Better watch out Sup Forums we're coming for you
Better watch out Sup Forums we're coming for you
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Good luck trying to get NEETs fires
This is how you make Hitlers.
Exactly! We need to imprison those alt right Nazis today.
>White supremacist think tank
Is it really
Don't you have laws that prevent people from being fired for their political believes? I mean, is it not sort of discriminating policy?
>jews fire bad goy
Doesn't this prove Sup Forums right? Or was he sieg heiling in the middle of class or something?
So now he knows without a single doubt that our government and press are hostile to whites and will suppress free speech at a whim.
Meh, it's the new America buddy, laws don't work there
can't he sue them or something?
>black supremacists in the NFL still not fired
Is that Chad?
No because the only thing alt righters get is the bottom of our boots
We are embracing it because they are on the outs. We will employ same tactics when we force the fags back in the closet as conservative values are revitalized.
Keep pushing us you kikes and nu-male faggots
Whites are bred for war, we have been killing and tearing shit up for thousands of years.We fucking nuked the nips, then nuked them again just for the hell of it. If you niggers, kikes and soyboys want to keep poking a race of genocidal maniacs, bring it on
> retarded reply
> meme flag
If he's on contract, which is likely working for a private school, he can be fired for any reason or none given. There also is a possibility "conflict of interest" like I can work for two financial companies since I'll have a huge inside knowledge of both. Other than that, yes, we do have laws.
Different states have different laws about it. It's bullshit that he got fired for something he did outside of work that has no impact on his profession.
Private schools are really easy to influence. They worry about losing business. If enough people made a stink they would possibly reverse it. Dont know the school in question though. You have to figure private schools are redpilled havens for white children to thrive away from the animal hordes.
now he has ample spare time and butthurt to do the lord's work. thanks faggots.
> retarded reply
> meme flag
kys flaglet
Dont forget to tell yourself that you are fighting the system and that you are revolutionaries.
I will comrade, thank you!
Wowie, what a LARPie piece of shit. "eggs dee, the white nashunalists will eat dirt XDDD"
I'm amazed you're the only one to unmask me tbqhwy. I got off work awhile back and decided to throw stale bait at these people. Teach them how to spot a shill. Guess pol is to smart to win
All blueshills get the rope.
>"Hahaha get rekt yuropoors, we have freedom and guns"
The absolute state of muttland.