Should we privatize education?


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Going to say yes public education in the States is terrible.

Sending kids to public school is literally child abuse.


daily reminder that only racists are against public school

God no holy fuck. Education needs to be overhauled, not privatized.

Why does the government need to be involved?

The government has a very specific interest in what is taught in school to make sure people have a minimum level of knowledge in things that are important.

No. Education does not work like a business. The proof is in all the funding we throw at it. To fix the problem we should stop hiring so many administrators and force people on welfare to be on birth control. My wife is a teacher and the kids who do poorly are the ones with shitty parents.

Why not look at a country that already has this problem fixed and emulate their solution?

So should people be mandated to go to public school?

What country would that be?

Pretty sure private schools already have to teach certain things to their students don't they?
Most of the shit they teach kids isn't even useful


go fuck yourself

Finland, Switzerland and Belgium have the top 3 best education systems.

By "privatise", do you mean remove all non-whites ?

>they are good because the (((World Economic Forum))) says so

This image is from ocuppy democracy.

Yes, public education is fucking terrible.
Private education will be terrible in its own way but at least each family will have wide amount of options.

Persuasion 101: If you say something is NOT something else, people ignore the NOT.

So basically this reads as:

>Public education IS a monopoly

It should literally be free. I don't want even more retards running around please god. Even the founding fathers supported free public education

>The government has a very specific interest in what is taught in school to make sure people have a minimum level of knowledge in things that are important.
Like gender theory and African history? The US government should not be in charge of anything having to do with education. They've already fucked up the everything with feminism and trannies. We don't need them mentally abusing our children too.


>Even the founding fathers supported free public education
That was before the internet and when most parents could not read
Bring back the Bible and we will talk

The founding fathers were liberal morons.

So we need to turn the United States into a small country with a mostly homogeneous population. Thanks for contributing that to the conversation.

i dunno if that's devos' actual quote but she's completely correct. look at the common core debacle. the left only goes after education reform because its their bullshit that's being pushed as fact so they're defending their nonsense to the death.

> we aren't monopoly because we have these shady "nobody is responsible for anything" boards!
So, person entrusted with education of younger generation doesn't understand meaning of words she uses? And this should persuade us to let her keep handling it?

Public school system must be torn down ASAP. Government should only maintain basic guidelines on programs, specifying minimal requirements for specific levels of education; coordinating final testing upon graduation; helping to maintain schools for poorest, with help of police or army.

Objectively yes. Private schools regularly produce better educated children because they're learning math, science, and literature instead of a month of black tap dancers

There's no such thing as "free ". If someone gets something for free, its means someone else had to produce stuff w/out getting paid adequately for it.

"Free education" means children from poor families are educated at cost of children from middle class families.


>inb4 he a joo!!!1

Have you attended a private school?

I did from K-8. I then moved and went to a public school for grade 9, I was totally unprepared socially and scholastically. It was a complete nightmare for me. I ended up in "dumb kid" courses with the black kids all through my freshmen year trying to catch up to where everyone else was.

I think there should be a clear, standardized, country wide schooling to make sure everyone has a certain level of proficiency in all areas. It should be a commonality across the country, something all kids share and can relate to.

After that you should go into a mandatory 2 years of required service of some kind then you can go to whatever extra schooling.

Public education is literally the reform that dragged us out of fuedalism.
Betsy DaVos should be executed.

watch John Stossel's "stupid in america" American educators in most schools are fucked.

One would think that the name "Friedman" was a terrible name for a jew. The oven jokes makes themselves.

>public schools are where futures are made

NO one can legitimately believe this

>privatize education
>and we should also put feral infants and children on the farm in the country to be raised by real Christian parents
Absolutely yes.
>free stuff
Kill yourself, faggot.

The problem with public education is that it tries to be all things to all people which never works. Schools are forced to accept every kid from every background.

What we should do is have a tier system based on performance. Kids have the ability to move or down based on their performance. Don't mix ditch diggers with scientists. But give the ditch diggers the chance at being a scientist if they want.

Schools need to go back to focusing on education, not social work. Its not administrator's fault, its not teacher's fault, its the voting public that elects school boards that try to make schools a fix all for everything.

You have no clue about how evil the single feral mommy cabal is in the US. Oprah is demonic.

>Look how edgy i am mom! Look mom! look! I'm being edgy!

Public school has been detrimental to whites since integration. When the govt has to dumb down curriculum so that niggers can graduate high school, what's the point of wasting white students' time? Niggers, on average, are before 85 iq. Anyone below 85 iq is a retard. Integration was a mistake. If you send your kids to a school with niggers, you are a retard, too.

Underrated post

I don't see how anyone left or right could be against what he and this video is saying. American education is broke and it needs to be fixed.

>x isn't a market
Market forces are always at play, otherwise known as the combination between scarcity and choice

>gets 12 years of free school
>needs 4 more to be educated

Privatization is not something you do, it's a result of the removal of the immoral institution we call the state.

I'll take, "What is a Private School?" for 500.

Partially privatize it by ending the basic education at middle/junior high and have high school incorporate local business into their curriculum. Turn it into a trade school of sorts. Make sure that these trades are things that can be employed locally. Students can take internships and it'll be counted as part of their hours. They can't get paid. Regular curriculum like chemistry still exists but for those who want it; politics is mandatory but it'll mostly revolve around local politics. Student's work out their own schedules.

Basically, mini-college, except people are actually learning how to get into the workforce quickly while those who want a higher education won't be held back by the school dumbing things down because Tyrone needs to pass.

>"What is a Private School?"
It's not private, Alex. They have to do what the state tells them, same with home schooling.

>They can't get paid.
* can. Otherwise the incentive would be mostly lost.

Same for my gf. Ahe went to a conservative Christian private school and was a full 2 years behind in public.

I already send my daughter to private school so I don't really care what they do with public.

You are lost. In the Detroit public school district, 96 percent of eighth graders are not proficient in mathematics and 93 percent are not proficient in reading. That is according to the results of the 2015 National Assessment of Educational Progress tests published by the Department of Education’s National Center for Educational Statistics. Only 4 percent of Detroit public school eighth graders are proficient or better in math and only 7 percent in reading. This is despite the fact that in the 2011-2012 school year—the latest for which the Department of Education has reported the financial data—the Detroit public schools had “total expenditures” of $18,361 per student and “current expenditures” of $13,330 per student. According to data published by the Detroit Public Schools, the school district’s operating expenses in the fiscal year that ended on June 30, 2014 amounted to approximately $14,743 per student. Nationwide, only 33 percent of public-school eighth graders scored proficient or better in reading in 2015 and only 32 percent scored proficient or better in mathematics. In 2015, 21 large urban school districts participated in the NAEP tests in reading and mathematics as part of what the Department of Education calls its Trial Urban District Assessment (TUDA). Among these 21 districts, the Detroit Public Schools had the smallest percentages of eighth graders scoring proficient or better in reading and math. In reading, the Cleveland public schools were next to last among the large urban school districts with only 11 percent scoring proficient or better. Baltimore and Fresno were tied for third worst with only 13 percent scoring proficient or better; and Philadelphia ranked fifth worst with only 16 percent scoring proficient or better. The Cleveland public schools also ranked next to last in math, with only 9 percent of eight graders scoring proficient or better.

Of course. Public education system is indoctrination system. Funny how this dumb graphic says about how they are governed and not a single word about how they are forced to teach about particular data approved by rulers, just in order to by supported financialy by state

Literacy rates were trending upwards before public education brainlet

You have it backwards. Getting out of feudalism was the only way children were "freed" up from work and able to receive public education

It's readily apparent in 3rd world countries this is the case


>Guys they're elected, that means it's fine. Just ignore that the prevailing party incumbents always win and nobody can challenge them in elections because of funding

I'm fact you can see these sort of trends all throughout history

Do you think modern welfare would be possible in the distant past?

It's clear to anybody looking past their current year goggles that these sort of retarded programs are children of excess, and would obviously correlate with society being successful, not causing society to be successful

"public schools are NOT a monopoly, blah blah blah about municipal level decisions" sure you got us there

but the folks printing and choosing your textbooks are multinational corporations and lobby groups

school should not be privatized because it would price out way too many innocent and potentially smart productive people. But a larger amount of affordable private schools is a good idea

>a bureaucrat with a history or political activism who now has huge influence over accreditation and certification of education institutions wants to massively expand the market for potential institutions
gee, I wonder what is motivating her.

this is the rest of the paragraph that that the commies cut off
>And the best and brightest innovators and risk-takers steer way clear of it. As long as education remains a closed system, we will never see the education equivalents of Google, Facebook, Amazon, PayPal, Wikipedia, or Uber. We won’t see any real innovation that benefits more than a handful of students.
wink wink, nudge nudge wannabe Bezos and Musks

she totes doesn't flick the bean to the fantasy of being an executive for one of these gigantic education corporations after she granted them accreditation

Everywhere privatization has been tried it gets similar or worse results while costing much more.

Betsy in particular has a long history of failed privatization efforts in her home state. I'm not against private schooling or school choice on principle, but when it's tried and it fails you need to own up to the failure and rethink your methods.

Betsy and the privatization cabal haven't done this, so I don't support it.

Liberal for sure, but for their time they were quite well educated, several of them were successful businessmen and authors/philosophers (See: Ben Franklin).

>Everywhere privatization has been tried it gets similar or worse results while costing much more.
Give me 5 examples with sources.

Common core was a Bush baby. Part of no child left behind, remember?

Private schools vastly out perform public in literally every way. Don't know how your private school was staying in business if it wasn't producing results, sounds like an outlier in both instances. I went from private k-8 to public high school, all the AP classes were a breeze. I was shocked at how little the teachers cared if someone didn't bring in a project or assignment that was due.

Privatized Prisons for one

Even if I cared enough to show them to you, you would just scream "fake news" and pettifog about nonsense before claiming victory.

If you want to learn about the many failures and few successes of privatization there is a plethora of information literally at your fingertips. Educate yourself instead of trying to win internet arguments with people who don't give a fuck about your stupidity.

>Give me 5 examples with sources.
>Even if I cared enough
Stopped reading. Your life is worthless and your parents hate you.

>Private schools vastly out perform public
Yes because they aren't forced to take every kid.
Private schools don't have SpEd for instance, private schools don't have to take Laquisha's crack baby, etc..

Bush was a liberal

You mean
>education in the States is terrible

I gave you just one example that you can't refute is a bag of shit. I'm sure I could find 4 more with a bit of time. But go ahead and try defend privatized prisons and you'll get buttblasted to the moon with facts.

>that you can't refute
Still waiting on a source to refute, sweetie.

>muh evul capitalist betsy
not even chingchong chinkenstein could solve the feral children problem, marxist.

I am sure your shitty marxist public schools are terrible also
The difference is we don't have to send our kids to ours

>Prove it to me because I said so!

Prove it to me that I'm wrong.. my challenge is as good as yours

no, sweetie. just stop.

You're the one that engaged me in conversation, and you lack the ability to perform. Maybe you should work on that before you shitpost next time?

Public schools seemingly can't get their shit together no matter how much blix money they get.

>can't get their shit together
they are doing their job perfectly
create a generation of degenerate numales who need to depend on the government

give parents vouchers and let their kids go to any school (provided they can get there). This will have a free market effect on the school system.


Voucher based public housing works well in medium cities because home owners must participate in the free market. "If this person does not like my home, she will go to a different one".

Government owned residences in large cities are shit because the people cant just up and go to a different place. The gov will let them go to ruin because the residents have no other choice.

Overhauled how? Before you respond go make sure your exact plan isnt prevented by a regulation that only affects public schools.

What if I want to homeschool?

Private schools and universities have out performed public ones basically the whole time.

Can you imagine how annoying that would get? Day two or three you figured he would stop any moment and get serious about teaching, but then day five rolls around and he's still rhyming about volcanoes or some shit. No court would convict if you shoved a pair of safety scissors in his eye.

Of course. We should privatize everything.

Yes, please. I don't want any more Nordic goyim to be forced to watch the Boy in the Striped Pyjama's just because some European Union official wanted them to learn not to do anudda shoah

Sorry, I won't take that bait sweetie, I know you can't back up your facts but thanks for trying to play with the adults.

You can't just label your failures as "liberal" or "democrat" and expect people to take you seriously. Own your failures and learn from them, it is really the best thing for your party and your nation.

Common Core is a pain but challenging people to think in new ways is key to developing intellect.
We need intellect, badly.

Guess what making unsubstantiated claims isn't? I have made no claims and I have not claimed to have any "facts" that need backing up. You made a claim and you refuse to substantiate it, or rather you can't.

At some point you will need to actually address the failures of your political philosophy if you want people to take it seriously. Attacking everything like a rabid dog may make you feel good but it doesn't actually solve the problems you are trying to solve.


Try getting financials from a school district.

Just you try!

Only using very baised metrics. You need to consider that public schools simply cannot select their students. Private schools can and will kick out underperforming kids to bring their test scores and college placement stats up.

It's comparing apples to oranges anyway. The real problem is how do we give all kids a decent enough education to have a chance at a good life? There is no easy answer, privatization is just a meme being pushed by scammers looking to take our tax dollars with zero accountability.

>your failures
>your party
Why are they mine?

Why cant people raise their own kids?

>The real problem is how do we give all kids a decent enough education to have a chance at a good life?
The internet?
If they dont take advantage of it thats their problem not mine

Basic skills of reading, writing and using internet should be public. There must also be courses on every subject publicly available in internets.

Church must step in to keep the common culture.

There's a middle ground: Vouchers