Thoughts on the KKK?
Thoughts on the KKK?
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Lazy underachievers. They're more of a symbolic boogie man than an actual threat to anyone
Meme organization. Less than 4500 members. Smaller than my high school. Yet made out to be more. Spoooky
I really like the outfits, but it needs to just shut down and go underground completely at this point.
>Reconstruction: a legitimate movement against radical republicans punishing the South
>1900s: a legitimate movement to stop excess immigration
>1950s-1960s: a group of murderers
>post-1960s: CIA honeypot
>Lazy underachievers
This. Black men kill far more black men in one year than the KKK killed in their entire existence. When even black men get far more done than you, you're beyond worthless.
Really wish i could get one of those sick Ghost Suits for my LHP practice, but they don't exactly list them on ebay.
Are they still a thing?
was good in yesteryear.
alot of independent splinter jew-and-nigger-hater clubs. all on federal watchlist
This was back when Democrats didn't understand the power of the negro vote or installing people like maxine waters for 20 years as their overlord
I miss the Duke/Black days.
Honeypot. Same as the current AWB here.
1% gullible good ol' boys
4% neo-nazi dipshits
25% jews
70% spooks
That is legit contempt
>omg their a terrorist group you fucking racist!!!!
Embarrassing. Had a chance at real power around 100 years ago and did nothing.
I constantly see documentaries about it on the TV, which is weird because it pretty much doesn't exist anymore. I guess the **** want you to believe they still do exist.
>muh FIRST B L A C K everything
She is literally a giant, stereotypical rodeo clown for the audience. I cannot even believe she passes for original.
Why the bags over their heads? Seems fairly impractical. And is the shape supposed to mean conehead or pinhead?
4th klan soon ?!
A great pro white group with good intentions with a recruitment which allowed for fbi faggots to come in act like regards and further ruin the white nationalism image in America
The KKK has been so profoundly infiltrated by the US government now it is practically a three letter agency at this point.
Cointelpro bois
It originates from Spanish Catholic penitents, how exactly it crossed over is beyond me.
burning a cross in the current year would ruin more than a few pairs of pants.
>Thoughts on the KKK?
Solid Trump supporters
Christian values and beliefs
Tiki torches are cheap
Not so many get killed at their rallies these days
That looks even dumber.
Waiting on a popular leftist to go to spain and make a long rant about the KKK and racism being a global issue
>having this much shit taste
B A S E D Daniel Carver incoming
Whats the story behind the hoods?
Our heroes. 1896.
As a hugh ranking wizard they give good spells
>>post-1960s: CIA honeypot
THIS for sure
I'm hoping a based spain-bro will better explain it, but from what I've read, it's sort of a demeaning thing penitents wear while they whipped themselves, to hide the pain in their faces. In modern times, they are brought out on Easter as a sign of penance for one's sins, and only those of the church are permitted to wear one.
1 post by this ID SAGE
People wear those uniforms and walk for hours in line as a means of making merits towards God. Sometimes some of them may walk on their bare feet or wear chains. It's in line with the Catholic concept of redemption through works and faith.
KKK took my baby away.
Moronic hillbillies
>Thoughts on the KKK?
personal army for the democratic party, now inhabited entirely by the FBI
this is a cool list of people to get rid of, I didn't even know these people have dual citizenship and I already had most of them on my get rid of pile
some of them knew more than you
and this
>get rid of
ok cia
>get rid of pile
ok fbi
really dumb, if youre willing to be in the klan you should be willing to do some radical shit and they dont do anything. I guess thats better for optics but theyre useless.
They were better back when they first started.Now it’s a CIA larp.