Holy Race War and Genocide please
And I'd like fries with that
Holy Race War and Genocide please
And I'd like fries with that
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Coming your way good sir!
Who cares? It is not like humanity survive until 2050 anyway.
Italy needs to clean up so the infection is limited to the NW
at least in Greece we beat the shit out of them with angry Greek warriors
how is germany so low
east germany is still like polakistan
Far too high estimates
If you know what I mean
0.8????? Time to move to Lithuania
Why not post the high immigration scenario?
>how is germany so low
Germany was always low. You are falling for the propaganda that Germany gets lots of Muslim migrants. On a percentage basis many EU states get more, e.g. Switzerland or Austria or Sweden or the UK. Also, the German Muslims are still mostly Turks, Kurds etc. and they have like 1.8 kids on average, which is below the replacement rate.
My guess is the Muslim population of Germany by 2050 will be significantly below 10%.
I really doubt your PISA scores by now Finnland...
Germany has a lot of population. If they take in a ton of shit skins the ratio doesn't go as high as in a country with a much lower population (like Sweden)
>Why not post the high immigration scenario?
Because it supposes the numbers seen from mid--2015 to March 2016 would continue every year.
Given the last 18 months you can see that this is not realistic.
That's my Greeks I love an angry Greek
Why France is so low?
There wont be a race war. Not when there's only one side who even has any sense of unity with their race. There's no unity among the European people, even within something as small as a single town or city (Rotherham, and the many other places, proved that).
Such an atomised people will never come together.
Whatever you say, but look at what happened at your borders. We have told you to close them and you closed them. And we are now actually even controlling our airports to make sure illegals don't fly in from Greece.
shut up poopoo
>We have told you to close them
This is the biggest joke i have ever heard in a while.Open borders policy is because of mama Merkel who wants to destroy Europe.Easy and simple
Also we are not talking about rapefugees lol...But about immigrants who are already in your country and they having way more kids than you.It's simple maths.They will outbreed you in few decades
And why? Explain? Hitler was a nobody too, but then everybody followed him
I love raping blondes in Sweden. I will bring my whole family to Europe and you idiots will give us money and your women for free haha BE READY FOR JIHAD
Be ready to get BTFO'd and deny that you lost like the many times before
moving to Åland
Because the Germans still had a sense of unity. There is no British unity now. The answer to your next door neighbour's daughter being gang raped and drugs to the eyeballs is to buy a chainlock for your door, not to go with him, and everyone else, and to do something about it.
A healthy people would never let such a thing as the grooming scandals (which are increasing and spreading) to occur. Unfortunately there's no cure for the disease of atomisation, so only the grave will follow.
the ones here are just bulgarians larping as turks, we'll correct them by 2050
>Open borders policy is because of mama Merkel who wants to destroy Europe.Easy and simple
BS, you used open borders to extort debt relief from us. Once we handed you more billions, you closed them again.
why do you have such a high intake yet you are not part of eu cucks?
Society has been thinking that for decades. People living during the world wars likely thought for sure that this would end things. Then there was 2012 and all it was supposed to bring. Bottom line, in all scenarios except nuclear war and fallout, life goes on.
Top kek, we are already at this number here if you count black.
And how did Mosley managed it? Magic?
Crusades failed, Muslims defeated Europeans once and we will do it again.
>Because Greek government is not a puppet of Merkel
lmao you are too fucking innocent i see
Manage what? He was defeated and humiliated and attacked to such a degree that he had to flee the country. Even he wrote off Britain in the end.
What's left then?
>Bottom line, in all scenarios except nuclear war and fallout, life goes on.
Wrong. Antibiotics resistent bacteria will swipe us away quite soon. There is shit nothing you can do about these things. I had such a superbug myself 2 years ago, I barely survived. Doctors could do shit about it. If I had been older and weaker, I would be dead by now.
Later on the docs told me politicians make sure the word on the antibiotics resistent bacteria is not getting out into the mainstream, or that if it is, it is downplayed by the media and government. It would scare people too much that millions of people worldwide die of them already and each year they become more widespread and stronger.
There is shit nothing we can do to survive this stuff. We will revert back to medieval times with an average lifespan of 35.
>What's left then?
For us? Nothing. There might still be hope for you though. Remember: the British are the only people never to drive off an invader or have a revolution.
Romania at 0.8.
HAH! Finally all that work making it a shit country payed off.
>Finally all that work making it a shit country payed off.
We once started out with 0.8% just a few years ago.
why did it have to turn out this way
Someone redpill me on the Baltic states. Aren't they in the EU? Aren't they supposed to have migrant quotas? How is mass migration not impacting them?
Surprised at how high Italy is.
Few days ago There was an article in 'Le Monde' (liberal, progressist, atheist) :
Some people from IFOP made a survey and guess what ?
18% of the french people and 34 % of the 18-24 believe that God created humans and the Earth less than 10000 years ago.
translation : 31% of the 18-24 are muslims.
>Surprised at how high Italy is.
What's the Med?
Atheism is really a plague among the white population though. It's been years since i've met another white person that genuinely believe in God
My map looks different. Has Sweden at 30%
The faster Europe turns Islamic the better. If whites start converting, then the shitskin population will remain low.
Oh. It is different migration scenarios.
I agree.
Im 26 and when I went to the church with my father I was the only one under 50.
And that was 10-15 years ago ! Its worse nowadays
>My map looks different. Has Sweden at 30%
Yes, the high immigration scenario assumes that the massive spike in migration from mid-2015 to the beginning of 2016 were to continue until 2050.
Wich one is who
Can't tell apart since everyone looks like a arab.
i call bullshit, can can we have so many when we are the only country in the EU without a mosque or an islamic center of any kind
>anything above 0.00% is too many
*how can we have so many
Piešťany is full of them from what I heard.
It's our version of Czech Teplice.
Sweden is spot on, uk should be at 13%(pakis are having less children), France should have at least the same percentage as sweden, germany 15% muslim(refugees are going to be in their breeding stage soon).
oh, but still, those are most likely sheiks who go there because of our thermal waters, i doubt they have permanent residency there
Christianity will win in the end!
They do user, they do.
They also get kids with local women.
>the docs told me politicians make sure the word on the antibiotics resistent bacteria is not getting out into the mainstream, or that if it is, it is downplayed by the media and government.
It's definitely not in The Netherlands. Everybody knows it and it's seen as a big problem.
those thermal waters have lots of sulphur, couldn't we just gas them with Sulphur dioxide ?
>Because it supposes the numbers seen from mid--2015 to March 2016 would continue every year.
Unrelated but there are some (many) americans who believe this
It's probably rubbish. These countries are on the higher end of the new EU members and will just improve over time. Anything below 1% seems very unlikely.
>It's definitely not in The Netherlands. Everybody knows it and it's seen as a big problem.
And guess what, if you ask people on the street what they are worried off dying, they say global warming and ISIS trucks of peace.
If you ask 1000 Dutch people on the street you are more likely to hear someone believes he will be killed by a shark or by HIV or a freaking meteroid strike than antibiotics resistent bacteria... even though these superbugs are going to be the number 1 killer in just a few years. The epidemics which will swipe through our lands will be so severe, it will be like the plague in the 13th and 14th century.
People in medieval times lived to about 70 on average. Increasing life expectancy is because of decreasing infant mortality.
The middle east is so unstable though. Another war breaking out over there could drive migration even higher than it's ever been before. I agree that the middle scenario best fits current observations, but it could easily turn out that the high scenario is too conservative.
Yeah, sure.
The plague literally killed so many old, young, average, healthy etc. people in certain European countries, you could walk through an area and it was all dead. Up to 60% deaths in areas.
>Another war breaking out over there could drive migration
It is not wars that drive migration, it is whether we close or open borders. There have always been wars, but if borders are closed, people cannot come.
Look at right now, people want to come, but only those with money for expensive smugglers can come.
>all those empty houses
All ready for immigrants.
The plague wasn’t going on for the entirety of the medieval era, in fact the worst plagues happened after the medieval era was already over
>>all those empty houses
You had to burn the houses. They were invested with the plague. Burning the houses was the only way to stop spreading the disease. Whole villages and cities were burned.
At this stage in Europe, you didn't have cities with more than 20,000 people because of the plague. Paris and London etc. were literally small villages.
>Greece is currently at 4% Islam because of Albanian immigrants
>magically at 8%
>Germany is already nearing 15%
>magically at 11%
nice (((map))) you got there
>hehe fug americans
You realize the EU literally called for 50 million Africans to be imported right? This idea you have that just because your leaders (who have already shown they want to have niggers rape your anuses) are not currently enacting massive importation of shitskins doesn't mean they won't continue to figure out ways to do so you delusional clognigger.
And this is keeping in mind your political system doesn't offer a way for Geert or Thierry to win because it's proportional.
> Race War and Genocide please
are you retarded? is the war your leader have been waging against you for 2 decades, you are being replaced with shitskin mudslimes, it is white genocide
why havent you impeached Merkel? a nation of sheep
Gerrmany wants to distribute its shity choices
You're thinking in the past. Now just a guy in a full-body suit can fumigate the place, all ready for Khalid and his 20 children.
lmao, post the high one, it's a much more realistic representation of what's going to happen
>in fact the worst plagues happened after the medieval era was already over
depends on what you mean with medieval era
Most scholars use 3 dates for the start of the new age and the end of the medieval, dark ages in Europe - 1453 and the fall of Constantinople, 1492 and the discovery of America and 1517 and the start of the reformation with Luther chimping out.
The period of the plagues was in the 13th and 14th century with the population dropping massively after the Black Death plague of the mid-14th century. It took over 100yrs from that point for the renaissance to slowly start, mostly due to more openness to global trade in Italy.
We really ought to say anti-european.
>Greek population is growth rate is negative
>not understanding muslim growth rate is positive
>not understanding that even in a no immigration scenario the muslim proportion of the population will increase simply because Europeans are going to decline by 100 million people over 50 years
>Now just a guy in a full-body suit can fumigate the place
No, he cannot. Antibiotics resistant plague cannot be combated except with fire. You have to burn down whole cities to keep it contained.
> But at least we white
So glad to be a burger and not a yurosurrender.
>what is family reunification
ok then
Albanian birthrates are lower than ours here. 600.000 arrived here in the 90s, now they're 450.000
I understand what you're saying and it makes perfect sense for Germany, France and Sweden but it doesn't make sense here
also our birthrates were going up until before the crisis, we're orthodox. Everywhere else they have been in steady decline for decades
I understand how you might feel that way, being in Germany. Your country won't survive to 2050, but the human race will still be here to laugh at you.
>>what is family reunification
Yeah, what's that? Is it the thing they have not allowed for 2yrs and that there will be some compromise on so that only a few thousand special cases will be allowed in to appease the hardline leftist and Christian fundamentalists who want them in?
This is your future.
>reality is projection when I don't like it
did you pay jizya today?
What if the plague only affects white people?