Can you claim to be white if you smoke the lettuce
Can you be white if you smoke weed
Dumb question on so many levels. Define "white" for me.
Even if you believe in race as a real, calculable thing, smoking weed wouldn't make any difference to it.
im very white and i smoke the lettuce everyday and
it helps open your mind so u can understand things like alt-right politics and rick and morty
Can weed cause people tonlose their minds?
being delusional .
realized it was just weed
never himself to be the same again
red pilled
he left the state
Yes, but only when you're younger than 20. It's for children. I do smoke myself, but it's because I'm used to having a smoke with my drink. I can't call myself white, obviously.
It's totally fine, in moderation. Act like an adult about it.
You can be white AND stupid. There of plenty of those.
It startes 10 years ago for me
>started smoking the devils lettuce
>feel high, feel good
>sense the urge to listen to rap music, and want to say the word "nigga" for no reason
>go to sleep
>wake up with a dark spot on my white skin
>don't pay too much attention at the time
10 years later / Today
>still smoking weed
>can't talk to someone without calling them "my nigga"
>the dark spots are everywhere, they cover my body
>I'm almost black. I have become The Nigger
>pol was right
>I should have never smoked the devil's lettuce
Some of you morons honestly believe this type of bullshit.
Weed is harmless compared to any other drug. Stop blaming it for your own shortcomings
what ig they smoked something else?
Dumbest question of the day!
Way to go, leaf!
Quit drinking the fermented jew 10 years ago.
Smoke weed everyday.
No hangovers.
Great workouts.
Super fucking healthy.
Put the fucking bong down leaf.
>sense the urge to listen to rap music
Well stop yourself right fucking there retard.
Slap yourself in the fucking face.
Put on some all American God blessed music like Willie Nelson.
Let's review:
1. Smoke weed
2. Listen to white Christian American music
3. Exercise
4. ?????
5. PROFIT!!!1!
The medical indications of cannabis, in the beginning of the 20th century, were summarized in Sajous's Analytic Cyclopedia of Practical Medicine (1924) in three areas:7
1) Sedative or Hypnotic: in insomnia, senile insomnia, melancholia, mania, delirium tremens, chorea, tetanus, rabies, hay fever, bronchitis, pulmonary tuberculosis, coughs, paralysis agitans, exophtalmic goiter, spasm of the bladder, and gonorrhea.
2) Analgesic: in headaches, migraine, eye-strain, menopause, brain tumors, tic douloureux, neuralgia, gastric ulcer, gastralgia (indigestion), tabes, multiple neuritis, pain not due to lesions, uterine disturbances, dysmenorrhea, chronic inflammation, menorrhagia, impending abortion, postpartum hemorrhage, acute rheumatism, eczema, senile pruritus, tingling, formication and numbness of gout, and for relief of dental pain.
3) Other uses: to improve appetite and digestion, for the 'pronounced anorexia following exhausting diseases', gastric neuroses, dyspepsia, diarrhea, dysentery, cholera, nephritis, hematuria, diabetes mellitus, cardiac palpitation, vertigo, sexual atony in the female, and impotence in the male.
no drugs, no alcohol, no cigarettes.
filthy degenerates here
>wants to be a nigger
>acts like a nigger
>Blames weed
Fuck yourself in the face Pierre.
The sad thing about regular stoners is they don't even know what it's doing to them.
Smoke weed everyday and I hate the Jews.
>"Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it."
so they put put drugs in it....
Eh. There's a lot of degeneracy I'm against...weed isn't one of them. I smoke and I'm successful married with kids and a good job. My dad smokes and he's a really successful business owner and lives in the nicest part of our maybe for some people it create a problem in motivation or w.e. but this hasn't been the case personally so there's other issue we could be tackling instead of this stupid issue. Legalize it be done.
>act like a white man
>act like a nigger
Are you blaming weed for your own degeneracy?
Man the fuck up.
Yes Rabbi. Christians put THC in God's marijuana.
>Silly goyim
Better not be any seeds in my weed.
If it has seeds, it's natural, minus creations of modern science.
you sound like such a fucking faggot. it sounds like youre asking for permission to smoke weed.
im not a race traitor like you. go back to getting high you filthy degenerate
It was a sarcastic greentext you morons.
I was making fun of these threads discussing weed like it's a bad thing.
>Are you blaming weed for your own degeneracy?
the only degeneracy caused by a sane person on weed is ravaging the fridge and increased shitposting
Of course
It's just about the whitest thing you can do.
ask George Washington, he probably wasn't white
they found cannabis pipe fragments in Shakespeare's yard
The most stupid thing I read in a while. congratulations.
Why do we need a hundred weed threads a day? What the fuck is up with this recently?
No, you're a degenerate and your plant should be illegal.