How do leftists from your country portrait Venezuela? Here they just ignore it and say everything is US fault.
How do leftists from your country portrait Venezuela? Here they just ignore it and say everything is US fault
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>Here they just ignore it and say everything is US fault.
That's always the thing. Hating the US is a hallmark of leftism. Even leftists here say that.
In Portugal the communist party made a march for Venezuela saying was working as expected.
Guess the true communist dream is a starving population
A half accept this like a fact, the other not.
Media is practically ignoring the mess leftists have caused there. They aren't covering it at all as it would boil down to everything being caused by incompetent lefties.
A single industry is nationalized but the rest of the country is private businesses yet people call it socialism.
Depends the lefties. Right now there is no one defending them. Center-lefties says they are a dictatorship while hardcore lefties love Chavez and says "yes, Venezuela right now is not in good shape but real socialism can be possible though".
This: too.
>A single industry is nationalized
they nationalized THE industry (oil is the only one relevant there) they redistributed the farming land and even houses.
>It is not real socialism.
Sometimes at night I think about what if Hugo Chavez was a National Socialist or a right wing dictator like Pinochet.
How the economy and way of life would of okayed out from 1998 to 2008, and how he would handle the great depression.
Why do people love communism or soft communism like Venezuela?
Heard there are lots of people for lesser Antilles living there ruining the country.
Yeah but nationalizing an industry is not socialism. Neither is redistributing land in a capitalist economy. Don't know where you read that. I don't remember Marx or Bakunin writing about that.
They occasionally release articles about it, but they never assign blame to people, just circumstances.
Communism is stateless. Which means Anarchist.
Are you leftypol spillover?
nice argument
I’d imagine that benezuela is not exactly talked about much in europe because it’s less socialist than most european countries. I wonder why americans always bring up venezuela because it’s a poor example? Could it have something to do with many socialist countries being succesfull?
I’m actually probably on your side. I’ve just noticed that many anons now take the marxist position: ”it wasn’t real communism”.
Those might all be me. I don't have a life.
>be the biggest anti-commie crusader in history and butcher of innocents
>be surprised when the good guys hate you
I’d imagine that genuine communists would jump ship to here simply because leftypol is a horrible site full of idpol.
I don't go on leftypol because no conflict is boring.
>implying that leftypol doesn’t do exactly what that image describes idpollers doing
I'm a Venezuelan, and I've heard people say the stupidest shit ever like this one " there's no food because the capitalist burned down all the crops" like bitch the problem is that there are no crops to burn
Do you own the means of production?
No I work at a tobacco company
Jeremy Corbyn thinks it's some kind of Utopia.
Helped save our country for another leftist president. You just had to mention "Chilezuela" and the entire room would either move further to the right or get triggered hard.
>still believing that Venezuela is a communist country
top fucking kek
I still dont know what happened to Venezuelans.
What got them fucked in the first place?
>rest of the country is private business
>price controls, regulations, no real private entrepreneurship because the government put people in the management of businesses
Please, remove yourself. Or better yet, go there and implement True Communism™. You're defective human beings.
Shitty administration.
And brazilians.
This fuckign faggot is the leader of one of the leftist parties in Spain and hes a fucking commie,he thinks Venezuela is paradise or some shit
I'm not gonna even answer the question, considering we live in the same place, though I'm not Brazilian.
How would you say the left feels about Venezuela over here? hahahahha
t. never been to leftypol
They used to use it as an example of successful socialism (inb4 not real socialism, their words not mine) Now that it's turned to shit it's all our fault for being evil imperialists.
You don't own the means of production when the state seizes them either you mong.
nice argument.
>You don't own the means of production when the state seizes them either you mong.
hey! congratulations you got it! That means its not socialism. State controlling means of production is not and cant be socialism.
Better than "that isn't what Marx said"
OP didn't said that my white friend.
Socialism and utopic communism are not the same thing...
They try to ignore the subject now. but here they talked of Venezuela as the pinnacle of the Latin American Socialist example. For over a decade.
Chavez was even here in a famous TV show
>The past is part of the present, we cannot understand he present without knowing the past
Oh well, except now that all lefties either blame Maduro and completely exonerate Chavez or they go deep into conspiracy theories about how it is the US fault.
I’ve been there often enough to know to avoid it.
Argentinians are nigger tier south Americans, Oil Industry was nationalize in the 70s, Chavez transformed the Oil industry into a "Socialist Industry" meaning all the resources would be distributed to the people. All that money went to their pockets and social programs to indoctrinate people about how CHavez is giving all those things for free. Chavez literally took over hundreds if not thousands of private businesses. He did it live on TV on many occasions just to gain popularity.
You are just an ignorant piece of shit, I had to flee my country thanks to people like you.
Communism is socialism but socialism is not communism.
Good job telling a socialist who socialism is.
Weird how people flee from communist countries, but you don't see communists fleeing to communist paradise countries.
Poorly managed economy and over reliance on oil. If you want to see the same system under proper management look ar norway.
they very clearly say venezuela is the one true model, that we should leave EU to start a bolivarian alliance with them and sheeeit
pic related
Define communism and then name some communist countries please.
There's not a single socialist country in the world.
Oh but surely it is "every wrong country is never socialist and all good countries MUST be socialists" childish argument.
I am a Venezuelan living in Australia, leftist here usually blame US, and call you ignorant if you say otherwise. Sandniggers love Chavez and his XXI Socialism, sometimes I have the urge to kill them all, those ignorant pieces of shit.
Venezuela was ruined by Dominicans.
Is Socialism, Socialism is the process Communism is the goal. Learn some theory
you mentally handicap.
they say chavism is great but maduro is retarded
>go read some socioeconomic fanfiction
> Government starts to mess with food industry
> people start starving
> government start messing with oil industry
> Oil exports drop rapidly
it's totally the capitalist system in venezuela that caused that mess
I never said Venezuela was communist i said it was socialist.
> State controlling means of production is not and cant be socialism.
Thats exactly what socialism is
>t. CIA puppet
>Socialist goes to Venezuela, knows how life was before beloved Chavez, sees the disaster it is now.
>gets told the only safe is his home and electrified garage, going outside will get him killed and robbed.
>Says salary there is terrible, but there's nothing to buy anyways, so money is useless.
>Says to himself that Venezuela is not true Socialism.
>Later in the interview confesses he has to hide the fact he is a Socialist, or his own family and neighbours in Venezuela will lynch and kill him.
I'm frankly amazed they published the interview at all.
as Venezuelan I kindly invite him to the loving paradise Venezuela is right now, I mean why would he be living in the awful europe right?
Where did I say it was capitalism?
Un saludo revolucionario, mi compatriota
But explain why the socialist parties in every country always try to seize the means of production. Maybe, just maybe, they manage it so that they can ensure it doesn't belong to some nasty capitalist.
Or how would you ensure that the workers really own the place they work at? Was there even a time and a place where workers truly ran and owned some factory successfully for a significant amount of time?
Because he is not a CIA puppet like YOU!!!
This can't be real hahahahaha
The """left""" here covers it incessantly. The communists portray it as purely sabotage. There aren't many reasonable perspectives.
Communism is not Anarchist and anarchist fights against any current established socio-economic system. Communism is a collectivist system, an Anarchist could be individualistic.
Venezuela is not a communist or capitalist, is socialist. You cannot do business as usually the government controls literally every aspect in the economy, you cannot import raw materials from outside, or have any currency exchange. The government took over the means to productions with the excuse of redistributing the wealth, just because you have private business operating that doesn't mean is a capitalist system. 95% of the income is oil based, leaving around 5% on private hands which are actually government officials or the military. Considering that the industry is broke and Venezuela literally import everything that would explain the hyperinflation.
I am Venezuelan, I know exactly why my country is in that state, and yes Socialist practices are part of the problem.
you should also go to Venezuela then fag
Shut up CIA
> Where did I say it was capitalism?
uhh, I know you gonna be nitpicky. And that's okay. You pointed out that the rest of the country is private businesses. I think the way these private businesses operate can be described as a capitalist way.
Please explain why only the food and oil industries fail so hard.
Callate pedazo de argentino de mierda, te dolio la de kirchner?
Been to Venezuela before. It was a paradise. It is very safe to walk outside, even at night.
Yeah I said it wasn't socialism. I didn't say it failed because of capitalism.
>Please explain why only the food and oil industries fail so hard.
Oil prices dropped. The dictator is crazy.
Those are the two reasons you need.
>good guys
LOL. America IS the good guy.
>no entender el sarcasmo
soy venezolano imbécil, si vas a hacernos quedar mal en otros países con tu bajo iq mejor regresa a Petare y quédate allí
Literally this
Gringos thinking that they are responsible for our disgraces, is part of that egocentric way of thinking, many anti-US think that they are against them but keep feeding them and give them relevance. We are responsible for our own problems.
He also supports Catalan independence,quite the specimen desu
> Oil prices dropped.
every other oil nation is doing fine.
> The dictator is crazy.
Leader of the socialist party is crazy? Hmmm, I wonder why always the wrong people try to implement socialism. Can you tell me what legislature makes him so crazy? Because a crazy personality alone doesn't ruin a country (see Trump and current growth in the US)
Presidential candidate in my country.
That depends entirely on how you define socialism. You’re starting to sound like a marxist.
Nobody care about Venezuela here, not even the communists
>socialism isn't real socialism
At last I truly see.
When people say socialism, 99.5% of the time they are talking about state socialism and you "anarchists" definitely don't help matters when most of you fags use the same iconography borrowed from the Soviet Union. Not really surprising commies don't know how to market themselves tho
>every other oil nation is doing fine.
Nigeria and Saudi Arabia were hit pretty hard when prices dropped.
He is a dictator who thinks he can run a country. That's pretty crazy to me.
> Socialism means the people own the means of production
> but the means of production can't be divided up among all the people without destroying it
> so one person is selected to be representative of the will of the people, and placed in charge of the means of production
> that person becomes President-For-Life of the New Revolutionary Peoples' Workers' Republic of Democratic Socialism
> "intellectuals" say "but that's not real socialism"
Every. Single. Time.
i can't believe this people is actually moving people there, why you let them do that dad?!
> Nigeria and Saudi Arabia were hit pretty hard when prices dropped.
Did the quality of life drop as hard as in Venezuela? Nope. Also the price of oil currently is equal to the price iny 1999. Did the world end in 1999? No.
Venezuela is a big fat mess.
> He is a dictator who thinks he can run a country. That's pretty crazy to me.
Oh, so you don't have the guts to tell me what he specifically fucked up? Cmon, there have been many dictators that managed to not starve their citizens. What exactly did Maduro do?
>Did the quality of life drop as hard as in Venezuela? Nope. Also the price of oil currently is equal to the price iny 1999. Did the world end in 1999? No.
Venezuela is a big fat mess.
You know economies aren't the same right. One can get hit a little and one hit a lot. There are lot of factors.
>Oh, so you don't have the guts to tell me what he specifically fucked up? Cmon, there have been many dictators that managed to not starve their citizens. What exactly did Maduro do?
I don't know.I only know what the socialist propaganda I read says about Venezuela and it's never very in-depth. I don't really give a shit what he did though because it's not socialism.
Because this country is full of leftards and commies
> not a socialist country
> i know only what the socialist propaganda says about him
> I don't know and i dont care but it is not real socialism
venezolano mono de mierda subhumano color mierda hijo de remil puta mono inferior andate de asca simio lacra sorete inutil no queremos tu raza de mestizomierdas desgraciados puercos que vienen a traer miseria, enfermedades, engendros etnicos y comunismo, ojala te mueras de hambre hijo de remil puta, desde el fondo de mi alma siento asco por su raza mugrosa
>socialism = people's ownership of the means of production
>means of production need a direction (SOMEONE, SOMEHOW has to manage them, otherwise you'd have thousands of workers wanting their say in how to use them)
>the people of Venezuela democratically elect a bunch of people to MANAGE the means of production
>totally not socialism, bro!
Helicopter rides are too merciful for you idiots
Damn it, you said it first