How do I get a job if I've been a NEET for 3 years do I lie?
How do I get a job if I've been a NEET for 3 years do I lie?
just get some shitty manual labor cashie
Yes you lie.
You worked for your family/ looked after sick relative/travelled abroad/etc.
Unless you get sent for a shitty job in which case the truth is best.
Go work for a shipping company like DHL or UPS, they always need people that aren't braindead morons.
Idk what it's like there, but the only people I know with better benefits are military. Basically guaranteed promotion once you have enough time in.
Just apply at jobs that are starving for help. There aren't too many construction companies that couldnt use an extra laborer
I've been NEET for 15 years (im 30, HS drop out)
One could say I screwed up the 1 chance at life I had. One could say I escaped modern slavery known as the rat-race. It really depends on who you ask.
I cant really say if you can make it OP. You may have an underlying mental disorder, as people who are mentally healthy don't really spend 3 years as a NEET. Most people with a decent mental health would get bored of being NEET after a few months.
FFS, seriously?
Get off your lazy fucking arse and start doing things to incorporate into your resume.
What the fuck have you been doing for the past three years? Bludging. Well, looks like that has come back to bite you on the arse hasn't it.
I spent 20 years on the Social Security/Centrelink counter listening to cunts like you who had every excuse in the world for not having a job and no motivation to ever get one. Welcome to the rest of your life if you don't pull your fucking finger out.
>being this new
It depends on whether your job requires a resume. Don't lie on your resume unless you're certain there's absolutely no way anyone could ever discover the untruth. I suggest not lying on your resume. If you don't need a resume then say whatever you want, but make sure any references you give knows about it so they can support your story. Given your flag you should be fine bullshitting your way through an interview
Construction is booming here, with your housing market I’d assume it’s the same over there. Start as a grunt and just see whether you need to bullshit your way in.
Also, Non-Australians shouldn't offer advice here.
Jobs are different here. From researching jobs and statistics I have noticed many unskilled/low paying jobs that are done by adults in the US/EU are for the most part only done only teenagers in Australia, mostly because they pay the teenagers less and often those jobs are reserved for younger people in order to get them experience at a young age.
Just say you were doing things self-employed, user. Basic as fuck and can't be traced.
It's not like you're alone, half the people that apply for jobs have holes on the resume.
I dunno man, don't you think it's possible some people just hate working and choose not to do it because there is a welfare state to back them up, rather than it being a mental illness?
Can I ask, "When do you intend to get a job"?
I already know the answer because 20 years of working on the welfare counter I have heard it all.
Let me guess.....
"When I get my act together."
Which will be never.
Meanwhile the rest of us work all our lives and pay tax while you just fucking sponge and then expect a pension because "you deserve it".
Kill your fucking self.
You cunts are just a fucking cancer on society. Instead of a dole cheque, you need a bullet.
>I spent 20 years on the Social Security/Centrelink counter listening to cunts like you who had every excuse in the world for not having a job and no motivation to ever get one. Welcome to the rest of your life if you don't pull your fucking finger out.
I have diagnosed mental disorder, so you can't discriminate against me. TY sir.
I did ten years neeting, it was a strange experience, some days I felt like a ghost just watching everyone else go to work & come home again.
the happy medium I found for myself is to work 3-4 days a week only.
I have less money but I also have more free time.
You have fucking CBS... Chronic Bludger Syndrome.
Get off your fucking arse and get a job cunt.
>Hates people who couldn't find jobs in the free market
>Works for the government
kys faggot
Just shake their hand, look firmly in their eyes, and say "When can I work?"
I would love to see one of you cunts on the other side of the counter, getting spat at, copping death threats, I had one cunt bend over and give me a brown eye in my face.
I was always willing to help people who wanted help but too many cunts had too many excuses.
Well done, you've worked at centrelink for 20 years.
Its actually a mental disorder, confirmed by 2 clinical psychologists, a psychiatrist,and my GP.
You cunts make it hard for me, make me go to a million sessions with mental health professionals, and yet you hand over neetbux no problem to African immigrants who just came over 5 years ago, meanwhile my grandparents/parents put millions into the system over the last few decades.
I'm not going to feel bad about taking that money when you hand it out to Africans and Muslims whose families have put $0 into the system, like candy.
This is the most ignorant boomer faggot thing I've read in a while on here. Kys you old fuck it's not the space race anymore. We have a world wide employement problem.
I had to sign on once due to being made redundant, the dole office people were insufferable pricks who liked to lord it over the people desperate enough to ask for help.
level of finer understanding produces equal response.
you do not lie, never lie. you do not sugarcoat. you say it as it is and was. in terms of employment this place has been fucked over for a long time, everyone knows that. tell your story and make sure YOU PICK good people to work with. nobody is doing you a "favour" by giving you a job - you are making them money, that is if you are not a total knob fake it til you make it type.
make $100 million in crypto.
I'm a NEET without the leeching part, because I had a trust fund that I've been actively investing in stock, funds, the commodity market since I was 18, and I've been getting into crypto currencies recently. Being a wage cuck is the ultimate bluepill.
simply tell them that you have been at the gib.das. University in Bimbotown , Berlin / Mitte
> Its actually a mental disorder, confirmed by 2 clinical psychologists, a psychiatrist,and my GP.
If it were REAL you would be granted DSP on application. Try finding a real illness.
I got a job and I was a neet for like 4 years
>not saying I like it plus it doesn't help that my boss is a cunt
I was wondering how long one of you bludger cunts would take to call me a boomer. LMFAO.
After I left Cunterlick, I had another job in less than a week. Determination and qualification can get you jobs. Sitting on your lazy fucking arse playing video games and reading Sup Forums WON'T.
>I spent 20 years on the Social Security/Centrelink counter listening to cunts like you
20 years spent in the same position, huh? Sounds like you should take a page from your own book about "motivation" and try and jump up a level in the next 20 years or so, hopefully.
I don't know Australia but good luck user. If you were American I'd recommend using nepotism at
something like church.
If you have a mental disorder or just depression, just say you had an illness. Don’t lie, but this isn’t really a lie.
Not anymore. Since 2016 everyone gets rejected on first application.
My first application was November 2017, and I got rejected because I had not had enough "treatment" yet. I was told to re-apply again once Ive had at least 1+ year treatment with the psychologist and psychiatrist.
People are required by law to attend job interviews or have their centrelink cut off. If you wanted to help people you'd send everyone to a job interview the minute they got on the dole. I know neets who have been on the dole for 10 years and have never once been told to go to a job interview. Sounds to me like you cunts are shit at your jobs and because of your hubris you take it out on the poor person rather than actually setting these people up with interviews. Go cry to someone else about the "hard government labor" you do while sitting in an air conditioned office.
Not everyone working at the Welfare office is a cunt, but remember, if you are getting the "poor me" excuse constantly, day after day for years on end, it wears you down. In the end you either leave (which is what I did) or become complacent to everyone and care about no one.
I was made redundant. Centrelink wouldn't help me. I nearly starved in three months.
How did you last three years?
if you are a neet that has not worked for 3 years then you are a useless faggot and should kys. Otherwise lie, lie through your teeth.
This was my experience except they bragged that they wouldn't pay me.
If you are supporting yourself then good for you but you can't consider yourself a neet if you are actively working the stock market or the crypto market. You are doing SOMETHING. NEETs do NOTHING.
NEET LIFE, BABY. I paid off my house with crypto, hard work, and plenty of NEETbux. Working to make others rich is blue pilled as fuck. Work for yourself, faggots.
why, it's a government job with government benefits.
They even have their own security guards near them as they work. Sounsd like a job any "dole bludger" would be happy to sign up for
Just sit in an office all day telling people to go look for a job. hahah shits too easy. Getting paid to make other people work
> looked after a sick relative
No one will buy this or care
The truth is OP has to bite the bullet a work a shitty job that takes everyone at least for 7-8 months before attempting to look for something better. Unless he has family who can give him a job
I could count on one hand the number of people I knew in my lifetime who had a boss that wasn't a cunt.
Boomer get out. Just get out.
You let our once great country fall to where it is now. Get out and don't come back.
> employed
Subjective territory.
Is an unlicensed pharmaceutical distributor self employed, or a NEET drug dealer?
I'm are you talking about. I hate the welfare state you mong
Tbh it was mainly the women.
there were two blokes who were ok
Oh sorry. I thought you were the "20 years worked at centrelink" poster.
Our welfare state is broken. I would support more of a NSDAP approach desu.
Let me tell you a story about DSP.
I had a friend how had a sex change and wanted to get it but kept getting knocked back.
I told the cunt to start being full on mental.
Next thing the tranny's gone to multiple doctors who have referred it to specialists where it got lots of reports. All the shit was made up (I have dreams about killing my family etc) but the cunts at Centrelink can't refute the evidence.
They still tried to knock it back so as a last resort it went to the office for an interview and while seated at the counter, proceeded to shit and piss itself during the interview.
They were convinced it was nuts and granted it.
You're just not playing the game right.
>Meanwhile the rest of us work all our lives and pay tax while you just fucking sponge and then expect a pension because "you deserve it".
>Kill your fucking self.
I've worked for government before I got work as a fulltime programmer, you government workers are the laziest people I've ever encountered (An that's saying something coming from a guy who will do 3 hours actual work a day in my office). Every government worker is lazy, entitled, and has a very VERY delusional outlook on the world, all the while actively going out of their way to avoid doing any real work.
Also you're acting like their money is coming out of your pay check, why are you so fucking mad? Dole payments are nothing compared to all the illegal tax breaks big company's get here, there are much bigger problems in Australian, and you're only adding to them. I can't wait until the housing crash here so I get to watch you old fucks lose all your super, and then become forced to use welfare offices, irony truely at it's finest.
What kind of a moron would give up the sweet NEET lifestyle to be a wagecuck slave to the jews? Don't be a dummy op.
What is societies opinion on female NEETS? It seems like nobody cares about them?
3 years of shitposting for free counts as charity in straya dunnit?
It was that way here 20 years ago. But our Millennials don't work any kind of manual labor.
>working is the ultimate blue pill
>im a trust fund baby that can live off of doing nothing
>why can't everyone do this
sounds about right.
Im not playing any game.
I didn't even begin center-link thing until recently.
They gave me 1 year worth of neetbux and 20 free sessions as a psychologist and told me to reapply later. I was given 0 hours work capacity even though I was rejected....
I can't believe how the brains of some people work.
Dole bludging is a life long vocation. It is extremely prevalent in housing commission areas where kids have never seen anyone in their family work from great grand parents down. These kids have NO work ethic and have been indoctrinated by both family and local environment to believe the government owes them a living.
When you are signed up with a provider, these people assess you, not Centrelink. They determine if you are seriously employable or a waste of space.
It's no point blaming Centrelink for that fuck up, blame Howard for privatizing the CES.
They are called house wives.
Give a feamle neet to a male neet and the male neet will get a job to support his cute neet waifu
>requirements must be cute
>optional objective is also a cake
Broooo we need to stop the porn industry asap
who created this shitty situation with jsp, recruitment agencies and so on? you are full of shit. your work ethic is well know. enjoy your pension cunt and fuck off to leddit.
> Is an unlicensed pharmaceutical distributor self employed, or a NEET drug dealer?
It's all subjective.
If you were a drug dealer making good money, why the fuck would you put up with jumping through the Centrelink hoops for that pittance?
I agree, I've never been on walfair but as my other posts states, I worked with a few of these "hard done by dole officers", the most infuriating part is they literally can't see their own fucking hypocrisy. I feel sorry for anyone who has to deal with these people as a "client".
3 years is nothing depending on age, and if you had a 3 year gap after being active for some period of time just be honest or lie, it's not as bad as you think.
Try being NEET for 8 years after leaving high school and you'll know what 'it's just too much' is in the job market.
That said, I did get a job after I did something nobody has probably ever done before. I brought an IQ test and literally said "I can do this job no problem" like the next level autist that I am and somehow got the job.
t. I'm one of those faggots now
>I've had one cunt bend over and give me a brown eye in my face
> They even have their own security guards near them as they work.
There were NO security guards when I worked there.
All we had was the "duress alarm" and that was fucking useless. The office fatties ran to the counter and the cops turned up 30 minutes later. Totally pointless.
does that mean they pooped on him? I'm confused
forget wagecuckery, acquire cryptocurrency
>All we had was the "duress alarm" and that was fucking useless. The office fatties ran to the counter and the cops turned up 30 minutes later. Totally pointless.
Bo ho cry me a river, maybe if you treated your clients like people then maybe you wouldn't be at any risk. I get it, you get shitty people asking for stuff from you, so does EVERYONE at a job that requires face-to-face contact with humans. So suck it up buttercup.
Ahaha, this dumb cunt unironically thinks that working at the welfare office (Paid for by the government) is the same as working for a private company, YOU have not paid shit into the system which you rail so hard on other people for not paying into, your wages are paid for by people who actually generate wealth, basically, you might as well have been unemployed yourself for 20 years, imagine being so smug about having a job that depends on other people NOT having a job, LOL. You fucking brainlet, kys.
And to answer OP's question, just lie, everyone else does.
yeah tell them you are part abo
Could you imagine being a woman and having the "sand wizards" speak to you like you are a piece of shit. Oh next, it's you for the interview. It's very hard to switch over after an experience like that.
I remember one time this dirty filthy fat middle aged slav cunt came in to complain about his payments with his recently purchased "pilapenes" bride. He was disgusting, she was young and attractive and all he wanted was to know where her money was.
I asked her a question and when she tried to answer he raised his fist and I was sure he was going to deck her. It was the worst experience of mail order bride violence I had ever seen.
Unfortunately, I could do nothing except answer the questions and correct the payments and send the money to the bank in two working days.
I'm sure the next person I served after that didn't get a good customer service experience, but unfortunately, that's exactly what you deal with every single day.
you lie and include bullshit references in your resume
I'm 21 and have never had a job in my life. Going for my first interview is going to be fun.
>I spent 20 years on the Social Security/Centrelink counter
Go fuck yourself you fucking bum, you're in no position to give anyone a hard time you lazy nigger.
did this but after college and was lucky enough to have a decent inheritance that allows me to live from rents but otherwise i'd be utterly fucked
My own experience was with english people in the 90's, yes I'm sure dealing with sand people is hard, but they weren't.
You know its hard for people who have never had any power to not abuse it when they get some, however small it may be.
If you've been in college up until now it's not a big deal
look at this failed state motherfucker running his mouth at centrebro lmao
Does reading galge and watching anime count as "college"?
My sides haven't recovered
You're just jealous, I'd resent it too if I had to work in a shitty job like yours for 20 years while based NEETs come in and take the piss.
>What is a meme flag?
The absolute state of Chinese colonies.
Anyone have advice on lying on resume to get a job as a server? Everything I see says it needs 1+ year of experience, I am thinking I will put down my friends as fake references and list a restaurant that's now closed.
If I get the job it shouldn't be hard to pretend I'm experienced, one of my friends is a server so he can tell me exactly what I do, and although I've been NEET for 1.5 years I think I am normal enough to be a server
This a good idea? I don't want another minimum wage shit job..
I'll answer seriously.
Volunteer somewhere. Find a reason for the 3 year gap. Looking after ill family member, personal illness, etc. Both situations would now be stable if asked, obviously. Then keep volunteering until you find actual work.
> Also you're acting like their money is coming out of your pay check,
We all know it's coming out of Government revenue but there are rules and if you don't tick the boxes you don't get paid. It's that simple.
In the days before the intranet, there were things called payment manuals, and if a person didn't fit the criteria in the manual they didn't get paid. These days, the brain dead counter employee can tick the intranet boxes and be told to "pay or not pay".
As for super, well, unfortunately it's guaranteed. You can't get Defined Benefit Schemes any more if you sign up to the public service.
As soon as I realized what a meal ticket it was, I wacked my contributions up to 10% immediately (in those days it was 5% standard).
Defined benefit scheme super is a gamble. You can take the lump sum, 1/2 lump sum and 1/2 fully indexed pension or a fully indexed pension.
I'm taking the pension. I only have to live to 68 and then I am getting free money for the rest of my life because I will have already been paid the entire amount of my super fund. Look it up. But that's NOTHING to what the politicians get.
My farts last longer than your "independence".
>I'm sure the next person I served after that didn't get a good customer service experience, but unfortunately, that's exactly what you deal with every single day.
I doubt you would last a day in a job outside the government, try working at a bar, or as a retail worker. If you think watching some mild domestic situation while you're behind a desk is bad an warrants you being a cunt to everyone else for the rest of the day, then you honestly haven't had a bad work day in your life.
This, working 3 days a week in an easy job is the patrician way of life
I was a NEET for 5 years and now I'm back in college.
it fucking sucks, it's painful, the depression is even worse and it's difficult to do what you did as a NEET while being in school (no, it's not video games). it's real fucking difficult
If everybody got a job, you'd lose yours
the keyword to say at an interview is 'transferable skills.'
most jobs will just boil down to the same things, moving stuff around, taking it in and putting it somewhere.
You're hired
I have LOTS of stories. Some include "famous" people.
Probably because you should be in jail for working a government position against the best interests of the people.
100% serious, you should be in jail.
I build Australia for a living, you work with the government to oppress the people.
Go to jail. Go directly to jail, do not pass go, do not collect newstart.
Que quieres moro hijo de puta, Acaso no tienes suficiente con los cagacalles y chinos por ahi?
also my employer can employ another person for when I'm not there, so two people have a job instead of one working & one not.