn't it "Blacks are good at this TOO"

Oh... Right..

Women glorify thin women.
Get it RIGHT.

It's because fashion is controlled by the queer mafia and queers are overrepresented pedos. Most pedos are straight men, but homosexual background are outsized.

It's bullshit.
Every black family has that one uncle. The old Chris Rock joke, and it's fucking true. They just don't report it much.
Muslims are huge pedos, but again, it's just not reported. The wife is terrified and says nothing.

Example of "Blacks are goods at it TOO"

> Nigerians Immigrants Are The Most Educated In The United States

> West African Immigrants(Ghanians and Nigerians) usually outperform Whites british at school

Or it's like in Canada when they can't even speak English, but they get great marks in English for trying, and it would be mean to fail them in a subject they can't speak.

>According to FBI 80% of pedophiles are non hispanic white men

Oh please, being a spic myself pedophilia is actually a thing in hispanic families, i know myself and friends where a family member molested someone related to them, whether uncles, brothers, cousins, even fathers. pedophilia is the norm in mexico as well. it's not uncommon for their to be entire cities of people where they think it's okay for a 40 year old man to go out with an 11 or 12 year old.