>"Trump Sends Dark Message by Aggressively Standing for National Anthem."
Impeach this clown!
"Trump Sends Dark Message by Aggressively Standing for National Anthem."
>Fox News Alert: man stands for anthem
Why would the dotard stand for the anthem? Is he too fat to fit in his seat? These are the questions the best and brightest investigative journalists need to be asking.
Blompf is finished
slow-mo analysis on all of his handshakes are crucial.
they could hold the key to his mental heath secrets
Something about her weird/ugly face makes me hard...
Absolutely racist. Positively Hitlerain.
>man stands for anthem
Big if true
>Stand Aggressively
What did they mean by this?
Same way that Taylor Swift existing means she is being "aggressively white."
hhhhgggggg tayyyyyyy
I'm still waiting for a complete and in depth analysis of why he drank water using two hands during a speech. People have questions and these questions deserve to be answered.
>aggressively white
I kind of like that
Why did Trump decide to not sing along?
>hitler rain
He is like a Hitler who sucks kike cock... we are entering the twilight zone... been there before and escaped twice. Best luck to you noobs.
>sucks kike cock
Oy vey, this meme again.
The madman. We need to put an end to his tyrannical rule.
can we stop LARPing like we actually like this guy? at some point he's going to do irreparable damage and our country really will be finished
Only a Russian spy with very small hands would need two hands to grasp a cup. The evidence is mounting up.
reddit weebs dont get to have opinions
Fuck off leftypol
>Zyklon B: GiftLiquid.
I kek'd a lot harder than I should have.
damn taylor got fat
name 1 thing trump has done for u, u cant. he has the nuclear codes and is one tweet away from setting asia back hundreds of years
>name 1 thing trump has done for u,
Tax cuts
I invented that meme thank you very much... not one of my best but it's always hilarious when people take it seriously but since kike cock is probably shoved so far down your throat that it is cutting of blood flow to your brain I don't expect a coherent response.
I know right?
I want tay to choke me within an inch of my life then shit down my throat while I’m gasping for air
>don't expect a coherent response.
Well thats good, because retarded shit posting doesn't get coherent response, gets told to fuck off. So fuck off.
Did you forget you are on an anime website?
If he came from reddit he would be liking Donald.
You know who else stands during anthems?
I wonder what the response might be if it were not for kike cock cutting off the blood supply. It's very possible we lost one of the great and memorable philosophical quotes of our time. Oh well.
yeah you could do soo much better right?lol dude
>kike cock
>kike cock
>kike cock
Your obsession says more than I ever could
>the president stands for the national antem
>the fucking PRESIDENT
>it makes news
I refuse to believe this is real, it has to be edited picture. What's next, the pope prays?
Welcome to our hell
Yeah well I tried to enjoy but it kind of looks alien when it is cut. Don't know how you Americans take it so well and without any complaint.
the only democracy is a good King
>changing to another dick related subject
user you need professional help
where your taxes actually cut though? there was alot in that bill. thebalance.com
Cut regulations on my business
Tax cuts
Reduced spic migration
Reduced refugees
Influx of invested capital
Yes my taxes were cut. Unless you live in a high income tax state, the vast majority of our taxes were cut. I also will not have to pay the obamacare mandate that fined me for not purchasing insurance that I would NOT have used the past few years. So yes, I am winning.
Aside from the tax cuts and repeal of the Obamacare mandate he's also actively working to renegotiate NAFTA which has decimated my town of manufacturing jobs which ALL relocated to Mexico.
I watched part of that game at a bar on the "progressive" side of town. It was packed with fucking hipsters. Everyone started booing when Trump walked out. I stood halfway up on my barstool and started cheering and whistling. I was ready to throw down with anyone that fucked with me but nothing ever happened.
>progressive" side of town
>name1 thing he has done for you
Nothing the president isn’t here to do things for you he is there to keep the fucking government and busybbody moralists like you out of my fucking life
Commies get the bullet
That being said he is saving me about 1500 bucks in taxes this year
And I bet you thought mexican politics was absurd
Just imagine if he didn’t stand
Yes that's the plan.
Kicked out Haitians
This needs a deep-red, motion-blurred edit with the caption
> *stands aggressively*
pour the jew's blood down the drain
hitler raaaaaaaiiiiiin
nogs and man are not the same
hitler raaaaaaaaiiiiin
Kek 8/10
>you will live to see Tay become a thicc okaa-san
Thank you, lord.
kys instead so you dont have to see what happens to the US